New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

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WooCommerce Bookings

Allow customers to book appointments, make reservations or rent equipment without leaving your site.

Personals Bookins

Hello, I am trying to implement a product reservation system of the Advertising Banners type with Woocommerce, Woocommerce Booking and Woocommerce Product Add-Ons. I would need to be able to show a reservable product with a Woocommerce Booking type calendar in order to make reservations according to the time that I configure as default, whether hours, days, months, etc. Being able to upload a custom image and set it for one or more woocommerce categories or any of the custom taxonomies that I have created with ACF, Jet Engine, Pods, etc. This is essential since then I will have to design the dynamic template to show said custom image in its corresponding categories. It would be great to be able to preview the loading of said image in the product single below the calendar since this is not done by the woocommerce product addons file upload field, so that the user has visual control of what they are buying at all times and make the purchase a good experience on the product page, on the cart page, purchase summary and the checkout page. When the user makes the payment for the reservation, the image that he/she has uploaded will be set as the main image of the product, automatically replacing the image that the administrator uploaded and will be visible as the main image of the reservable product for the duration of the reservation. Once the reservation is completed, the main image that the administrator established when creating said reservable product will be reestablished as the original image of the product. When a user enters the reservable product and it is reserved, the personalized image of the active reservation will be displayed. If there is no active reservation, the original image that the administrator uploaded will be displayed. With these features we can create a system of totally personalized reservable products for the different types of users of any website. Whether they are products such as advertising banners for different months, a car of any brand (taxonomy) and color predetermined by the user… in short, any unimaginable product.



Current Status


Last updated: September 7, 2024


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