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WooCommerce Subscriptions

by  Woo
Let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.

Bulk Update Subscription Price when Subscription Product Price Changes

Right now, on a Subscription product when you update the price, all the Subscriptions that were created with that product do NOT update/change.

If you update a Subscription product price from $100 to $120, all those Subscriptions created at $100 are not updated to $120. You have to manually go to EACH subscription and update the price which is very time consuming when you have hundreds or thousands of subscriptions. There should be a bulk way to update all subscriptions pricing without having to go one-by-one through each active subscription.


Current Status


Last updated: December 27, 2016


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  1. Gael Wood MSS says:

    Hi, we don’t want or need this feature (we like the selling point to retain subscribers by allowing them to keep the original price they signed up with, and it seems fair/legal under the original terms of the agreement). But we DO very much want and need to find a way to prevent users from resubscribing at OLD OUTDATED PRICES from their Account page. This should be a setting, not custom code please! Thanks,

  2. R J says:

    Yes please! We want to LOWER a price for our subscribers and would have to edit hundreds of orders manually to do this!

  3. Andy says:

    We have thousands of subscribers, we need software to be able to methodically alter prices for subscriptions

  4. Scott says:

    Please, can we get this resolved, would make life a lot easier for my clients.

  5. NIkki Stark says:

    How is this not a core function? Product prices change and price increases must be passed on to the customer. There should be a way to bulk increase and then notify the customer of the change and if they do not like the new price they can cancel their subscription. I could even live with it if price increases were reflected when a subscription expires and a customer resubscribes. But right from their My Account page they can resubscribe at the OLD price. At the very least give us the option to increase to current prices when they resubscribe or make it easy to remove the resubscribe option from the My Account page. The way it is currently set up is a mess. Any business owner knows you have to increase prices to match your increased cost for the item over time. Business 101 folks.

  6. 360degree says:

    This s essential when living in a world where most prices change every year. Please add this soon

  7. Steve Holland says:

    Hard to believe this wasn’t a core function from the start. I first requested assistance for this over 2 years ago and no progress has been made.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I am very disappointed to find out this functionality does not exist by default.

  9. Anonymous says:

    yes please this is REALLY needed

  10. Peter says:

    I would say that this is essential functionality. Whilst I understand the argument perfectly that a customer wouldn’t like it if the paid $10 only to find the next month’s jumping to $1000, that should not be the concern of WooCommerce. There are a huge number of use cases where the shop owner might need to raise *or lower* the cost of the subscription, and there should be an automated procedure whereby this happens. The best way would be a checkbox on an existing subscription product for when the price is changed to automatically change existing subscriptions, AND a bulk-edit option as suggested here.

  11. Peter says:

    An additional thought – perhaps when the price is raised Subscriptions could send an automatic email to the customer giving them the choice to cancel the subscription if they don’t agree with the change?

  12. anonymous says:

    This is a must-have as the price for subscription is not following the product pricing lifecycle. Furthermore, price change will trigger customer service related issues for subscription base.

  13. Matt says:

    definitely needed. 2000 votes right here.

  14. anonymous says:

    This is absolutely necessary.

  15. anonymous says:

    We have over 4,000 subscriptions and want to lower our prices. Having to manually change each one of these is soul destroying 🙁

    Please implement a way for us to do this in bulk.

    A few months ago we lowered our shipping costs – I had to go through over 3,000 subscriptions changing them individually, now I have to do it again with over 4,000 🙁

    What about next year when we have maybe 10,000 subscriptions and decide to lower our shipping costs again, or reduce the price of the subscription even further to incentivise more sales?

    This is essential.

  16. anonymous says:

    This feature is a must….

  17. Jeff says:

    ‘+1. Its really hard to image how this isn’t included as core?? Surely the ability to change the price is key to selling anything right? Is there a way to hack the change thru SQL?

  18. Alexander Prior says:

    The manual maintenance to accomplish this is no longer feasible with the number of subscribers we now have registered. This request has been up for a year, can we get this function updated for all subscription products options asap?

  19. anonymous says:

    ‘+1 at least some kind of functionality to updated the price of existing subscriptions in BULK is a must.

  20. anonymous says:

    definitely need this funcion!!!

  21. Mariette Malan says:

    This is a must! If you have a lot of subscriptions, doing this manually is very time consuming.

  22. anonymous says:


  23. anonymous says:

    Agreed. Or at least the plugin should be made to recognise between a sale price and non-sale price, as otherwise the Sales price is forever pinned.

  24. dan says:

    This should be an option triggered in the admin, votes or no votes.

  25. Fiona says:

    We definately need this!!