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Woo Subscriptions

by  Woo
Let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.

Subscription Coupons – defining the number cycles that discount would be applied

The Recurring Product Discount Coupons should have an option enabling the merchant to define the number of cycles that discount would be applied, for example, only for the first three recurring payments (including initial). After that the discount would not be applied.


Current Status


Last updated: August 15, 2022


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  1. Dan says:

    This is a great plugin, and this would make it even better! It really is a critical feature, but even smart coupons plugin doesn’t seem to implement it correctly. Please add it to subscriptions as soon as possible

  2. anonymous says:

    Just need the discount to be applied for one month, not every month!

  3. anonymous says:


  4. Sami says:

    This would be great fro us