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All-In-One Product Slider Carousel for WooCommerce

The All-in-One Product Slider Carousel is a beautiful slider extension designed for WooCommerce with an easy interface.

Set product image height as well as width

Set product image height as well as width



Current Status


Last updated: January 31, 2023


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  1. nikgandhi says:
    Product Developer June 22, 2024 3:57 am


    you need to add css to resolve this issue.

    You can add css by going Login to Wp-Admin –> Appearance –> Themes –> CLick Customize button on active Theme –> Go last option “Additional CSS” and paste below CSS.

    .post_slider_carousel > div > div > div.picture > a > img{

    max-width:100% !important;
    max-height:max-content !important;

  2. jimsimons007 says:

    @nikgandi, my slider can be seen on the left at:

  3. nikgandhi says:
    Product Developer January 20, 2024 3:07 am

    @jimsimons007, Can you send me your slider URL to check so that I can see what problem in your product slider. As it may possible CSS conflicts.

  4. jimsimons007 says:

    It’s surprising to me that there appears to be no way to control this. Does the plugin want a particular size of image? My subscription is almost up and I’m looking elsewhere because this feature seems so simple and so necessary.

  5. jimsimons007 says:

    I need this. Everything else is nice and clean but currently my images are being distorted.