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WooCommerce Memberships

Power your membership association, online magazine, elearning sites, and more with access control to content/products and member discounts.

WooCommerce Memberships: Members only coupons

This would add additional perks to WooCommerce Memberships besides purchasing discounts for members, such as member coupons.

This could allow shop owners to restrict usage for a particular coupon to members only.


Current Status


Last updated: August 15, 2022


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  1. Dave Crabill says:

    Woocommerce memberships and member only discounts is making my website unreasonably slow. This path would give me an option to speed up my site so the system isn’t searching for discounts on load.

  2. deirdremcdonald says:

    I was just looking how to achieve this, but it seems it is still at the ‘feature request’ stage. I would like to know if this is something you plan to add. Thanks

  3. jkokiee says:

    A good story! Thanks for sharing. Roofing Shingles

  4. jcaron1987 says:

    Like C-M said, it would be useful if the coupons could be applied automatically for the members. Hope you are considering fixing this someday. Keep up the great work!

  5. C-M says:

    This would be super useful if coupons could be auto-applied for members as well. Thanks.

  6. Jackson Smith says:

    Some manufacturers have taken tentative steps to address the risks associated with fiberglass fibres although these manufacturers are still in the minority.

  7. Adnan says:

    Still no improvement on this… :/ and Godaddy acquire, there would be more delay..

  8. Pmfias save says:

    This is such an important feature. Member discounts are not flexible enough. Usual Woocommerce Coupons that can be restricted based on Membership Levels would an incredible feature.

  9. Manju Sindh says:

    “Restrict usage for a particular coupon to members only” will be helpful in running effective marketing campaigns and reduce the churn rate. A big Like if you could add this feature.

  10. Gael Wood MSS says:

    I concur. This would be a great feature, and I would be happy if it simply was an option in the coupon restriction settings. The added bells and whistles of displaying it in the member account area not necessary to make me happy! 🙂

  11. Toby Vacher says:

    At the moment, the only way to restrict coupon usage to “members” is to install 3 separate plugins: groups, groups for woocommerce, and group coupons.

    The ability to make a coupon “member-only” and have the coupon appear on the my-account/coupons page for all members in that group/membership seems like a small task but a huge win for the plugin and its users.

  12. Chris Davis says:

    Restrict certain shipping methods to members only is still an important requirement.
    Free shipping can be added but different delivery rates for different members is not possible.
    It would be a massive tool for businesses with memberships offering different delivery options.
    Free shipping option alone is not enough for a lot of cases.

  13. Anonymous says:

    ‘+1 for the ability to create a coupon code and limit it for use by specific membership levels (as defined by the WM memberships plugin)!

  14. Rebekah Nemethy says:

    Glad I saw this… thought this was already available. I will buy the extension once free shipping can be offered to members AND there is member automation based on purchase amount. No use spending $150 if I’ll still have to use coupon codes and manually check on my customers’ progress. I was interested in this product simply as a reward system for my VIP clients, so I’m glad you have plans to make it happen.

  15. anonymous says:

    Free shipping for members, please!

  16. John Hallahan says:

    Free shipping for members!

  17. anonymous says:

    All of these would be great but the best one would be FREE SHIPPING for members

  18. anonymous says:

    Implement always activate FREE SHIPPING for members first please. Perhaps add the new free shipping method and have a box there to restrict to certain membership plans. It’s nearing two years since the author shared this idea. Why no updates from SkyVerge?

  19. Hien Quoc says:

    Yes Free Shipping to Members, I’m trying to copy Amazon Prime but not really 2 day but just free shipping for 1 year membership of $99

  20. Adam says:

    Free shipping for members!!

  21. Two Guys with Balls says:

    Can this be prioritized? This seems to be a big gap in this plugin.

  22. Marshall Greer says:

    Free shipping for members!

  23. anonymous says:

    Where are we on free shipping for members? It looks like everybody here is saying basically the same thing. Shouldn’t this have been built already?

  24. anonymous says:

    Free shipping for members is definitely something that is really missing. Surprised it doesn’t exist already.

    Part of the reason why I wanted to have the combined WC bundle was so that things would interact well together.

  25. Revere's Riders Webmaster says:

    Having coupons that are restricted to a particular membership would be useful for our site. +1