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Product Vendors

by  Woo
Turn your store into a multi-vendor marketplace

Allow for decimals in comissions

Can you please allow for decimals in commissions of the vendor plugin?

As far as I can see the only thing which should be adjusted is in class-wc-product-vendors-utils.php:164

This line:
return absint( str_replace( ‘%’, ”, trim( $commission ) ) );

should actually be:
return abs( floatval( str_replace(‘%’, ”, trim( $commission ) ) ) );


Current Status


Last updated: August 15, 2022

1 comment

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  1. Marco Betschart says:

    Actually it should even be something like the following, to also allow a comma as decimal separator:

    return abs( floatval( str_replace( ‘,’, ‘.’, str_replace(‘%’, ”, trim( $commission ) ) ) ) );