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Composite Products for WooCommerce

Create product kit builders and custom product configurators using existing products.

Set an individual variation alone as a component

I would like to have the possiblity to set an individual variation alone as a component. No select boxes.


Current Status


Last updated: June 21, 2017


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  1. Bregje van Dongen says:

    I need this!

  2. Phillip Collins says:

    I use composite products to sell pre-built truckloads of products. I’d like to be able to add individual variations of variable products instead of entire variable products.

    Currently forced to use simple products which is working for now, but would be way easier if I could add individual variations.

    For context: My units are classified by 3-4 tiers (depending on category) and 6 sizes. Would like to be able to create variable products for tiers and use sizes as variation. [IE Tier 1: Twin, TXL, Full, Queen, King, Cal King.]

    Current workaround is having created simple products for each. [Tier 1 Twin, Tier 1 TXL, Tier 1 Full, Tier 1 Queen, Tier 1 King, Tier 1 Cal King.]

  3. Sara Wright says:

    I would love to be able configure a composite product so one of the components is a variable product.