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Account Funds

Account Funds will allow your customers to deposit funds into their accounts for which you can reward them with discounts.

Account Funds – Logging of account activity

Would it be possible to add the logging to the account funds activity for each user. Maybe you could create a logging window in each user account so you can see the activity. I think it would help store manager see the history of the account funds for each account.



Current Status


Last updated: July 29, 2022


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  1. frequencyspecific says:

    i noticed that this is on the roadmap although i’ve learned just because a feature is planned does not mean it is coming soon. I am not renewing my subscription to this product because we found one that has this feature and will be switching.

  2. Themesquad says:

    Hi Alvaro,

    This is still on our roadmap for future releases.

    We take note of your interest and we will increase the priority on this feature for future releases.

    Let us know if you have any other feature requests. Regards.

  3. alvaro109a717e5f says:

    Did this ever get done?

  4. Themesquad says:
    Product Developer July 29, 2022 11:13 am

    Thanks for taking the time and leaving a feature request!

    We also believe adding a logging window will be really useful for store managers.

    We take note of your request and will take it into consideration for future releases.

    If you have any other feature requests, please let us know.