You can add css by going Login to Wp-Admin –> Appearance –> Themes –> CLick Customize button on active Theme –> Go last option “Additional CSS” and paste below CSS.
.post_slider_carousel > div > div > div.picture > a > img{
It’s surprising to me that there appears to be no way to control this. Does the plugin want a particular size of image? My subscription is almost up and I’m looking elsewhere because this feature seems so simple and so necessary.
you need to add css to resolve this issue.
You can add css by going Login to Wp-Admin –> Appearance –> Themes –> CLick Customize button on active Theme –> Go last option “Additional CSS” and paste below CSS.
.post_slider_carousel > div > div > div.picture > a > img{
max-width:100% !important;
max-height:max-content !important;
@nikgandi, my slider can be seen on the left at:
@jimsimons007, Can you send me your slider URL to check so that I can see what problem in your product slider. As it may possible CSS conflicts.
It’s surprising to me that there appears to be no way to control this. Does the plugin want a particular size of image? My subscription is almost up and I’m looking elsewhere because this feature seems so simple and so necessary.
I need this. Everything else is nice and clean but currently my images are being distorted.