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Product Options and Addons for WooCommerce

Offer product personalization options by adding free or paid product add-ons. Supports multi-select, dropdown and 14 other dependable field types.

b2b hide prices

Does the pluging works with the b2b hide prices plugin?
In the b2b plugin you can make rules who can see prices and who don’t.



Current Status


Last updated: January 5, 2024


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  1. lampie1983 says:


    Im using your B2B for WooCommerce plugin.
    I have now also purchased your Product Options and Fields plugin.
    This plugin overrules the hide prices rules of the B2B plugin.
    Even where product options are not listed, the standard prices are now shown.
    I have now also reported a technical issue via the portal.

  2. Addify says:
    Product developer January 8, 2024 6:46 am


    Thank you for reaching out. Can you please let us know which B2B plugin you are referring too?

    Also, the add-on prices hidden compatibility can be added in the extension B2B extension.

    Thank you,