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Product Add-Ons

by  Woo
Offer add-ons like gift wrapping, special messages or other special options for your products.

Product Add-ons multiply and % options

I think the Product Add-ons plugin needs these 2 features as are very important for many of us

1) We need to have the option to multiply the total price by “x”

2) We need to rise or lower the total price by x %

In my opinion I think these 2 options for Product Addons plugin are a must have in order to be a great plugin.


Current Status


Last updated: August 15, 2022


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  1. Tom says:

    Absolute must-have!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yes, very needed

  3. Pierre Ghesquiere says:

    This is a Year I have been waiting for someone to speak up about this! it makes total sense to have an Add-on feature multiply x %
    Dealing with flat rate cost is always the best (its pretty basic option) especially when you deal with volume orders this is a must-have! Please update this plugin with “multiple -/+ %”

  4. Gepard says:

    Can we get that basic extension? Without that option that plugin is useless for me (i need that plugin because only on your plugin works Product Table) 🙁

  5. Duncan Cowan says:

    Is this suggestion still under review as stated : Apr 20, 2017
    It was proposed three and a half years ago.

  6. JRCDyer says:

    I wouldn’t buy this extension without the percentage feature.