Bookings Use Case: Set Different Prices for Adults vs Children

This scenario will walk through how to use WooCommerce and WooCommerce Bookings to set up different price points for adults and children at a theater selling tickets to a show.


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You’re looking to offer different pricing on your bookable products to attendees, specifically in this scenario different age groups. These settings can be used in a wide array of use cases.

Some possible uses may include:

  • Offering a senior or military discount
  • Offering tiered pricing (i.e. VIP tickets, standard tickets, etc.)
  • And many more!

Products Used

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Setup and Configuration

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Creating a Bookable Product

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  1. In the sidebar of your WordPress Admin, click on Products.
  2.  Click on the Add New button on the top.
  3.  Under Product data select Bookable Product.

Setting Up Different Person Types

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  1. Go to WooCommerce > Products and select the product you created above or an existing bookable product that you would like to edit.
  2. Scroll down to Product Data and tick the box for Has Persons. This adds a Persons tab on the left-hand menu. (See Image 1 below)
  3. Select the Persons tab, and tick the box for Enable Person Types. This enables the ability to add the person types (e.g., adults and children) where pricing can be set.
  4. Near the bottom of the Persons tab select Add Person Type.
  5. Add multiple person types and include a name within Person Type Name field. 
  6. Add the amount you wish to charge for each Person Type to the Base Cost field. (See Image 2 below)
  7. Click Update to save your changes.

Customer View

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This is what your customer will see when visiting the front end of your site:

Questions and Feedback

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