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Woo Subscriptions

by  Woo
Let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.

Login as Customer

It would be very helpful if admins / shop managers had the ability to log into a customers my-account page.

We have a lot of failed renewal orders and customers always call us to give us the updated credit card info. They never log into their account and do it themselves.

Would be handy if there was a button next to each parent subscription account that would allow us to into the customers my-account page and updates / make any edits or changes.

What do you think?


Current Status


Last updated: August 15, 2022


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  1. Yiannis says:

    Take a look also in this plugin

  2. Evan says:

    It seems like there is an issue with cookies and user-switching

  3. Rogier Chardet says:

    It boggles the mind that WooCommerce does not offer this.

  4. Anonymous says:

    this is a great feature!
    Is standard on other e-commerce packages………

  5. Brent Shepherd says:

    This is possible with the free User Switching plugin available here: