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Product Add-Ons

by  Woo
Offer add-ons like gift wrapping, special messages or other special options for your products.

Product Add-Ons make the price (-) negative. This can be used for removing features from a product.

Add the option to make the price (-) negative. This can be used for removing features from a product to reduce costs.


Current Status


Last updated: August 15, 2022


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  1. allesparty says:

    Still looking for this

  2. Jerry says:

    Hi, did anyone ever come up with a fix or work around for having negative amounts in a product add-on? A really important thing that this needs.

  3. Woocommerce User says:

    lol. so many people needing this functionality (including me) and yet its not implemented. DAMN.

  4. WooCommerceUser says:

    Still waiting, why no functionality???

  5. Daljit Singh says:

    I desperately need this feature where my client’s users can subtract the amount if they do not need it. For example, my client has a pizza shop and he needs that if someone do not need the default pizza toppings then someone can subtract it.

  6. anonymous says:

    I would like this feature too :/


    I also need negative prices for my clients!! The complex product has several options and if customer chooses two of them he gets reduction from the price, come on, give us negative prices already! :((

  8. We want negative prices says:

    Give us negatie prices ASAP!

  9. Floor says:

    Would be really helpfull..Would it be an idea to respond this this enhancement cause may people need this functionality

  10. Richard says:

    This is definitely something that I would be interested in as well. converting from another e-commerce vendor we had to use product add-ons instead of variable products, which means i’m stuck with several products that have negative add-on prices; any fix would be awesome, looks like a lot of people are requesting this;

  11. Richard says:

    Is this still under review, 3 years after originally requested? Any chance someone can keep us updated on this, i don’t want to move to another plugin to accomplish this, thanks

  12. anonymous says:

    I need it ASAP, anyone have any idea how to implement it?

  13. anonymous says:

    Negative pleaseeeee

  14. Michel Poulain says:

    I was able to removed that restriction in 2 minutes. Otherwise I couldn’t use this excellent plugin required for my shop.

    Replace $option[‘price’] > 0 with TRUE in all .php files.

    In the file woocommerce-product-addons.php : remplace $price instead of $display_price (on line 366) This will force your price to be used as it is without any tax calculation (be warned).

    Replace total > 0 by total != 0 in the assets/js/addons.js line 217 (then minify the addons.js to get a new addons.min.js)

    Clear you browser cache and/or change 1.0 into 2.0 in file includes/class-product-addon-display.php line 64 in order to force your browser to download the new JS version.

    That’s it.

  15. Frank Kallal says:

    This would be Very nice to have, to give the Option to Remove an Item from a Kit to lessen the price.

  16. meeksdigital says:

    I too am frustrated to find that this is not a standard ability of this plug-in. My customers need the ability to remove certain features from products if they are not needed. Please update this otherwise excellent plug-in ASAP!

  17. Pen Tuner says:

    I want to offer a discount if a customer wants to customize their product with a cheaper option. The add on extension should support negative prices to reflect the discount.

  18. Stéphane Bergeron says:

    I’m reaaly floored that this is not a standard featurte of this plugin either. Really big oversight IMO. I really need this like, yesterday…

  19. Anonymous says:

    I badly need this options, is there someone how can suggest fix for it?

  20. Anonymous says:

    Yes it would be very very useful to me either !

  21. Rhonda Sellers says:

    This would be so very helpful…why is nobody listening? I need this desperately!

  22. Sean Scott says:

    I really do not understand how hard it would be to add this on to this plugin or was it overlooked when developed. Every major Ecom has custom options that allows you to add discounts (negative value). Please add this……