Meet the super-est store around


When setting up your online store, the most important factor is ensuring a steady stream of sales, to ensure you can keep your store running and in production. One aspect of this is making it as easy as possible for your customers to browse your catalog and find the product they’re looking for. What if you have a catalog with thousands of products?

Meet Superstore

Superstore is a theme designed specifically to showcase as much of your product catalog on your homepage as possible, as well as helping your customers to navigate your website. Designed by our very own James Koster, Superstore includes easy-to-use navigation systems, as well as attractive styling and user experience items to help your customers navigate. With the store functionality powered by WooCommerce, the entire WooCommerce extensions library is also at your disposal to take your online store to the next level.

No need for pagination, list all your products on an infinite shop page.
No need for pagination, list all your products on an infinite shop page.

Introducing Wishlists

Along with Superstore, we’d like to introduce you all to our new Wishlist extension. Developed by Lucas Stark, closely audited and enhanced with James, Wishlist provides a system for your customers to create wishlists and product registries on your store… the perfect compliment to the Superstore theme.

Buy now $89.00


WooCommerce Wishlists allows guests and customers to create and add products to an unlimited number of Wishlists.

Not just a super store

While Superstore is primarily intended as an online storefront theme, the possibilities are virtually limitless. With styling support for our Features and Testimonials plugins, as well as a “Blog” and a “Business” page template, Superstore can be used as a blog, a general business website or just about any website brief, with a few small setup tweaks.

One of the blog layouts available in the Superstore theme.
One of the blog layouts available in the Superstore theme.

Create quick and simple alternate styles

Customising your copy of “Superstore” is important to us. With this in mind, no expense has been spared to ensure ease of use and customisation of the theme with a few clicks and your custom eye-catching imagery. Alternate colour styles have also been included, to quickly provide a unique feel on your website. These alternate styles showcase it’s flexibility with each CSS file being only a few lines of extra styling.

Superstore applications

As with all our themes, some extensive testing has gone into ensuring it’s compatibility and flexibility. With Superstore we approached some friends about implementing the theme on their South African craft beer site – League of Beers. With over 100 products it was a good performance test for Superstore. Feel free to browse their site to see it in action as they continue to tweak it to fit their requirements.

Superstore running on the League of Beer website.
Superstore running on the League of Beer website.
Discount Coupon

Grab this theme with a 13% discount coupon, valid until 26th March, 2013. Just use SUPERSTORE13 as your coupon code on checkout.

Visit the Woo Marketplace for all the tools you need.
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  1. Coen Jacobs
    March 19, 2013

    This is already my personal favourite theme of all the themes we have.

    Now all there is left to do is wait for League of Beers to start shipping internationally…

    • James Koster
      March 19, 2013

      +1 ! Visit that web site at your peril. It’s impossible to leave without a thirst for beer…

      • Gary Murray
        March 19, 2013

        Great design James. Really liking the look of this.

        • James Koster
          March 19, 2013

          Thanks Gary!

      • Stuart Duff
        Woo staff
        March 19, 2013

        Mmmmm Beer!

    • cmwwebfx
      March 20, 2013

      Although so much work has gone into all of this project, I have only asked one thing for quite some time now. Actually over a year.. As I have always been a loyal mascot of Woo and the Woo way, I don’t see how my simple request seems to fall on deaf ears each time.

      Product Addons: Please can you fix, it is well and truly worthy to be up to the high standards of WooCommerce.


      • Ryan Ray
        Woo staff
        March 21, 2013

        I assume you’ve contacted our support, but what’s the issue with this extension?

        • cmwwebfx
          March 25, 2013

          Multiple times I have made contact, and still waiting on this to be fixed. This was moved to the issue trak, on to git, and still noting done about it.

          When a client adds options created with product addons, the price is not dynamically updated on the product viewed price like what happens with variations. This was addressed as a problem by Woo Staff, and nothing to this day is it fixed.

          • cmwwebfx
            March 25, 2013

            I will continue to bring this up in each update as I spend my time reading through the changelogs for a year already in hope and anticipation I will find that it is finally important enough to have been included.

            Please guys, simply fix the plugin so I can continue with my high praises of WooCommerce (not that I would stop my praising of the solution anyway).


  2. lucifer666
    March 19, 2013

    Is this compatible with Sensei?

    • Matty Cohen
      Woo staff
      March 19, 2013

      Superstore and Sensei should play well together, yes. They’re not officially compatible (yet).

      If you’d like to fully integrate Superstore and Sensei, we have Sensei theming documentation which can plug any small areas left in the integration. 🙂

  3. Rickard
    March 19, 2013

    Nice theme

    Will the Infinite scroll in the theme also be released as a plugin in the future?

    Can the number of items that are shown in the menu be removed by theme options or does that need a hack?

    When talking about menus, is the planned mega menu in production? Ubermenu is still not an option due to codecanyons unreasonable licenses and would also like the menu to have woocommerce integration built in.

    • James Koster
      March 19, 2013

      There is already an infinite scroll plugin. Should be easy enough to integrate this into most themes.

      The number of items in the menu are controlled by WordPress’ Menus feature.

  4. michaelstrauss1
    March 19, 2013

    Wow, I have to say this is huge step for woo in the theme department! something new and exciting!

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      March 20, 2013

      Much appreciated, Michael! I think you’ll like the next few themes coming up then! 🙂

  5. magzimgo
    March 19, 2013

    It’s all amazing, but 49 bucks for a wishlist plugin?! Comeooon

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      March 19, 2013

      You can, of course, try to build the functionality yourself. See if you can keep the cost below $49. 😉

      Also, if you don’t think that functionality will help your store sell more then it’s definitely not worth $49. But if $49 spent increases sales by enough for you, that’s a no brainer.

    • nathancorbier
      March 22, 2013

      Envato themes, components, and plugins may not be GPL. The code has not been audited, and generally is not supported by whoever uploaded the theme. I’ve worked with clients who bought something off CodeCanyon, ThemeForest, and other Envato sites for $12 bucks and come to me because it doesn’t work right. A code audit revealed it was written by a person who’s first language is not English, has little to no understanding of what they’re doing in PHP, and doesn’t know what documentation for their plugin and/or wordpress is.

      In short, you get what you pay for, and sometimes you get what I charge to fix your mistakes in purchasing cause you wanted to save money and the “dev” who you brought it from told you to piss off.

      • coingroup
        March 22, 2013

        You are soooo right! Expensive lesson learned! Hence the reason I’m here looking at this theme! lol

  6. Jan
    March 19, 2013

    Well.. There is a similar wishlist plugin for 12usd

    • James Koster
      March 20, 2013

      Not supported by us though 🙂

      • nathancorbier
        March 22, 2013

        With half the stuff on Envato, you’ll be lucky to be supported by the dev, let alone a third party! I’ll stick with WooThemes, but then, I usually recoup my $49 bucks after the first client who needs that functionality.

        • Ryan Ray
          Woo staff
          March 22, 2013

          It really is about a simple cost and time analysis for this sort of stuff, plus we’re here to support any issues you come across with the extension or theme. 🙂

  7. phangmoh
    March 20, 2013

    It is possible to align (vertical) the products on the shop/product category page? Now it depends on the size of the image, whether it has review and also the title of the product. It will look tidier if they are fixed in between rows of products.

    • James Koster
      March 20, 2013

      You could do this yourself with a little CSS. Just add a min-height to the products.

      • phangmoh
        March 23, 2013

        Thanks James.

        But, can we disable the infinite product scrolling and use regular paged catalog?

        • James Koster
          March 23, 2013

          Yes, it is a theme option.

      • tacs
        March 23, 2013


        I’ve spent the last two days trying to figure out how to align the products and where to add the min-height to them. Could you send me a wee snippet of what you mean or shall I submit a support ticket? Otherwise I love the theme!


        • tacs
          March 23, 2013


          Never mind. 5 minutes after I sent the previous message, I figured it out. This did the trick:

          ul.products li.product .img-wrap {
          min-height: 120px;


  8. webjump
    March 20, 2013


    It’s going to be a hit I can guarantee. Noticed it’s popped out of the 768×1024 resolution and also on mobile too. Is this fixable in the theme with a smaller setting?

    Also, can you recommend a good product / category carousel? I found one on Code Canyon but awful. I prefer official Woo Extensions due to the great support.


    • James Koster
      March 20, 2013

      I felt that at that size it worked better with the mobile layout. You can change this yourself in the CSS.

      • webjump
        March 20, 2013

        Just checked on mr iPad and looks fab. I was using firebug to check.

        Any ideas re a product / cat carousel plugin for canvas anyone? As Defo buy!

  9. allmyhoney
    March 20, 2013

    Nice job on this, woocommerce seems to be really getting to that level now. One thing, seem to be missing top menu and main menu on the checkout page?

    • James Koster
      March 20, 2013

      That’s the ‘distraction free checkout’ option. You can disable it.

      • candeed
        March 26, 2013

        Interesting.. Distraction free checkout is good in the perspective of eCommerce business. Site owners will like this.

        • candeed
          March 26, 2013

          Hey, maybe it’s a good idea to implement this “distraction free checkout” as a built in option to WooCommerce plugin / themes as a framework.


          • James Koster
            March 26, 2013

            That’s an interesting idea. In reality it would be pretty difficult to put into practise I think, given that different themes all use different markup.

            I will have a look into it though.

    March 20, 2013

    Awesome work James, really love the distraction-free checkout!

  11. Dwain
    Woo staff
    March 20, 2013

    Well done James !

  12. Daines
    March 20, 2013

    Great work James, I love the feel of this theme. Will definitely be purchasing!

  13. RottenApple
    March 21, 2013

    Love the new checkout feel, a lot less abrasive than previous layouts. Would be great to see the floating payment options as an option/plugin for woocommerce.

  14. case
    March 21, 2013

    Lovely theme. Screaming out for a Mega-Menu though. Hope that one from the Woo Ideas board is coming soon 😉

  15. wp veteran
    March 21, 2013

    One of the best theme for woo commerce. Thanks Woo 🙂

  16. Will
    March 21, 2013

    Looks a really interesting theme. Just wanted to check how it seems to work (layout wise) for the business page.

    Is it that you have the usual flexible area where you can add features, testimonials etc and then have blog posts below (which is how you get the side widget area)? I was just wondering if the side widget area only applies to blog posts?

    Many thanks

  17. David
    March 22, 2013

    Woo was very boring in recent months (only 1 theme/month, only ordinary business & shop themes), but with The One Pager and now Superstore you’re back in the royal class! 😉 More extraordinary!

    I love the simple design and the flexibility of Superstore.

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      March 22, 2013

      Thank you, David. That’s fantastic to hear!

      The One Pager is looking great on your site as well. 🙂

  18. renegadesk
    March 22, 2013

    Incredible theme nice work! Have just ditched my shop theme I was working on for a client with Canvas and installed this theme and it’s already a hundred times better.

    I see that some of the products have a ‘brand’ – how was this created?

    • James Koster
      March 22, 2013

      We’ve installed our brands extension on the demo.

      This is also what is powering the ‘brand logo strip’ on the home page.

      Glad you like the theme!

      • cmiro
        April 1, 2013

        I just installed the Brands Extension – but where did you guys place it so it shows up where it does in the demo? Can’t seem to figure out how to do that with the current widget options..thanks!

  19. Rod
    March 23, 2013

    Great theme! :: Is there any control over the placement of the login component, or is that hard-set where shown in the demo? Mainly wondering if the login could reside in the top menu.

  20. Armi
    March 24, 2013

    I’ve been looking for a Wishlist extension like this!

    Does it also work as a gift registry where the store admin would know if an item was bought for a particular wishlist?


  21. kelly
    March 26, 2013

    Great theme. Quick q – how did you get the social media icons in your top header menu?

  22. kelly
    March 26, 2013

    Great theme. Quick q – how did you get the social media icons in your top header menu?

    • James Koster
      March 26, 2013

      Just add your profile links in the theme options and they will appear automatically.

      • Kelly Fallis
        March 27, 2013

        Question – linked in there but not showing in header/top menu though fb and twitter are now. And secondly pinterest – how do we go about adding pinterest?

      • Kelly Fallis
        March 27, 2013

        maybe the quesiton is where do i send feature requests – would be great to be able to chnage the page header typography in the theme options too .seems to have been left out

        • James Koster
          March 27, 2013

          Please post possible bugs in support so we can address them.

          LinkedIn and Pinterest are not included. You could add them yourself with a fairly simple customisation though.

  23. Stephanie Hider
    March 26, 2013

    Very nice design =D

  24. nulldotzero
    March 27, 2013

    Great theme! There is only one thing I’m missing here for this theme to be truly versatile (and work better for business website) – a proper portfolio like the one included in FUNCTION for example. I’m also missing this on The One Pager … cheers!

  25. Craig
    March 27, 2013

    Hello there, I’m a day late for the coupon for this fantastic site.
    Any chance of a new one?

  26. Sean Stone
    March 28, 2013

    I am interested in purchasing this theme, although there seems to be an error on the product image hover state – the images seems to re size on mouse over. This occurs on both the demo site and “The League of Beers” site. It does not occur on every product image – thus the theme does not have a cohesive interaction design. Is this an error on the back end, or a problem with the theme? Obviously, I am extremely hesitant to purchase a theme with such an error.

    Also, it would be beneficial to have a “sign up” option in top menu and in the log in page.
    Thanks Woo!

  27. ban tra gop xe may
    March 31, 2013

    I like this theme.

  28. pb.dpaul
    April 1, 2013

    sometimes its showing a larger space on home page

  29. bicycle lights
    April 25, 2013

    bike lights goods

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