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Elementor Connector for WooCommerce

Add Elementor widgets to customize popular free and premium WooCommerce extensions.

  • Add custom Elementor widgets to 3rd party extensions (both free and premium)
  • The intuitive page-builder interface means that you can change the design of your WooCommerce extensions on the front end without knowing any code
  • Customize WooCommerce extensions in new ways
  • Install a compatible 3rd party WooCommerce extension alongside Elementor Connector, and Elementor widgets will appear in the editor, ready for use

Elementor Connector creates widgets for the most popular WooCommerce extensions. We’re connecting all things Woo, with all things Elementor!

Elementor Connector is a premium extension for WooCommerce that gives shop owners, web designers, and agencies access to Elementor widgets for various WooCommerce extensions. It adds dedicated widgets with style controls in the popular Elementor Pro page-builder extension. It gives you design control of the most popular WooCommerce plugins.

Featured extensions with new Elementor Connector Widgets

WooCommerce brands

By WooCommerce
WooCommerce Brands - Elementor Connector Widget Preview

Create, assign, and list brands for products and allow customers to view them by brand. Elementor widgets include Index, List, Product Brand, Brand Meta, Thumbnails Description, and Brand Thumbnails.

See a selection of Elementor’s WooCommerce brand widgets.

FiboSearch – Advanced Searching

By FiboSearch
FiboSearch - Elementor Connector Widget Preview

Take your WooCommerce search to the next level. Elementor widgets include the FiboSearch advanced search widget.

Learn about Elementor and FiboSearch.

WooCommerce Bookings

By WooCommerce
WooCommerce Bookings - Elementor Connector Widget Preview

Allow customers to book appointments, make reservations, or rent equipment. Elementor widgets include Bookings Calendar Forms (Pages / Products)

See a demo of Elementor and Bookings

WooCommerce Product Addons

By WooCommerce
WooCommerce Product Addons - Elementor Connector Widget Preview

Offer add ons like gift wrapping, special messages, or other options for your products. Elementor widgets include a modified add-to-cart widget with settings for each add-on field type.

See a demo of the Elementor add-ons widget.

WooCommerce Gift Cards

By WooCommerce
WooCommerce Gift Cards - Elementor Connector Widget Preview

Offer prepaid digital gift cards that customers can redeem online. Elementor widgets include a modified add-to-cart widget with style settings for each gift card form field.

See a demo of Elementor and Gift Cards.

YITH WooCommerce Wishlists

YITH WooCommerce Wishlists - Elementor Connector Widget Preview

Create lists, save, and share lists of desired products. Elementor widgets include an Add to Wishlist Button and a Wishlist Table.

See a demo of Elementor YITH wishlist features.

All compatible extensions with new Elementor Connector widgets

*Coming soon—to be added in future updates

Get Started

  1. Buy Elementor Connector
  2. Download, install, and activate the Elementor Connector in your WooCommerce store
  3. Ensure Elementor and WooCommerce is installed and active
  4. Ensure at least one of the compatible extensions listed above is installed and active
  5. Start designing your page or product using Elementor and the new available widgets
  6. Check out our detailed documentation to help you customize your site
  7. Sit back and enjoy your beautifully crafted site!
