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Accepting payments is easy with Square. Clear rates, fast deposits (1-2 business days). Sell online and in person, and sync all payments, items and inventory.

Gift Card Integration With Square Gateway

Square offers gift cards, and the Square extension would be a whole lot more valuable if it were compatible with them. I use Square to process both my credit cards and gift cards in-store, but I’m perfectly content to continue using Braintree to process credit online unless I have the option of also accepting gift cards online.


Current Status


Last updated: August 11, 2016


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  1. Anonymous says:

    Yes please! Add this!

  2. Alyssa says:

    Is this in the works yet??

  3. Charlie says:

    With the amount of businesses shut down across the country right now & the amount of us businesses who have sold square gift cards in our shops before we had to close. You would think someone would come up with a plugin so we can start accepting Square Gift Cards on our Woocommerce website.

    We have also unfortunately sold a bunch of Square eGift cards thinking they could be used on our site while we are shut down. But unfortunately we were completely wrong. Pretty frustrating.

    Someone needs to build a plugin so a lot of shops can start accepting Sqaure gift cards online. I would buy this plugin!!!!

  4. PMC says:

    Please allow for Square Giftcards.

  5. Brian says:

    WooCommerce that is using Square for payments should have the ability to use Square gift cards, please!

  6. PJ says:

    Would be super helpful for the Woocommerce Square connection to sync Gratuities and Gift Cards…

  7. Alissa Meeder says:

    I would also love this feature. I would like it for people to be able to pay with the gift card through our site seeing as it is us and it makes us seem like we don’t know what we’re doing to patrons.

  8. Amie Tracey says:

    Yep, with the pandemic I have have an ever-increasing number of clients in urgent need of this feature. Any chance it’s in the works?

  9. Alan says:

    We need this feature ASAP. It is a real pain trying to deal with the balances of the gift cards when customers “use” them online.

  10. Ronin says:

    As we’re all painfully waiting for this integration with square, might I suggest an alternative (perfect for “online only”): Pimwick Plugins Gift Cards – integrates easily into WC, all tracking is done in your WP site!
    While you’re at it, do yourself a favour and get their Bulk Product Editor – intuitive & easy to manage your products (free version has everything most will ever need)

    FWIW, I’m not at all affiliated with Pimwick, just love their plugins – they work!

  11. Enrico says:

    Please add integration to accept Square Giftcard on Woo store

  12. Artwork Anywhere says:

    Any update on whether this is going to be implemented or not? It would be such a valuable feature if you are able to make it work. Would make many many store owners very happy. Without it, we may have no choice but to use the free store square provides us, and not use woocommerce at all. 🙁

  13. Neil says:

    As there’s no way to even check Square gift cards (plastic) balance online, I don’t think this as much a Woo limitation as a Square and their supplier’s technology.

    A possible workaround would be to develop a way for a gift card bought online to have a connected ‘digital card’ that can then be used for online purchases. It would probably then need to send a notification to the shop manager to find a way to edit or clear the balance of the (I guess we could call it an alias) plastic gift card.

    My guess would be Square Gift Cards will all become Square Cash Cards in the near future and that we can expect some level of online integration in that sense. This will probably be when Apple, Android and Samsung Pay will become a part of the plugin as well.

  14. Sarah says:

    Gift cards are a big seller for us, so for customers to not be able to use these with Woo is a giant paint for them and us. Right now we’re not even using Woocommerce specifically because of this issue. Would love to be able to go back to using this. I just need a way for people to be able to enter their 16-digit code without all the other details usually needed for a credit card.

    Could you please remedy this? Thanks!

  15. Yoni says:

    It would also be nice to actually sell Square gift cards (physical or email) within WooCommerce for people who have a Square account. I’m not actually sure if their API supports it, but presumably if they’re adding it, they’ll tell Automattic.

  16. Arielle Cerini says:

    Haven’t tried this yet, but I found it on the Square developer page. Will let you know if I am successful in integrating it or not, but it at least gives me a small sliver of hope that this could be possible.

  17. David Sword says:

    need this!

  18. Anonymous says:

    I am desperate for this feature! Please! Add this!!!!

  19. Fr. Ambrose says:

    I too, would dearly love to see this as an option. Square gift cards on a woocommerce site.

  20. Mike says:

    Yes, this is my biggest barrier to using Square with Woo. Such a nightmare to do manual orders when a customer has a gift card.

  21. Enrico says:

    Please add Integration WOO-Square to allow Woo to accept Square Giftcards.

  22. Brian says:

    This would be a huge help for my store as many customers already have square gift cards.

  23. jim says:

    can woo commerce accept my square gift cards yet.

  24. Anonymous says:

    I could not agree more. As a small business owner who sells Square gift cards, it is crucial to be able to accept them online through our WooCommerce store. Please add this feature! Sad to lose out on this revenue this holiday season…

  25. Pat Alguire says:

    Yes please add this