WooCommerce 2.4: meet the Helpful Hedgehog

TL;DR: WooCommerce version 2.4 is here – upgrade via your WordPress dashboard. To make the process as smooth as possible, make a backup, update your extensions, view our upgrade guide and then upgrade WooCommerce.

Today, we’re marking another step in the WooCommerce journey: the release of WooCommerce 2.4, the Helpful Hedgehog.

In our last release, we focused on the front-end of WooCommerce and so named the update “Handsome Hippo.” With this update, we’re focused on making store settings more intuitive for store owners by creating a brand-new onboarding wizard, simplifying setup for standard shipping options and improving how WooCommerce handles products with many variations.

Introducing the brand new onboarding wizard

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Let’s face it. eCommerce can be challenging, especially when starting out.

When you start a business, you need to learn some complicated things  like taxes and shipping before you can sell anything. While some of that complexity is unavoidable, it shouldn’t be difficult to define these settings on your online store.

But, alas, it was. Older versions of WooCommerce greeted new users with a giant jumble of settings and offered no help or guidance on what to do next:

We’ve changed all that with the introduction of the onboarding wizard. Now,  store owners are guided go through a step-by-step process to start selling as easily as possible:


With this new wizard, we’re using all the tools at our disposal to make the process straight-forward and pain-free. Automagically, WooCommerce will:

  • Recommend mostly commonly used settings to make it easier to get started
  • Set data like store location & currency based on geolocation
  • Configure PayPal standard with just an email address

The whole process uses sensible defaults and just a handful of fields to get your store ready to accept orders in minutes.

Flat rate and international shipping options are much simpler

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Since WooCommerce launched, we’ve added many options for both flat rate shipping – meaning one fee for all shipping – and international shipping, largely to serve specific needs brought up by customers. Unfortunately, those features grews so much that the settings screens became hard to use.

We spent a lot of time thinking about how these methods are used and how to get you what you need without twenty hundred million settings to fill out.

I don’t want to show what flat rate shipping used to look like because we let it get far too bloated, but here’s the new and improved version:

Flat Rate Shipping in WooCommerce 2.4
The new flat rate shipping at a glance

If you want to multiply the rate by the number in the cart, you just need a bit of math:

Power User Shipping Math in WooCommerce 2.4
Power user shipping math

Check out the docs for more examples of ninja math magic – we’ll keep updating these as we get more examples. Read the  full technical changes (plus more screenshots). 

Store owners can now prioritize shipping options

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Along with simplifying the settings for our core shipping options, we’ve also tweaked the ways that shipping methods are prioritized.

Prioritize Shipping in WooCommerce 2.4
Prioritize your shipping methods

Now, stores with lots of shipping methods can easily recommend a default option for customers to use. See our development release post for the full details.

Product variations now load 20 at a time — and without refreshing

When we created the ability for store owners to create variable products in version 1.0 of WooCommerce, we assumed people would sell a few t-shirts and have maybe 20 variations. We didn’t expect people to sell products with hundreds or even thousands of variations.

Needless to say, the system wasn’t designed for this and problems arose: the back end became long and hard to navigate, it could take forever to load and sometimes things wouldn’t save.

In WooCommerce 2.4, we’ve changed how product variations load in the back end to make it simpler for store owners:

  • Variations will load 20 at a time to make it easier to navigate
  • Loading happens via AJAX and Javascript, so you don’t have to wait for a page to refresh

For the more technical details, read on about how we  improved the variations interface.

Geolocation now works with static caching

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We introduced the geolocation feature in WooCommerce 2.3 – it identifies a customer’s location and then applies correct taxes and shipping. But we ran into some issues with static caching, which is used by plugins such as WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache.

In 2.4, we’ve improved how WooCommerce handles geolocation to resolve this problem.  For the developers out there, here are all the exciting technical details. 

We also added some extra fun for developers

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  • Custom AJAX Endpoints have been introduced to improve loading times on the frontend during events such as adding to cart. Previously, admin-ajax.php (the standard WordPress ajax endpoint) was used but this had the disadvantage of loading the entire WP admin just to make a request. The custom endpoints work around this.
  • A Visual API Authentication Endpoint has been added. Services which integrate with the REST API can now use the visual authentication endpoint so a user can login and grant API permission from a single page before being redirected back.
Visual API Authentication Endpoints in WooCommerce 2.4
The Visual API Authentication Endpoints

More details for developers are on the dev blog.

Upgrade to 2.4 now!

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That’s it for what’s new in WooCommerce 2.4. Upgrade now from your WordPress Dashboard, or download a fresh copy of 2.4 here. You can also read our upgrade guide to ensure a smooth transition from previous versions.

Remember: you should always make a backup before you update and update your WooCommerce extensions prior to updating WooCommerce itself.

For specific things to look out for with 2.4, potential compatibility issues and ongoing updates are on the dev blog.

What do you think of the Helpful Hedgehog? Let us know in the comments!

Visit the Woo Marketplace for all the tools you need.
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  1. Samad
    August 10, 2015

    After upgrading to 2.4.0, all of my variable products are now listed as ‘Free’ :/

    • George
      August 10, 2015

      Have you fixed this? Im having aame problem

    • Mike
      August 10, 2015

      See my reply here http://woocommerce.com/2015/08/woocommerce-2-4-release/#comment-2065904

      It’s to do with 1 missing piece of meta data; _stock_status at variation level. We’ll release an update soon.

      • mathug
        August 10, 2015

        great to know your on the job. ill stop pulling my hair out. look forward to the fix. any idea how long it will take?

        • Mike
          August 10, 2015

          Within the next hour.

    • ksharian
      August 13, 2015

      Same here!
      I just resolved it changing the style.css file.

      It was:
      .woocommerce .free-badge {
      background: #222

      I changed it to:
      .woocommerce .free-badge {
      display: none

      it works for now 🙂

  2. George
    August 10, 2015

    Updated and 117 products now listed free ??? Have closed stire for now. Anyone know a fix

  3. Rob
    August 10, 2015

    Have upgraded and now variation select on front end is not working.

    • Rob
      August 10, 2015

      To be more specific. I’ve had to recreate all variations because I was getting an error that there were “No products available that match your selection”. After recreating variations, I no longer get the error, I just get a selectbox with no options.

    • Mike
      August 10, 2015

      For anyone with this problem, Claudio and I are working on an upgrade routine to update product data in/from WC 2.2 installs to solve the problem. This should be released shortly.

  4. Claudio
    August 11, 2015

    We just fixed this variation issue on WooCommerce 2.4.1: https://woocommerce.wordpress.com/2015/08/10/woocommerce-2-4-1-fix-release-available/

    • mathug
      August 11, 2015

      i updated to 2.4.1 but still getting the fault im afraid

      • mathug
        August 11, 2015

        sorry its working . i hadnt run the updater!! well done for getting this fixed fast. ;-}

      • Claudio
        August 11, 2015

        The issue was corrected, if it persists is because you need click on the “Run the updater” button.

        • frankdstrack
          August 11, 2015

          Hi there! I’ve updated to the latest, and run the updater but most of my variations are still showing FREE! as the price. (One of them has the right price, WTF?)

          Thanks! (Its only my staging site so I’m not too worried!

          • Claudio
            August 11, 2015

            You have not updated properly because it was fully corrected.

    • LB
      August 11, 2015

      Still having an issue with products which shows as “Free!” after updating fix of 2.4.1. There is any other options to fix it?

  5. MJ
    August 11, 2015

    I did the update and now my products are not aligned right, they’re overlapping, and pictures look different.

    • Claudio
      August 11, 2015

      All you’re saying are things that are handled with CSS… Looks like you made changes to your theme or he is too outdated.
      Because we did not do any changes to the CSS as you are reporting…

  6. Claudio
    August 11, 2015

    Please to report bugs with WooCommerce 2.4 in our Github: https://github.com/woothemes/woocommerce
    If you can tell which version you updated from and also send the System Status report, we’ll thanks, because we can fix any bug quickly 🙂

  7. sourskittle
    August 11, 2015

    Love this thank you!

  8. examultimidia
    August 11, 2015

    Hello, I updated to 2.4.1. but I am still having the same issue: the product tabs (with description, reviews, etc) show up but they don’t change when I click them. Any ideas how to solve this problem? Thank you very much.

    • Mike
      August 11, 2015

      So far all reports of this have been theme related. One of the themes with the problem is DIVI and needs to be looked at by the theme author.

      • examultimidia
        August 12, 2015

        Thanks Mike, it was in fact theme related ( I use Divi ). The solution is:

        go to themes/Divi/js folder
        open custom.js file

        look up for:

        $( ‘a[href*=#]:not([href=#])’ ).click( function() {
        if ( $(this).closest( ‘.woocommerce-tabs’ ).length && $(this).closest( ‘.tabs’ ).length ) {
        return false;

        Change it to return true

        The tabs will now work again.

        • Jasmin
          August 17, 2015

          Hi examultimidia,

          thank you so much for the snippet.

          Saved me a lot of time and my day 🙂

          I am using Divi-Theme as well in one of my clients websites.

        • Will M
          August 31, 2015

          You are a hero haha..seriously thank you.

          A ridiculously annoying issue solved with something as simple as changing false to true but I’m sure it wasn’t simple to figure out.

          Again, thank you!

  9. meg6993
    August 11, 2015

    This update keeps crashing my site. My host had to get me back up. They said that it is not updating properly, and it’s leaving the .maintenance file.

    • Claudio
      August 11, 2015

      Try disabling the other plugins before upgrading, you may have a plugin that is causing it.

  10. Corneliu B
    August 11, 2015

    I have made the update to 4.2.1 and now at 4.2.2 but still cant actualize the version i get every time when i click on that bottom this error :

    Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 253231104) (tried to allocate 82 bytes) in /home/smartpro/public_html/_smart/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 2223

    Someone can help me with some info about how i can solve this? thanks.

    • Claudio
      August 11, 2015

      This is lack of free memory on your server… May be your server with low memory or plugins consuming a lot of memory. This isn’t a problem with this version/update.

      • Corneliu B
        August 11, 2015

        The memory was set as 259M first of update after that error i was setup to 526M but still the same problem.

        • Claudio
          August 12, 2015

          There may be several things influencing this. Increasing the memory in this way does not mean that the machine will be able to allocate that amount.

          Please open a support ticket here on support.woothemes.com so we can investigate the problem thoroughly.

  11. Mel
    August 11, 2015

    Just ran the updater. All my variations are now showing “This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.”

    • Claudio
      August 11, 2015

      Your theme need be updated.
      This is not an issue with the WooCommerce but with your Theme unable to show the variations.

      • Graham Clark
        August 14, 2015

        Hey Claudio,

        Our theme developer has updated our theme to be compatible, however we still have the same problem:

        Product Variations are IN STOCK on the back-end, on the front-end this no Product Variations load and this error message persists:

        “This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.”

        This came with the update. We’re trying to roll our hosting account and database back to before the update, hopefully this will fix the problem.

        Have to find another solution, you guys breaking this stuff on ecommerce sellers 🙁

        • Ignas
          September 2, 2015

          I have the same problem. Breaking changes.

          • Ignas
            September 2, 2015

            I was debuged and found that data-product_variations in form are not loaded. If you have about 50 variations, then data-product_variations is empty 🙁

        • Jeremy Mace
          September 3, 2015

          We have the same problem and aren’t so lucky with rolling back our database… 🙁 All was fine before this update.

  12. mathug
    August 11, 2015

    SyntaxError: Unexpected token < Paypal now not responding , Im getting this error and cant find anything wrong anywhere. Is this from the update?

    • mathug
      August 11, 2015

      on firefox this is the error msg

      SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

      on chrome SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

      • Mike
        August 11, 2015

        Something (could be any gateway or plugin) is throwing a notice. If you check your server error log it will specifically mention the problem. Your host may be able to help you if you cannot locate this log.

        • mathug
          August 12, 2015

          had my host check and no error logs. also had a premium wordfence scan but found nothing. are you sure theres nothing in the new woo settings?

        • TM
          August 14, 2015

          I unplugged all my plugins except woocommerce and it didn’t make a difference. Came with the update. When can we expect a resolve to the issue that obviously a lot of us are experiencing. It’s a pretty serious issue when customers can’t check out!

          • email@puntobianco.net
            August 31, 2015

            The same for me, guys! I think starting from 2.4.5, I got “SyntaxError: Unexpected number” error showing when a customer click on “Place order”.
            This happens using BACS. Paypal access goes ok, didn’t try a transation, but if I cancel it, coming back to ecommerce gives me a list of db errors… So disappointed. I do not know what to do, my ecommerce is stuck.
            Anyway, orders email confirmations are ok.

          • natsukiss
            September 4, 2015

            Have you still this problem ???

      • vividpoint
        August 13, 2015

        I’m getting this error as well. No errors in the log. Created support ticket.

    • Gen
      August 14, 2015

      I’m getting this too, did you manage to fix yours?

    • Ovidiu Galatan
      August 17, 2015

      I had the same problem using “PayPal for WooCommerce” plugin.
      Errors are:
      Chrome: “SyntaxError: Unexpected token < "
      Firefox: "SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data"
      IE: "SyntaxError: Invalid character"
      The problem is on …./plugins/paypal-for-woocommerce/classes/wc-gateway-paypal-express-angelleye.php
      you have there :

      echo '‘ . json_encode($result) . ‘‘;

      just remove the html comments like this:

      echo json_encode($result);

      I hope this will help.
      I do not understand why they have added those ‘comments’ there 🙂

      • PaperCutPro
        August 20, 2015


        Bingo! you got the answer. I don’t know why it worked for me since I’m using a different PayPal plugin but replacing that whole line with those 26 characters of code cleared up several other problems too. Good job sir!

        Thank you,

      • Dean McMaster
        September 2, 2015

        I’m having the same error after clicking process order
        Chrome: “SyntaxError: Unexpected token < "

        I'm using: gateway-beanstream, dose anyone have a fix for this?

  13. Samad
    August 12, 2015

    There is another issue. After upgrading to 2.4.2, my customers cannot leave a reivew on the purchased product. Even after purchasing a product, the reviews tab say “Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.”

    • Mike
      August 12, 2015

      I think this is related to https://github.com/woothemes/woocommerce/commit/0da69f2bef9f454945ebbaac581d1073655c8569 which was discovered this morning.

      • Samad
        August 12, 2015

        Yes but it doesn’t fix the issue 🙁

      • Samad
        August 12, 2015

        The issue is fixed for new orders. Thanks

      • george
        August 14, 2015

        hi mike would you know why the attributes no longer are shown in the order emails or even at the woo dashboard? The only way i see them is in the pdf view but it wasnt like this before.

  14. mikepap
    August 12, 2015

    thank you for your very good job. i developed a site with insurance contracts online sales. in characteristics i have 3 different such as duration, city and package. so in varations i must have 45 different. after update to 2.4.1 i went to varations and showed me only the 15 of package. i deleted all and added again from scratch another 45 varations. when i finished in frontend when i was going to make a compination it showed me that it didnt find such a compination. i updated to 2.4.2 today and still the same. i read that you can put only 10 varations each time i tried that nad worked for a while put only with 15 varations. i tried to put 5 more and now when i change one varation in the frontend it doesnt change the price. can you help me?

  15. george
    August 13, 2015

    hi when i recieve new orders the variations no longer show on the new order receipt or the order on the dashboard. any idea why?

    • george
      August 14, 2015

      problem now fixed. thank you. the santax token error was being caused by woocommerce opening hours plugin by simba hosting. also fixed now after an upgrade.

  16. Mel
    August 14, 2015

    I recently ran the update and now SOME of our variable products are not working, while others are.
    I cannot see a difference as to why some are and some aren’t, the items are in stock so its not that issue. I’m wanting to get this resolved asap as we are losing potential sales as customers cannot select our products. Could you please help? When I select an option, the dropbox shows nothing, despite three variable products being available.

    • Mel
      August 14, 2015

      Running version 2.4.3

    • Graham Clark
      August 14, 2015

      We’re having the same issue. All the variations appear on the new UI backend for Variations under the product information, however on the front-end we get this message:

      “This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.”

      The product is IN STOCK on the back end. 🙁

      • Graham Clark
        August 14, 2015

        Running version 2.4.4

  17. Wayne
    August 14, 2015


    Since 2.4.3 I have noticed in the Admin Dashboard that where you click on the name of the site at the top of the screen where it usually says “Visit Site” it also says “Visit Shop” both take me to a blank screen which has two menu items on it (Vist Site and Visit Shop) both which do nothing. We have had to disable Woocommerce. Can we load an older version? Any fix available? I can’t find any mention of this problem. We are using The7 theme.

    • Wayne
      August 14, 2015

      Using 2.4.4 has the same issue.

    • DeliciousBuds
      August 16, 2015

      I have this as well, however I am taken to my site, but all my products are out of alignment.
      Cant find affix anywhere

  18. g2ergo
    August 14, 2015

    Similar issues for me. Variations do not display properly. With 2 dynamic attribute dropdowns that are dependent upon each other, the 2nd dropdown shows all attribute options related to the product – not the ones that are dependent upon the 1st dropdown.

    I reverted back to an older version of WC and all is fine again. Would like to update but, does not seem to be working.

  19. Graham Clark
    August 14, 2015

    We were very excited to update to WooCommerce 2.4.4 only to find that it broke all variations, now every product has a status of “This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.”

    Our theme has been updated by the developer to be compatible, and we have disabled all other plugins.

    We run a small business on WooCommerce and this update has caused us to lose tons of sales and we’re now scrambling to find another solution… 🙁

    • Michael
      August 18, 2015

      Just revert back to 2.3.13 version until WC decides to fix the stupid shit they changed. They think they made things better for the thousands of developers that tie into WC, but they made it a shit storm.

      https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/developers/ (download and install 2.3.13)

      I had to revert to WC version 2.3.x and it works just as it did before.

      Cmon WC get your shit together. You know you have issues when you release 4 updates within a weeks time, now fix the Variation issue that EVERYONE is having.


  20. quynh
    August 17, 2015

    That’s not work when i click on “add to cart” button.
    We run small bussiness and this update made us lose some customer because of that problem.
    Plz fix this soon!

  21. frano09
    August 17, 2015

    Hi there,

    I’m adding products with variations but the stock isn’t visible even when i’m saying that the variations are in stock?!?

    Also there is now some kind of message displayed which is redirecting my clients to the woocommerce help docs? I don’t want that….

    Can someone please help me out?

  22. CJ
    August 17, 2015

    Hi Im having the same issue as some people where variations seem to be broken from the update.

    Updated to 2.4.2 and they broke updated to 2.4.4 to try and fix and still seem broken, please let me know if there is a fix and also a fix that means I won’t have to recreate all the variations.

    Kind Regards 🙂

  23. Eric
    August 17, 2015

    Same issue This product is currently out of stock and unavailable. Now i cant sell … gosh

  24. Mike
    August 17, 2015

    Same issue. No variations. Only difference I have is that it is not consistent with all products. Some have the variations and some do not. I have tried multiple tests and cannot identify what is causing the issue.

  25. enchroma
    August 18, 2015

    Ditto the variations problem. No prices, no add-to-cart, no image changes w/ variation selection. Inconsistent behavior from one product to the next.

    Console error: add-to-cart-variation.min.js?ver=2.4.4:4 Uncaught ReferenceError: wc_cart_fragments_params is not defined

    Another things I have noticed: some attributes now have type “Select (Public)” and some have type “Select”. But the types available in the UI are still just “Select” and “Text”. What is “Select (Public)”?

    • enchroma
      August 18, 2015

      UPDATE: problem occurs as soon as an item exceeds 20 variations…..

      • Eric
        August 18, 2015

        i confirm 20 variable is ok . after that it bugs .

        • bastien
          August 20, 2015

          Hi Eric,

          I switched my theme (flatsome) to storefront and it works with more than 20 variations. Back to flatsome, I have the same messsage about the unavaible product.

          So it seems to be a theme bug and not a woocommerce one.

      • enchroma
        August 18, 2015


        To fix add this to the theme functions.php

        function custom_wc_ajax_variation_threshold( $qty, $product ) {
        return 1000;

        add_filter( ‘woocommerce_ajax_variation_threshold’, ‘custom_wc_ajax_variation_threshold’, 10, 2 );

        • Eric
          August 18, 2015

          Not working for me 🙁

        • erryn
          August 25, 2015

          Going to give this a go now, just created a new site and came across his variation issue, thought I was doing something wrong, but evidently it’s Woo that’s messed up, even with today’s update as well.

  26. Ciprian
    August 18, 2015

    Do you have a roadmap or planned features list for WooCommerce? I’m currently managing 3 eCommerce sites and I’d like to know what’s in store (sic) for me.

  27. adrianfraim
    August 18, 2015

    Ever since 2.4.4 update, it is not letting me add price or stock quantity to my variable products

    • adrianfraim
      August 18, 2015


  28. Alex
    August 18, 2015

    This is the worst update ever!!!! Is this because new WooThemes Owner? Why r you doing this???
    Ok why did you remove expand all in attributes?
    Why did you change the sorting UI?? Before i could click anywhere and just drag it now i have to drag it by this lines on the right.
    Variation suck now! why they don’t show up sometimes when i duplicate product, but show as 3 variation, but i don’t actually see them until i hit save or update
    Many more small details that just work like it now used to be…
    You actually didn’t improve this update but made worse! Please fix everything to what we are used to!
    Hope you care.

  29. Christine
    August 19, 2015

    I have to butt in here with a comment on the tabs functionality issue — I am not handling *any* WooCommerce theming (including templates, styles, and scripts) currently, but it turns out that the update could conflict with any smooth scrolling function you have set up in your theme.

    Simply turning “return false” into “return true” may cause display issues (for me, it would flash the target screen position before executing a scroll) and also caused the display of the anchor in the URL, which false prevented.

    Ideally WC should revert to the old tab display, rewrite the new method, or at the very least make a BIG FAT NOTE about interference with standard, widely used functions. In the meantime, for those able, you should modify your smooth scroll function and anchors to run on or within a certain class (e.g. .container a[rules] OR a.smooth[rules] ) OR (more advanced) add an exception for WC tabs.

    • Christine
      August 19, 2015

      [Sorry for the repeat posting, I didn’t realize that HTML rendered and replied instead with escapes but missed a tag the first time (and apparently the “reply” button — mods, you can remove the mistake and this text as well if able, otherwise — “Hi everyone…” *waves awkwardly*]

      I should perhaps specify what I’m talking about so people know what to look for:

      $(‘a[href*=#]:not([href=#])’).click(function() {
      if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//,”) == this.pathname.replace(/^\//,”) && location.hostname == this.hostname) {
      var target = $(this.hash);
      target = target.length ? target : $(‘[name=’ + this.hash.slice(1) +’]’);
      if (target.length) {
      scrollTop: target.offset().top,
      }, 1000);
      return false;

      Changing “false” to “true” will fix the issue but may break the scroll function as I mentioned above. Modifying your pages/templates/other code to contain or class the relevant <a> tags and changing the first line accordingly is the easiest way to fix the issue. Examples below for clarity.

      <div class=”submenu”><a href=”#section1″>S1</a><a href=”#section2″>S2</a></div>
      Change script to:
      $(‘.submenu a[href*=#]:not([href=#])’).click(function() { … }

      <a href=”#top” class=”smooth-scroll”>Back to top</a>
      Change script to:
      $(‘a.smooth-scroll[href*=#]:not([href=#])’).click(function() { … }

  30. will
    August 20, 2015

    Hi I’m running Wootique theme. Is this release compatible? I am trying to look on the Wootique page and don’t see any info on that. thanks!

  31. Reuben
    August 20, 2015

    Is Helpful Hedgehog like the microsoft paperclip “clippy”?! I always liked that guy, he got some bad press but i thought he was pretty cool. Better than Siri. It always insists on phoning the most awkward person in your phonebook. You: “Siri Phone John…” – Siri: “No problem, Face timing your ex girlfriend’s mum now…”

  32. Scott
    August 21, 2015

    This has been one of the worst product upgrades I have ever been involved with. I can’t believe how much it has broken my site and it is obvious the plan is to have your millions of users be your beta testers at our massive cost of sales and reputation. Given how many plugins are out there based on this platform there needs to be a better way to manage the process. And now when you need support at its most it takes days for responses and then days between responses. You need a paid support program to fund the critical need for timely support. we will pay for it. So far woo has only convinced me to find another solution. To do this update on top of a big Word Press release is also adding fuel to the fire.

    • Johan
      August 23, 2015

      Indeed it is horrendous! I should have never upgraded! Crucial plugins like table rate shipping don’t seem to work anymore since they crash the site now…

  33. Jason
    August 22, 2015


    When creating variations, THE 21st VARIATION you add seems to break the entire thing which results in the message “Sorry, no products matched your selection. Please choose a different combination.”

    This is killing sales, literally. Do you have documentation on downgrading until this is all sorted please???? It’s been over a week since support has responded, this is crazy.

  34. Marcony Felipe
    August 24, 2015

    Thanks! Awesome!

  35. Dave
    August 24, 2015

    Customers unable to purchase, reporting the following error SyntaxError: JSON Parse error

    Also, I had to change all my variable items into single products because my products were showing out of stock

    This update sucks – thanks for screwing my business up and losing me money!!

  36. Crystal
    August 25, 2015

    After updating WooCommerce and all WooCommerce plugins, the AWS Plugin is not working correctly. I know that the AWS keys and secret code are correct. I can still request the files outside of WooCommerce and they work fine. If I change the file name in the product setting to the direct link, it works. When download files are requested through the AWS S3 plugin, a SignatureDoesNotMatch error occurs.

    • Nicole Kohler
      August 25, 2015

      Hey Crystal, can you open a ticket with support about this if you haven’t already? Thanks!

      • Crystal
        August 25, 2015

        I did. I haven’t heard back yet.

        • Nicole Kohler
          August 25, 2015

          You are in good hands then. 🙂

          Just in case there’s been a miscommunication, mind dropping your ticket number here? Thanks!

  37. Tim
    August 25, 2015

    Woothemes…. Is there any update on the status of the variation issues? What are the known issues that cause this problem? Is it the themes? Plugins? Any info you can provide?

    • Nicole Kohler
      August 25, 2015

      Hi Tim, these issues should be addressed as of the update to 2.4.6. If you’re still having problems with variations with WooCommerce fully updated, please open a ticket with support and we’ll look into it. Thanks!

      • Jared
        August 25, 2015

        We installed 2.4.6 and we still have variable products showing up on our site as “Out of Stock”. We have a product with 48 variations. We’ve had Manage Stock turned on for each variable, we’ve had Manage Stock turned off for each variable. Either way, we are still getting the same problem. We’re also experiencing this with products that have less than 20 variations.

        This is bad.

        • Nicole Kohler
          August 26, 2015

          Hi Jared, your best bet would be to contact support (if you haven’t already) for some insight. I’m unfortunately not the best person to help you here. However I do know that some third party themes have been conflicting with the variations since the update, so you could try switching back and forth quickly to see if that is the cause. Best of luck!

  38. GrupoDesdeAbajo
    August 26, 2015

    Hi guys, I’m having a BIG ISSUE with Authorize.net AIM

    I’m getting this error at checkout after I made a payment;
    ” SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data at line 1 column 4 of the JSON data ”


    • Mike
      August 28, 2015

      This is being looked into via support.woothemes.com, if thats you 🙂

      • gonza
        August 28, 2015

        VERY BAD SUPPORT!!! and you are not giving a SOLUTION!!! URGENT !!!

        SyntaxError: Unexpected token < WOOCOMMERCE shop


  39. Klaus Vestermark
    August 26, 2015


    I get an error;
    chrome; SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
    Edge; SyntaxError: Invalid character

    Any ideas?

    • Andrew
      August 28, 2015

      There is a sticky on .org support for this issue


      If you see this during checkout for example, it means that a plugin or theme is throwing a notice during the ajax post and breaking the response.

      To find out which plugin is doing this, view your sever error logs and look for notices. Your host may be able to help you look for this log if you cannot locate it.

      To prevent plugins and themes from outputting notices entirely, ensure debug mode is off in your wp-config file:

      define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);
      @ini_set(‘display_errors’, 0);

      • karl
        August 31, 2015

        I made this change in wp-config and still get the same error.

        • nightglass
          September 4, 2015

          I tried that wp-config change, too. Same error.

  40. Cris
    August 26, 2015


    I’m using WooCommerce 2.3.

    I tried to upgrade to 2.4 through the WP plugin manager but, after the update, all the “manage stock” checkboxes of my variations was unchecked. Moreover, when I rechecked the “manage stock” checkbox of any variation, the quantity available value was empty.

    I read about it in the comments of this post, and I saw that I had to do the update with the “Run the updater” button (I don’t understand this: why does WP have the plugin manager, then?)

    Anyway, after trying it, the result was the same. Plus, the the process upgraded WooCommerce to 2.3.13 version, not 2.4.6. And, although WooCommerce isn’t updated to the latest version, I can’t find the “Run the updater” button anywhere else.

    How should I proceed? Am I missing something?

    Thanks in advance.

  41. cyprianfrancis
    August 27, 2015

    After upgrading website to WordPress 4.6, the most recent version on Canvas Theme Version: 5.9.10, and Woocommerce to 2.4.6 all of my products that are Variable Products show this error.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method WooCommerce::attribute_label() in
    wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/single-product/add-to-cart/variable.php on line 24

    Please advise. Single products are working fine, it’s just variable ones that show this error, along with other missing data including additional products, and Add To Cart Button.

    Help is greatly appreciated.


  42. pintolog
    August 28, 2015

    When setting a variation in a new product, after creating the variation and saving. the data isn’t saved and it’s going back to it’s original step with no data saved.

    Is there Any solution for that?
    Woocommerce Version is 2.4.6
    Wordpress Version 4.3


  43. Jan
    August 29, 2015

    Hi all,

    for help fixing the out of stock problem, look for this solution:

    Have a nice day,

  44. Darren
    August 30, 2015

    Is anyone still having a problem with variations with mulitiple variations displaying “Please choose product options…” when trying to add to cart?

    But if you click add to cart a second time then it goes through fine.

    Running woo 2.4.6 – I have tried twenty fifteen with no other plugins and still have same issue

    • Darren
      August 30, 2015

      Just to add to my note above – If you wait for the prices to change (when clicking variations) you don’t get the “Please choose product options…” as often.

      I rolled back to Woo 2.3.13 and all issues were resolved apart from my theme (virtue premium) no longer supports Woo 2.3.13, but twenty Fifteen works fine (twenty fifteen did not work with woo 2.4.6) – its very frustrating as all the design work has gone into the Virtue theme and can not replicate it in twenty fifteen.

  45. forwardmarketing
    September 1, 2015

    Just in the last few days now my shipping now isn’t working. I had shipping classes set up for different product categories and now it just shows “Shipping – Flat Rate (Free)”. I entered in a cost in the flat rate settings and it changes but still can’t figure out how to get it to work for the classes.
    Please help!!

  46. Rob
    September 1, 2015

    Woocommerce needs to address this JSON unexpected Token error that has been plaguing sites now for weeks! We continue to get customers who submit duplicate purchases because of this error!

    What is going on!! This costs small businesses like us in customers, sales and lost time!

    • Matt
      September 2, 2015

      Totally agree it’s a global problem that’s Stopping customers from buying through paypal!

      Only way around it for me was to download and install woocommerce 2.3.13 – (Make a backup of existing install)

    • nightglass
      September 3, 2015

      I agree… I’m getting the same errors but I am using Authorize.net and Authorize.net AIM. Support keeps pointing me toward these gateways as the problem… so I shut them off and placed a free order… the problem persists.

  47. Cheri
    September 6, 2015

    What do you suggest to do about this Tab error for those of us not running Divi or Customizr? I am reading this is theme specific. But what has CHANGED on Woocommerce’s end to render the tabs incompatible after the update to 2.4?

    Divi wants me to change some code that doesn’t exist. Customizr wants me to disable “smooth scroll”, which I cannot find. So what is the error actually related to?

  48. Kim
    September 6, 2015

    after updating to 2.4.6 the flat rate shipping for variations is now broken. The shipping for all of my products is now showing up as flat rate (free). Please help!! I am using paypal as my payment gateway…

  49. Ram Kesarwani
    July 11, 2018

    WooCommerce is a really great idea who want to start there own eCommerce business or site, but it did not help us. Now we hired a company who do this for me. and our site is.


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