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WooCommerce Bookings

by  Woo
Allow customers to book appointments, make reservations or rent equipment without leaving your site.

Booking Label Change

I’d like to request a name change for the labels used in the Bookings plugin.

The problem is in the back-end nomenclature for “check-in” and “check-out”. Your system is assuming that it’s going to be used in a hotel room rental type situation in which the “rental start” is the “check-in” and the “rental end” is the check out. However, for my use (and many others I’m sure) this is reversed.

What I’d like to see is to change the labels in the back-end to say “rental start” and “rental end” instead of “check-in” and “check-out”.

Optionally, you could set an option for the plugin for users to change that field themselves.

Either way would be fine with me.

I know that this plugin was originally designed for appointment and room bookings and such. However, I’ve seen many use cases for my situation and even recently saw a Woo Commerce “use case study” about using if for an event rental company using chairs as the example.

Obviously, even in that use case, the nomenclature is simple wrong.

Thanks for your consideration.


Current Status


Last updated: June 16, 2015

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  1. Kristen stevart says:
