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UPS Shipping Method

by  Woo
Get shipping rates from the UPS API which handles both domestic and international parcels.

Enable UPS Simple Rate

PLease enable UPS Simple Rate within this extension. This is a new flat rate service that will impact a lot of shipping for woocommerce store owners. The service can be accessed currently through the website.


Current Status


Last updated: September 27, 2019


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  1. Jennifer Reynolds says:

    Please add Simple Rate to the Plugin.

  2. Mark says:

    another vote for adding this ASAP

  3. Michael says:

    Yes, PLEASE add UPS Simple Rate integration!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Yes PLEASE add this and thank yoU!

  5. adb says:

    Needed we’re talking big $$$

  6. Sophie says:

    Please please please, work on that, it’s so important for many small businesses!
    Shipping fees are killing us compared to big manufactured companies, and here’s the one solution that could help us so much, but we need this service to be enable through the extension.

  7. Alan Van De Bogart says:

    I appreciate your asking about the importance of accommodating UPS Simple rate shipping. Please, do so. This is an important benefit that UPS added to help smaller businesses. As such, you would offer competitive advantage for yourself and users of your platform. Small businesses need this. Thank you.

  8. Charm Factory says:

    Please add!! Would love ot be able to use this for my small business.

  9. Cami says:

    Yes, I agree! This would be a wonderful features.