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Product Add-Ons

by  Woo
Offer add-ons like gift wrapping, special messages or other special options for your products.

Product Add-ons with different tax / VAT

For the product-addons it would be great improvement to have possibility to choose different tax / VAT for different addon.

Most often if you are selling a hotel room, and your addons are food, rental equipments etc. they share different VAT.


Current Status


Last updated: November 11, 2020


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  1. Oscar Byhlinder says:

    Any action here? This is a very useful feature.

  2. Carsten says:

    The same here. i sell travels for a swiss company to the EU… so everything has different Taxes…

  3. AJ Howarth says:

    I agree. I have a client who sells gas cylinders. A standard refill is charged at 5% vat. If the customer also wants the option of a cylinder deposit (addon) this is charged at 20% VAT.