Dynamic Pricing

Bulk discounts, role-based pricing and much more

Dynamic pricing / Regular pricing to work in conjunction with coupon codes.

In many cases, we set products in discount that we do not want coupon codes to be applied on top of these catalog discounts, currently when creating a coupon code it allows you choose not to apply a coupon if other coupons were already applied and it will be great to add the same option to not be applied if other price rules have already been applied.


Current Status


Last updated: March 3, 2012


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  1. Alex Williams says:

    i need this too. ridiculous that the 2 are not compatible when you have to PAY for dynamic pricing extension

  2. Bill Karkavos says:

    I believe that is very much needed to make the Dynamic Pricing work together with coupon codes. While setting an Advanced Category Pricing Rule the offered discount is not excluding the coupon discounts. Coupon discounts can still be applied in addition to the Dynamic Pricing discounts which is rather out of the scope of the Dynamic pricing plugin, making it hard to incorporate it and adjust it to the needs of a company that issues discount coupons.

  3. Bill Karkavos says:

    Are there any updates on this?

    Thank you!

  4. Zorem says:

    Dear Bill. thank you for your comment, did you see the dates of the 2 ideas? this idea is much earlier..

  5. Bill Karkavos says:

    Hello Zorem, no frankly I did not see the dates. Is that of importance? Since the ideas are the same I believe that the votes on each one should be counted together. That is why I also linked to the other thread. 🙂

  6. Bill Karkavos says:

    FYI > This is the same idea with here > http://goo.gl/7E5rRY. Just thought that the votes should be counted together since this is effectively the same.

  7. Chris Risse says:

    I am having the same issue, it prevents my store from running discounts/sales because the % is carried over and subtracted from the wholesale cost as well.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Is the only way to do a dynamic payment system with the $100 plugin?