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EU VAT Number

by  Woo
Collect VAT numbers at checkout and remove the VAT charge for eligible EU businesses.

Make a checkbox to require for a company name to be filled in if a vat number is filled in

Make a checkbox to require for a company name to be filled in if a vat number is filled in,

According to EU rules, VAT is only allowed to be exempt if the invoice is directed at a company. Not to a person.

As well, a company name – vat cross reference check might be also interesting, but i dont know if EU database allows for this.


Current Status


Last updated: August 2, 2018


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  1. JKNN says:

    Any update?

  2. JKNN says:

    We need this feature as well.

  3. jimservaas says:

    Please fix this

  4. pearlsmile1 says:

    This is a very needed option! At the checkout the company field is optional but it needs to be set that if a VAT number is entered a company name field changes to the “required field state”.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Please onderstand that if a company name is not on the invoice, but 0% VAT is charged, or if a company name does not match VAT. Huge fines by the government applies.