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WooCommerce Memberships

Power your membership association, online magazine, elearning sites, and more with access control to content/products and member discounts.

WooCommerce Memberships: Members only coupons

This would add additional perks to WooCommerce Memberships besides purchasing discounts for members, such as member coupons.

This could allow shop owners to restrict usage for a particular coupon to members only.


Current Status


Last updated: August 15, 2022


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  1. Tiffany says:

    Hi, I own a theatre and am looking at this as a solution for our memberships. However, it lacks the ability to track the number of products or perks claimed by the member.

    i.e.: Customer buys a yearly membership which entitles then to entry to 10 shows per year plus other perks.

    Customer needs to check in to the event (but they’ve already paid for the yearly membership) SO they get in for free, but we need to check that in to keep a record.

    This would make the plugin very powerful indeed as many memberships will have a number limit on the perks that they can claim.

  2. Jean says:

    Totally essential !

    I need discount on my shipping method when you member

  3. SkyVerge says:

    ‘Hey all! We tried to get member free shipping in v1.9, but we were blocked by the shipping filters in WooCommerce core. We had a PR get merged into WC 3.2 that makes this possible, so we have it milestoned for version 1.10!

    Thanks again for the feedback, I appreciate y’all letting us know which perks you’re looking for <3

  4. Robert Skinner says:

    Awesome! This is just what we needed at the exact time we need it. Do you have a date for the 1.10 release?

  5. SkyVerge says:

    ‘@Robert likely will be starting off Q1 — we try not to do any major releases during the holiday season, but we’ll be working on it through the next couple months.

  6. Greg Howlett says:

    Just curious as to the timeframe for 1.1? Still on track for Q1?

  7. Kasper says:

    I really need the option to restrict coupons per membership. Maybe better to put it into Smart Coupons by StoreApps.

  8. copm says:

    Most important perks would be free shipping or restricted shipping methods to members.

    Please add this soooon!

  9. Kelli says:

    I really need this! I thought this plugin did this when I bought it but was sorely disappointed to find out it doesn’t so I’d really appreciate if this was done asap!

  10. Katie says:

    I really need this as well – free shipping for members please!

  11. Michael Ting says:

    Really need free shipping for members.

    I’m waiting for that function to be added before purchasing the plugin. Hopefully it can be added soon so we don’t have to try plugins from other developers.

    Thank you

  12. Anonymous says:

    This would really expand the usefulness of this plug-in. I assumed it had this feature when I made the purchase!!!

  13. Donna Schwenk says:

    Free shipping for active members please! Are there any updates from woo about this feature?

  14. Brian Marshall says:

    Free Shipping….I have already offered this as a membership perk and I need an easier way to implement it…

  15. Lashan Wanigatunga says:

    Would be great if this can be prioritized. A bit surprised this was was not already included. I am already offering this to members but the method I am using is manual and has loopholes.

  16. Ferenc says:

    I need this now!! please help

  17. Anonymous says:

    please add soon

  18. Nathan Pinno says:

    How about hiding ads for certain memberships?