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Table Rate Shipping

by  Woo
Advanced, flexible shipping. Define multiple shipping rates based on location, price, weight, shipping class or item count.

Woocommerce Table Rate Shipping import/export function

I’d love to see an import/export function in “Woocommerce Table Rate Shipping”.
It is very useful for developers. Sometimes, we have to fill hundreds of shipping prices.
With an export/import function, i could easily copy my configuration from a site to another one.


Current Status


Last updated: November 14, 2013


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  1. Anish says:

    Or AT LEAST duplicate a zone or table. This is crazy!!!

  2. Tracey says:

    PLEASE give us import / export! Entering all this manually is beyond ridiculous. And then to have to edit every one again when prices change? Surely there’s a solution! Especially given the cost of the plugin.

  3. Simon Kelly says:

    I’m keen on this too. Mostly to have as a backup as on one of my sites the settings seem to keep getting reset after an update, so it takes at least 2 hours to reconfigure the settings. Booo.

  4. Anonymous says:

    i copy every comment to add this feature

  5. Jay says:

    ‘@ Dimitri ,thanks so much, your sql guide worked like a charm and saved me hours,thanks mate!

  6. JOHN KIM says:

    Is there still an import function?

  7. Aernout Zevenbergen says:

    Has this been added?

  8. Byron says:

    Yeap, totally need this! really handy feature.

  9. Dimitri says:

    Add an import/export function to replicate configuration in multiple sites

  10. Anonymous says:

    this. please!

  11. Dimitri says:

    To export and reimport, simply export and reimport those tables:


  12. Grady says:

    This would be amazing. I deal with winery clients that have complex shipping setups based on the fulfillment they use. The nice thing is there are only a couple of fulfillment options so I can copy all of the table rate shipping setup from one to the other. Import/export would save a huge amount of time.

  13. Dan Green says:

    I agree

  14. Anonymous says:

    Entering and/or changing table rates is so time consuming for my clients! An importer would be great.

  15. Arvind says:

    This is really required, we have around 10,000 Value and this could not be done manually.

  16. Marius Lombaard says:

    oh yeah, lets eliminate manual legwork… upload a csv file and tadahhh!

  17. Kiwimana says:

    This would be great to be able to do this

  18. Anonymous says:

    Yep, I would kill for this.

  19. Phasinee says:

    This is really necessary given the complexity of zoning and shipping rates. For instance if you offer three shipping methods where the shipping company or post zones are not consistent for a country you have to enter a table multiple times for each scenario. For instance in Thailand there are only three air mail zones but there are 15 Express Mail Zones. So if a country is in regular air mail zone 2 along with 50 other countries – the other countries in regular zone 2 may span 9 Express mail zones. That means the same table for regular Zoe 2 has to be entered 9 different times. Better still would bve to allow rate tables to be used across zones. A customer can only be in one zone so you are forced to make as many zones as your most complex shipping method, which is fine, but then you have to enter the easier zone rate tables under each individual zone – not efficient