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WooCommerce Bookings

by  Woo
Allow customers to book appointments, make reservations or rent equipment without leaving your site.

2-way Google Calendar sync

Setting base availability within the extension is a good start, but many of us schedule our time using Google Calendar (for both personal and professional time commitments) so Bookings isn’t an option unless it can limit availability based on real-time openings.

For the same reason, it’s important that new appointments are also saved to Google Calendar. Thanks to their API and ubiquity, most scheduling and calendar-extension-type apps play with Google Calendar, so it serves as a central clearing house for all things scheduling; it needs to be current.

I’m not going into a lot of detail here, but several folks have provided more information and use cases:


Current Status


Last updated: August 15, 2022


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  1. Brandon says:

    I would love to see two way sync integration. thank you for your time.

  2. Steve says:

    Hi, in this business it’s used widely. Without Ical 2-way Calendar sync this beautifull software is useless for us. We do try to book everywhere we can. Places like Airbnb uses Ical links.

    Hope you guys can make it soon,

  3. Steve says:

    Also, we must be able to add as mush Ical link per property a we need

  4. Jorge says:

    Dear Team Woocomerce, this is a must feature that is you don’t do it soon other will do it sooner for wordpress users.. as a business opinion you are missing here large sales.. I am from the Caribbean region where we as website developers can sale your solution to literally half of the local business in each the Island… specially if you sync with ical that can sync with viator ( from TripAdvisor) and other booking vendors.. keep me posted if you have this option here and you can contact me if needed.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Please expedite

  6. Anonymous says:

    Where are we at on this VITAL Functionality!?

  7. Anonymous says:

    I agree… This feature is vital as most all other booking plugins already have this feature integrated into their product

  8. Nikos Rentas says:

    We really need this integrated. Why wouldn’t this be a priority? I bought the plug-in without checking this and here we are asking should I pay for another plug-in or should I wait. It’s vital for business.

    There is a plug-in on theme forest ? But how many plugs should I have on my system and why should I pay an extra 70 USD for this?

    I switched everything over to you guys so I can have everything integrated with woocommerce. I have dropped too much money on all your plugins. Really dissapointed.

  9. Nikos Rentas says:

    We only really need to start in the right direction. Adding a 2 way sync so that that time slot is booked off when someone sends a meeting request or if you yourself want to block off the time.

    It doesn’t sync so we have to go in to 2 calendars every time. Like seriously waste of time.

  10. Anonymous says:

    This is definitely needed.

  11. Amber Nicole Cannan says:

    Any updates? I need this like, last month.

  12. Alex says:

    Yes – same here – it says “planned” but that was in Nov 2017. Could we get an update pls?

  13. Warren says:

    I am waiting for this update and my client wont purchase this without it. Could I have an indication of when this might be developed by?

  14. Anonymous says:

    Any Idea of the release date?

  15. Anonymous says:

    Yes please! This would be a great feature! We want to use Google Calendar along with Bookings /sync thanks!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Will be buying Bookings as soon as this becomes a feature

  17. Keith says:

    Have purchased bookings believing this was a feature very disappointed it is not yet.

  18. Sarra says:

    When is the release due on this?

  19. Nico Rosier says:

    ‘I would really appreciate this as well. I have several sites in development that need this. Also spending USD299 on this plugin would make this an absolute to-have.

    @Anonymous: The comment you posted on January 15, 2016: did it take off? Otherwise I would love to contribute.

    However it should be part of the plugin, given the price…

    Without solution I’ll have to abandon woocommerce and woo commerce booking…

  20. Stay Tooned says:

    defintely needed!!!!

  21. anonymous says:

    For any accommodation solution the ability to sync an availability calendar with other ical calendars, whether Google or Airbnb, is essential in my view.

  22. mg says:

    This is a very needed and necessary extension for accommodation bookings… I hope this happens soon.


  23. HÃ¥kan says:

    It would be important to be able to select what entities are booked against a specific calender: single products/bookings, resources, all vendor bookings when a Vendor extension is used.

  24. Paula Reichwald says:

    It would be really helpful if you could choose what information to show.

  25. Mavericks says:

    I’m frankly puzzled, almost incredulous, that this functionality a) has not been included as a baseline feature, so essential is it to so many people and b) appears not to have received any attention in two years. WooCommerce appear to be hiding under the duvet and pretending the 583 requests for it do not exist. Could not someone from Woo at least reply to the thread and say, ‘ooh, it might be difficult’ or ‘nah, we just don’t care’?