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Walmart Canada Integration for WooCommerce

Integrate your Woo Store with Walmart Canada.

Bulk upload or processing of shipment tracking number to Walmart

At the moment you can only acknowledge one order at a time and also send one tracking number at a time to Walmart. Although there is the feature of auto-acknowledge you still have to aknowledge each order before you can submit a tracking number. Can this be fixed so that you can send more than one acknowledgement and also more than one tracking number. This only works if you are only getting a few orders.



Current Status


Last updated: February 22, 2023

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  1. CedCommerce says:
    Product developer March 4, 2023 7:21 am

    Hi there,

    The auto-acknowledgement of order feature is already present in the plugin. You just need to enable that feature.
    In order to do that, please visit the Global Settings section of the plugin, select the Order tab, and enable the auto-acknowledgement of orders feature.

    Regarding the tracking update orders, we are working on making the plugin compatible with common shipment tracking plugins that will auto-update the tracking information on the marketplaces.

    Thank you.

    Team CedCommerce