New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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Anti-Fraud for WooCommerce

Powerful fraud and 🚨card attack🚨 detection & prevention for your WooCommerce store!

Block by postal address

I was hoping this Anti-Fraud plugin would allow us to block a partial or complete postal address from shipping or billing. We can block email address and IP address with the blacklist function, but not those sneaky folks who keep forging identities to order our goods to 456 Main Street in Springfield. Being able to block “456 main” from an address, or more specifically if we could block multiple variables:

street: “456 main”
city: “springfield”

in combination.


Justin Hall

Current Status


Last updated: December 18, 2022


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  1. Adrian Fraim says:

    +1 for me. I don’t need to block entire states or zip codes, just individual problem street addresses from repeat fraudsters.

  2. bluefrontend says:

    +1 for me. The reason why I uninstalled the plugin again.. Need to be able to block by address.

  3. vendorsfuelingmydreamscom says:

    YES, PLEASE. It boggles the mind that you can block states, zip codes and email addresses, but not by shipping address.