Currently the WC Bookings plugin allows the admin to sync their WordPress calendar with their Google calendar which is great but I am also using the WC Vendors plugin and it would be very useful if all of the vendors could also sync their WordPress calendars with google.
Last updated: April 2, 2015
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I just bought the Vendors and Bookings extensions for sole purpose of this feature. It is so obvious that I didn’t even bother to check it before buying and now so disappointed and shocked to see it is not there yet!!!
Unbelievable that this is not already in place. Just bought Bookings and Vendors,.. I will ask for a refund and use Yith.. PLEASE make this available ASAP then I can switch back before going Live.
Another +1 from me
If you had a google calendar sync for each vendor then multiple booking sites would be even more attractive
Are there anyone, who did find workaround on this feature request?
Really looking forward to a 2-way synchronization with google calendar
I also need these 2 features: Vendors + Google Calendar 2 way synch.
I need this too! Can we expect this soon?
Yes! Kinda non-sensical that this wasn’t included as default…
We want the same, every “attribute” sync his own calendar, a simple ical integration could make the fix for us.
need that as well! is this a feature we should expect soon??