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Accepting payments is easy with Square. Clear rates, fast deposits (1-2 business days). Sell online and in person, and sync all payments, items and inventory.

Square Card on File feature.

It would be great to integrate the Card on File feature for Square. This seems like a common feature in most other online ordering systems.


Current Status


Last updated: April 27, 2017


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  1. childsafetysolutions says:

    Yes, If there was an opt in for customer that appears when certain (bookable) products are in the cart.
    It would be good to have it so the customer cannot complete checkout without ticking the box (when the criteria is met of specific products or shipping options), similar to ticking the t’s and c’s box before checkout.

  2. Anonymous says:

    When can you have feature that it saves the credit card to square profile? I really need that feature.