For the past few weeks, Team Dojo has been quiet on the blog. Rest assured, we’ve been toiling away behind the scenes, preparing for the big day when the next update to WooDojo would be released. Today is that day. Introducing WooDojo version 1.2.0.
WooDojo version 1.2.0 includes a few minor updates to the WooDojo interface (positioning tweaks) as well as a whole bunch of revamping, reworking and optimisations under the hood. Every line of WooDojo’s code base has received attention and TLC to make WooDojo version 1.2.0 the most optimised WooDojo release to date.
WooDojo: now Sucuri approved
We are proud to say that, as of version 1.2.0, WooDojo is officially Sucuri Security approved. Having gone through a gruling code audit (line by line… literally!) by Sucuri Security and their partners, as well as a subsequent line-by-line review by members of Team Dojo here at WooThemes and a series of optimisations and adjustments, WooDojo has been examined and refined to ensure that the code base is secure and hardened so as not to intrude on your WooDojo experience.
This means that WooDojo is free of any vulnerabilities and thus potential exploits (hacks). You can thus use WooDojo with absolute peace of mind, in the knowledge that the plugin is 100% secure. (As a sidenote, we are currently putting the WooFramework & WooCommerce through this exact same auditing process in an effort of sharpening up our security efforts across the board.)
Goodbye WooTransmitter… hello WooTransmitter
In recent updates to WooDojo, we introduced you all to WooTransmitter, our little WooThemes notifications centre. WooTransmitter adds a small notifications centre to the right-hand side of your WordPress Toolbar, where in you can opt in to receive messages from WooThemes directly in your WordPress installation (related to the WooThemes products you have active on that installation).
WooTransmitter has been unbundled from WooDojo and has been released as a separate plugin. The new WooTransmitter is available for download directly through WooDojo and has been replaced by a small menu (where the notifications centre used to be) which will lead you to the download. As with all things WooDojo, we want to stay out of your way as much as possible and not intrude on your WooDojo and WooThemes experience. Therefore, the notification is as out of the way as possible and the « Install WooTransmitter » link will download the plugin directly onto your installation. If you don’t want to activate WooTransmitter and want to hide it forever, there’s an option for that in the notification centre menu as well.
Couldn’t be more seemless than that, right? 🙂
Our first WooDojo add-on upgrade…
WooDojo’s « downloadable » add-on features make it easy to enhance your WordPress-powered website with only the functionality that you need. With that, we’ve paid special attention to how the features are downloaded, activated and… upgraded.
Today we’re introducing « HTML Term Description » version 1.0.1. While this is a minor upgrade (literally under 10 new lines of code), we felt it important to note that this is the first upgrade to an add-on in WooDojo. If you’re using « HTML Term Description » already, an « upgrade available » link will be displayed periodically next to the version number of the add-on on the main WooDojo screen. Clicking this link will upgrade the add-on to the latest version.
We’ve been discussing the various features available through WooDojo with several customers via our WooDojo forums and our WooIdeas board. We’re currently consolidating all the valuable feedback we’ve received and will be releasing a few updates to add-ons periodically to enhance your experience with WooDojo and it’s features.
If you’ve got ideas for features or adjustments you’d like to see, please post them on our WooDojo ideas board.
How are you using WooDojo?
As with all products at WooThemes, we enjoy discussions with you all, the WooCommunity, on how WooThemes products are being used out there in the great wide internet (the « information super-highway », if you will). Discussions of this nature are received with open ears and open minds and are put to discussion internally at WooHQ on how we can improve your experience with our products.
Thus we ask, « how are you using WooDojo? »
How do I upgrade to WooDojo version 1.2.0?
Not to worry, this upgrade is just a click or two away. WooDojo includes code to hook into the WordPress plugin updater. Therefore, over the course of the next 24 hours (even right now, perhaps), WooDojo will display on the « Dashboard > Updates » screen within your WordPress installation, ready to be upgraded.
If the plugin doesn’t show up for you within 24 hours, it’s also possible to download the latest version from the WooDojo page on and do a manual upgrade.
We look forward to seeing how you all put WooDojo to work on your websites and what exciting uses you find for the features WooDojo offers.
If you haven’t already got your copy of WooDojo…
Download WooDojo For Free, TodayAbout
I’ve been having problems the last few days with the dojo – every time i try and install the Muso widgets pack it kills the site (whitescreen) – any ideas why this is happening?
Hi John,
We are aware of this issue, yes, and will be releasing a patch for this soonest.
In the interim, please contact our support desk where we can assist further. 🙂
would be nice if this plugin updates with managewp – I am assuming it does but maybe it needs to be compatible with managewp for this?
I just updated WooDojo, and on the site at the bottom I get this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_plugins() in /home/ytradesp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woodojo/classes/transmitter-installer.class.php on line 49
I deactivated woodojo and reactivated but the error remained upon reactivating. I also tried installing the WooTransmitter to see if that would clear up the problem, but I get this error when I install (by clicking the top menu « Off » button then « Install WooTransmitter »:
An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Christopher,
I’ve seen this issue before, I believe.
I’d advise posting in our support desk, where our ninjas are on hand to assist further. 🙂
Thanks and regards,
I’m getting the same problem. Come up with a solution?
I am also having the same issue, any solutions yet?
This update got rid of the admin bar on the top when previewing the website. Is there anyway we can get access to previous WooDojo?
Hi Ali,
WooDojo doesn’t manipulate the WordPress Toolbar, other than adding the WooTransmiter bridge.
If you have further queries, please use our support desk.
Hi Matty,
I also experience the same issue; when WooDojo is activated, the admin bar remains blank when going to the site. Issue goes away when WooDojo is deactivated!
But congratulations to the team, this is a great piece of functionality really improving my site (which is currently under development).
Thanks a lot!
I agree with Ali. The latest version of WooDojo v1.2.0 has a bug. My WP Admin Bar up top is gone when logged-in and viewing my website.
Confirmed on browsers Safari, Chrome, Firefox.
Deactivated all plugins, WooDojo v1.2.0 is the cause
Switched to Twenty Eleven theme, Admin Bar still gone.
Submitting this to Support Desk.
Submitted a ticket, they are aware of the issue.
« This error will only appear for administrators logged in viewing the front end with the admin bar enabled.
We are aware of this bug, and working on fixing it. We will patch it in the next release of WooDojo.
Until then, we recommend to turn off the admin bar (this should remove the error). »
Fellas, this is all great and all, but does it actually work now? I’ve installed it a few times on different sites and have never been able to get any of the add-ons to install – I always get some strange error that mentions something like « unable to create directory in var ./ » (that’s from memory, so I may have the wording slightly wrong!) and I’m not the only one, there’s loads of mentions of this in the forums.
I’m not one to criticise for the sake of it, but my experiences with WooDojo and a couple of other recent niggles with WooCommerce and Canvas V5 did start me wondering whether you guys were spreading yourselves too thin and the quality was slipping – I certainly hope not, as I have to say I have enjoyed using your Themes (Canvas & Whitelight in particular) over almost any others out there, when working with WordPress.
Congrats on the 4 year anniversary BTW. 🙂
First i would check if thats not a problem with your host. Try on a different server it’s my advice.
I have some issues with the new support system:
– there is no option to create a new ticket
– the link to contact support is not working
Found the issue: it was the Ghostery Add-on in Firefox that blocked uservoice content.
Sorry about the issue there, but thanks for letting us know about the add on conflict.
May be useful for others as well!
great to see WooDojo evolving !
After updating I still have some alignment problems on the WooDojo page and WooSidebars still refuses to update to version 1.1.1 . WooDojo still shows version 1.1.0 but WooSidebars in Plugins always reminds that 1.1.1 is available. After updating the WooSidebars plugin it still shows version 1.1.0
Hi Lee,
With WooDojo, we have noticed one or two niggles on certain hosting configurations. If you’d like, please post a support ticket where our ninjas can assist further and see if we can help get WooDojo up and running for you. 🙂
Hi Achim,
The download files are most likely cached on our server. Please try the upgrades again within 12-24 hours.
Hi Silencer,
If you’d like to discuss our new support structures, please send us an e-mail instead of posting here on the blog (these comments are intended to be related to the blog post in question).
I did shoot you a message as well, but here I got the faster initial reply ;).
Just to confirm this issue – I do have this same issue with sidebars. Basically after upgrade it shows the same version and prompts for an upgrade once more. Just a heads up on this.
Yep, WooDojo disappeared my admin toolbar also. I just deactivated it, and the toolbar is back. I’ll wait until WooDojo is updated before I reactivate it.
The changelog.txt file has not been updated in the new WooDojo zip file please.
The changelog.txt file has not been updated in the new WooDojo zip file please.
Also, a separate blog article explaining the new WooTransmitter would be appreciated. Would like to know the benefits of adding yet another plugin to my site.
Thanks much!
I don’t know if it needs another post, but it is essentially a way for us to push Woo focused alerts to your WordPress dashboard.
This could be for simple updates to any of our products, mostly for items like WooDojo or WooCommerce, but could also be used for critical notices.
It’s another avenue for us to make sure users get the information they need from us, especially if most don’t visit our blog, Facebook, or Twitter. 🙂
It’s all fine with the WooTransmitter but frankly, I’d be more happy to have a simple email notification. I tend not to be logged in every day to my WP (actually not even every week) and I’d be really, really happy to have a mean to receive notifications via other sources than WP dashboard.
People check emails every day, it’d be great to receive an email summary with all the updates that needs to be done to my websites…
I definitely agree with Johnny. Email notifications would be very helpful for those of us who don’t ‘live’ in their WP admin panels.
I just updated WooDojo 1.2, then the bottom I get this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_plugins() in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/woodojo/classes/transmitter-installer.class.php on line 49
Same issue, admin bar gone with latest version.
I’m getting both errors on 2 different sites (1 on 1, 1 on the other). I have spoken to support about it but I’m surprise something as obvious as a missing admin bar has got past testing!!
I have WooCommerce installed, and when doing a File Upload (using Gravity Forms) from the website I get the same error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_plugins() in /home/……../public_html/wp-content/plugins/woodojo/classes/transmitter-installer.class.php on line 49.
The file upload functionality is critical to our website – please could you solve this or let me know how to fix it…
i have the same error in one of my clients template 🙁
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_plugins() in /home/ytradesp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woodojo/classes/transmitter-installer.class.php on line 49
Can WooDojo do secret characters to wp-login (like a plugin called LockerPress) ?
Hi VM,
I’d advise posting this over at where the community can vote to see this idea developed. 🙂
Hi all,
WooDojo V1.2.1 (available via and as a direct upgrade through your WordPress Dashboard) remedies the issue of the missing Toolbar on the frontend, as well as the « Call to undefined function get_plugins() » notice). 🙂
Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience caused here.
Thanks and regards,
That fixed the problem – THANK YOU WOO!!
How can I change the Woodojo’s default language? I was modified lang file but I can not to locate any directory because I can’t find any knowledge about this.
Thanks and regards.
I have an issue I can’t find anywhere else. Dojo with it’s included features is fine. It’s when I try to download additional features. On both single and multisite installs.
I get « Could not create directory. /home/virtualservername »
This seems a strange location considering my install lives at /home/virtualservername/public_html/
I’d expect something more like
I have this on 2 multisite and one single installation and get the same error.
WooDojo updates just fine. Like I said. It’s working. I just can’t add features.
I have WooDojo 1.2.1 and when i try donwload & activate features i get
« There was an error downloading HTML Term Description. Please try again.
No ha sido posible crear el directorio /var »
(Could not create directory /var)