All Themes in a single Package


Since WooThemes began in 2008, our theme club (one of the first) has always been an attractive offer. The theme club gave you access to all of our themes, and increased your breadth of choice when selecting the design of your next website.

Today, we’re excited to announce an evolution of this concept, which makes accessing our entire theme catalog even easier.

Meet the All Themes Package.

All Themes Package, you say?

The All Themes Package (or « ATP » for short) is a single product purchased in the same way as any of our other products. It grants you a one year pass to all existing, and all new themes in our theme catalog.

No monthly fees. No start up fee. One price, paid annually.

As of today, the All Themes Package replaces the theme club.

I’m a theme club subscriber! What does this mean for me?

Never fear, loyal theme club subscriber… we’ve got you covered.

All current active theme club subscribers have been grandfathered to the All Themes Package, and have been given one year free!

Club subscribers theme downloads are now available under the Downloads tab on your account dashboard.

What happens each year, when my renewal arrives?

Before your expiry date, you’ll receive an email notifying you that your license is about to expire. At this stage, you can choose to renew your license for the All Themes Package, at a whopping 50% off of the original price, for another year.

This is the same licensing system we use for all other products. One system, less confusion and added harmony in the purchase experience for everyone.

Why move away from a theme club subscription model?

For you, our loyal customers, nothing much changes. We made this change to simplify our product, to avoid confusion.

License activation for themes

If you were a theme club subscriber you didn’t have access to a license key, making receiving 2-click theme updates via the WooThemes Helper just a little bit out of your reach.

We didn’t like this.

With the All Themes Package, you receive a single license key which applies to all of your themes.

I have questions! Where do I ask them?

While we’ve endeavoured to cover everything in this blog post, and have ensured that everyone’s service and access remains (for the most part) seamless and uninterrupted, there are always potential questions left unanswered.

If you have questions about this update, or about your specific account, please ensure to log them directly to our helpdesk. This is the quickest means of receiving an accurate reply.

We hope this update helps to improve your experience on, and look forward to smooth sailing ahead and to helping you all focus on what you do best; using our products and changing the world.

Buy the All Themes Package, today
Discount Coupon

Get $100 off the All Themes Package until 21st February 2014. Use ALLTHEMES as your coupon code at checkout.

Matty Cohen Avatar



  1. this just sounds like another kick in the bollocks for small developers like me to be honest. im not at all happy. i prefer my subscription the way it is thank you very much.

    chris gallagher
    février 14, 2014
    • Hi Chris, I’m sorry you feel that way. Care to explain why? You keep access to all your themes? And pay a cheaper annual rate, instead of monthly subs.

      Mark Forrester
      février 14, 2014
      • so does this mean in future years to keep the developer subscription or whatever you have « rebranded » it to is going to cost me $400 a year ongoing? I know it says 50% off but is that for the first year only? I genuinely shudder everytime woothemes mentions words like « evolution » etc. Also i dont just have $200 dollars lying around. i prefer my monthly subscription i have had for years. at least give those of us that want it the option to keep it that way.

        février 14, 2014
        • fair enough change your business model for new subscribers , NOT for existing subscribers – or at least give us the option. business is hard enough for the likes of me at the moment. bear
          y scratched a living last year. please dont reply with any of that « value for money » or « investment in your business » nonsense it might work for agencys but not for the likes of me it doesnt

          février 14, 2014
          • The 50% off is not only applicable to the first year renewal charge. Each year thereafter will also be 50% of the original price.

            I get that monthly subscriptions might be easier to digest. We can’t promise we’ll offer easier payment terms, but we will be following our pricing data carefully.

            Either way, you have a year free access to the themes as an existing club subscriber. We hope you’ll have a better business year in 2014 to prepare for the cost in 2015.

            Mark Forrester
            février 14, 2014
          • Hi Chris,

            I also don’t understand why you don’t like it. You get a gratis year and then annually you’ll pay less that you’re paying now. So what’s the problem?

            As for applying this change to new customers only – at some point a business must evolve/change/discontinue their services and doing it only for new customers would, with time, build up a lot of legacy services/infrastructure that would be a burden to maintain. It wouldn’t be lean or efficient by any means.

            Look at your mobile/TV subscriptions – from time to time thay announce the changes and you have a grace period to cancel, if you don’t like the new proposition. The same here.

            février 14, 2014
  2. I’ve been trying to download a theme since early this morning. The site is now back up but all the links to my subscription themes have gone…

    février 14, 2014
    • Hey Andrew, they should now be available under your Downloads section of your account dashboard. Drop us an email if any problems and we’ll look into it asap.

      Mark Forrester
      février 14, 2014
      • Hey Mark,

        All-round I think it’s pretty good news!

        Just a UI request – any possibility in splitting plugins / themes. The long list is making my eyes bleed 🙂

        février 14, 2014
        • Excellent suggestion here, a lot of backend improvements we’ve done have put EVERY product under the downloads tab now.

          I’ll make a request on our repo for that. 😛

          Ryan Ray
          février 14, 2014
          • It isn’t an improvement – it’s annoying. Please divide themes and plugins ASAP.

            février 17, 2014
    • Hi Andrew, they should be under the downloads section now.

      Gerhard Potgieter
      février 14, 2014
  3. So I’m confused. Will I just stop being charged my monthly fee immediately and have access to everything for the next year? Then after that I can pay for the package at half off or do I pay the full price after my grandfathered year?

    Brad Weaver
    février 14, 2014
    • Correct, you have access for a year, then will be offered the opportunity to renew at 50% off the original $399 price tag.

      Mark Forrester
      février 14, 2014
  4. So I have been a long time subscriber. Does that mean I can renew now for 50% off and get the free year you are offering as well? If so that sounds like a sweet deal.

    William Hunt
    février 14, 2014
    • Hi William, You have to be an active club subscriber to get the free year. I’d suggest using the coupon if you want to re-subscribe.

      Mark Forrester
      février 14, 2014
  5. Hey fellas. Also not seeing the themes in my Download tab.

    février 14, 2014
    • Hey JK, Are you an active club subscriber? I can’t seem to locate an active membership under your account. Drop us an email and we’ll rectify asap if so.

      Mark Forrester
      février 14, 2014
  6. So starting now, I get a free year. When renewal time comes, it will be at 50% off $399 for the next year – is that correct? Do I need a coupon for that or will the 50% be an automatic offer?

    février 14, 2014
    • It should be an automatic offer. We have some time to ensure that 🙂

      Mark Forrester
      février 14, 2014
  7. As you mentioned Mark, the monthly fee is a bit easier to digest. But getting a whole year for free, and after that renewing for just $200 per annum seems like a good deal for me. Thanks!

    février 14, 2014
  8. Not seeing the subscription downloads under my downloads either. Been a subscriber since 2011.

    février 14, 2014
    • Nick, contact us here so we can investigate and get that fixed! –

      Ryan Ray
      février 14, 2014
    • Hi Nick,

      You should have access now 🙂

      Magnus Jepson
      février 14, 2014
  9. Thanks Woo; i like it !

    As you’ve mentioned: quality over quantity is become the main factor.
    You’ve downsized the price, but also the amount of themes and new themes.
    But i can’t help it wondering how many new themes will be launched in a year time.
    New themes are always an inspiration for me; so in that way it’s important to me.
    Don’t have to be every month; i know that’s not workable. But then again, every 3 to 4 months will be too long for me. Need Woo-inspiration on doctors order. 🙂
    Just wondering about that.

    février 14, 2014
    • Our main priority now is to update our back catalog and make sure all older themes work smoothly with our new plugins, and also update some of the older designs. We will be putting out a new theme soon, but we’re not going to push out a theme every month.

      Magnus Jepson
      février 15, 2014
  10. Personally, I think this is a great deal. Well done WooThemes.

    février 14, 2014
  11. When I try to access the All themes Package from My Licences, there’s nothing there!

    février 14, 2014
    • Get in touch with us so we can check in and fix your account. 🙂 –

      Ryan Ray
      février 14, 2014
      • I’ve sent an email Ryan – Thanks

        février 14, 2014
  12. SUPPORT, this is the key thing here and I do not see it being highlighted in this blog post which is the only piece of this I find missing to be honest but maybe nothing has changed here. The reason I have been a long time subscriber and Woo member is for the great support nothing else really as I use Canvas pretty much exclusively but support I need all the time of course. The deal you offer for us long time subscriber is fantastic, no problem paying once yearly and at a better rate, great, but of course we need to know this is not just access to themes but also access to support on an ongoing basis? Is this the case? If you could clarify the support access that would be great. Thank you for your time as always.

    février 14, 2014
    • This will work just like any of our other theme packages now. With an active license you’ll have access to support. So it’d be for a year each time you renewed, or on your first purchase of the license.

      Instead of as before you had to have an active subscription, paying monthly, to maintain support access.

      The scenario before could have been you paid the $199 startup fee, but chose to not continue your subscription when the first months fee was due. You were then out of luck if you wanted support or to even get an update to a theme you used in the first month.

      It works out better for all involved. 🙂

      Ryan Ray
      février 14, 2014
      • As always Ryan, I am happy to pay if the support is there. Glad to heard nothing changes on the support side. I am an active subscriber so in one years time when its time to renew I will happily renew my yearly subscription because of the support you provide. Thank you for clarifying things here on the support side.

        février 15, 2014
        • I’m glad we have you around, happy to help! 🙂

          Ryan Ray
          février 16, 2014
  13. Licensing (key) wise, how does that work?

    Are all themes now unlimited, and we can install them (and the update key) everywhere for auto-updating?

    février 14, 2014
    • Our themes have always come with unlimited licenses, so you can use them on as many sites as needed.

      For the All Themes Package, you’ll see a license key that says All Themes Package. It’s just one license that you can use on all the themes from the downloads tab. 🙂

      And just to clarify, our products aren’t auto updating at this time. WordPress though has that ability strictly for minor point updates and not major updates. Thanks!

      Ryan Ray
      février 15, 2014
  14. This looks like great value to me.

    I’m going to ask a cheeky question and when I do I know that I want to have my cake AND eat it…

    When you removed the « unlimited support » model, I opted to take the continuing unlimited option (I had good reasons, explained here with my thoughts on the matter should you be interested:

    Given this, if I get the All Themes Package, will I continue to have support forever on those themes that I purchased with unlimited support? Or will the ATP override this and remove my forever support?


    février 15, 2014
    • @rwintle you get support for the one year of your subscription, as long as you renew each year you have access to support. I think Ryan sums it up well here in reply to my comment on support above……………

      « This will work just like any of our other theme packages now. With an active license you’ll have access to support. So it’d be for a year each time you renewed, or on your first purchase of the license.

      Instead of as before you had to have an active subscription, paying monthly, to maintain support access.

      The scenario before could have been you paid the $199 startup fee, but chose to not continue your subscription when the first months fee was due. You were then out of luck if you wanted support or to even get an update to a theme you used in the first month.

      It works out better for all involved. »

      février 15, 2014
    • Hi,

      For the Theme Club Subscription, you were only eligible for support and updates for as long as you stayed subscribed. We’ve never given « lifetime » support to subscribers after they cancelled their subscription.

      The option to remain on « lifetime » support was only if you had purchased an individual product which came with « lifetime » support and updates.

      Magnus Jepson
      février 15, 2014
      • Ah, no. I’ve been misunderstood. I wasn’t a theme club member. I bought individual themes with « forever » support before you removed the « forever » support concept. You offered us the option of keeping « forever » support if we wanted it and I took you up on it.

        So I have 6 or 7 individual themes with « forever »/ »unlimited » support.

        What I want to know is if I get the ATP, will I keep « forever » support for those 6 or 7 themes?

        février 15, 2014
        • Ahh yup, your other theme package purchases will always be separate from the All Themes Package.

          Those remain grandfathered in with lifetime support. No matter what else is purchased, even if the ATP doubles up on some of those purchases. 🙂

          Ryan Ray
          février 16, 2014
  15. I actually like the lump-sum-a-year payment model. The fact that WooThemes gave me a year free so I can save up and make the transition into the new model is a great idea for me.

    What I hear WooThemes saying to me is, « Hey, Faydra, you paid a lump sum of a couple of hundred dollars to get into the club, and you’ve been paying a monthly amount to stay in the club for several years now, so we’re going to take that into consideration and give you a year of no payments to acknowledge the fact that you’ve paid in all this money already. Oh! And since you’ve been a loyal subscriber, we’ll give you 50% off the renewal after your free year is over. »

    That works for me since WooThemes does reserve the right to change their offerings at any time, and they could have said, « Hey, Faydra, we know you’ve invested all this money into our club, but we’re changing things, and you owe us $400 if you want to stay. »

    I’d say the way they’re handling the transition makes sense and is fair for me.

    I’m using words like « I » and « me, » because I’m speaking solely for myself. I like the new model, and I’ll be sticking around.

    février 15, 2014
    • I’m glad you like this new package 🙂

      Magnus Jepson
      février 16, 2014
    • Actually, I feel quite strongly that WooThemes does *not* have the right to change its offerings… When I purchased a membership, the deal was « for EVER, but only so long as you make continuous payments and never let the account lapse. »

      As it turns out, I frequently had long periods when I knew I had no use for renewing theme licenses… but I continued paying anyway, because « never let the account lapse » was one of the requirements for keeping my price locked in. I’m certainly not the only one (of Woo’s hundreds of thousands of subscribers) who did the same thing.

      Seeing the language « 50% off the ‘original’ price », where ‘original’ means « actually started in 2014, which is four years later than my membership began in 2010 » makes me rather uncomfortable. I’d be a lot more comfortable seeing « $200/year legacy price for our loyal early adopters. »

      All those months I made my payments, even though I knew I needed nothing, it was because I didn’t mind making an investment IN WOO, betting that the company would succeed, with the understanding that my subscription would be locked in, as promised.

      Personally, I think the « free year » is generous compensation for forcing the transition from « one month in advance » to « whole year lump-sum in advance » payment, so thanks for that. And dropping from 20×12=240/year down to the « two months free » pricing of $200 is fair (and consistent with other companies).

      But seeing the « originally $399 » feels like a prelude to some story a year or two from now, about how the company « really just can’t afford to continue that ‘discount’… »

      février 17, 2014
  16. Not a subscriber. Just a follower.
    I think you guys need to sort your $%&# together. seriously.
    This is the *third* overall change in pricing in the last year. last one was August 2013.

    I thought about becoming a member a few times but I have no confidence that you won’t change your plans again in 3 months.

    février 16, 2014
    • I’m sorry you feel this way Omri. Whilst we admit we could have done things better with our licensing change communication last year, we did revise the change allowing existing customers to be grandfathered in. Again with this change we are offering our existing customers a free year with the all theme package.

      We feel this is pretty fair and considerate. We’ve made some big changes over the last year, but we’re always mindful and open with our customers. We feel we are now in a much better place to ensure quality products and faster more efficient service. Time will tell if that wins you over or not.

      Mark Forrester
      février 17, 2014
  17. Also lost access to all themes. Only purchased plugins available.

    février 17, 2014
  18. So when is the lifetime membership coming out? 😉

    février 17, 2014
  19. Completely support this move – I guess with the caveat that’s it’s probably not going to be a great idea to change it for a while. 🙂

    If this model serves to ensure Woo is here into the future then fantastic.

    Thank you, as a long time Theme Club subscriber, for grandfathering my subscription. The 12 months is more than generous.

    février 17, 2014
  20. When I go to this page, the page is totally blank in the middle:

    février 17, 2014
    • This seems to be an issue if you have already added it to your cart. Can you check if you have anything there?

      Magnus Jepson
      février 18, 2014
  21. I’ve got a query regarding the API licenses; if I create a client’s site and they want auto-updates, I need to enter my API key, right? Will they be able to see it and copy it and use it wherever they want, or can it be encrypted upon entry so that they can’t rip it out and use it on their other sites?

    février 17, 2014
    • The API key will not be seen after you enter it. Only a link to « Deactivate » it.

      Magnus Jepson
      février 18, 2014
  22. works for me. I’ve seen a lot of business not willing to make big moves and then fail because they weren’t willing to swallow their pride. I think it’s great that you guys are making moves to ensure that me and my clients have a solid product to work with. I’d much rather see you guys work it out and get it right, than just disappear overnight because you’re bankrupt like I’ve seen other companies do.

    Andy M
    février 17, 2014
  23. You have one of the most unstable pricing policy, You have changed pricing more than 3-4 times in one year, I am really afraid what you will change in future, seems depending on you is risky business.

    février 17, 2014
    • Any time we’ve increased prices, we’ve grandfathered in current users.

      If we increase prices, it should only affect new users.

      Magnus Jepson
      février 18, 2014
  24. First, I appreciate the transparency with all this, especially given how some customers will feel having their pricing model change so frequently as you guys test and determine your best pricing model.

    I’m interested to know what will happen to my sites if my club membership should expire. Will my license become inactive and my themes stop working if my membership lapses? Does this mean my sites will all stop working a year from now if I don’t renew?

    I understand that I’ll be saving money overall by renewing with you in a year, but I’m not sure I like the idea of a « tax » on my sites if I don’t pay out.

    février 17, 2014
    • Hi,

      Nothing changes here. Once your license expires, you will not be able to update your theme or get support.

      You themes will still continue to work without the license key.

      This was the same as with our Theme Club subscription too. If you cancelled your monthly subscription, you lost access to update your themes and support.

      Magnus Jepson
      février 18, 2014
  25. Hmm… on one hand… I like the thought of paying less overall…. on the other hand I liked having the option to pay monthly instead of a large lump sum all at once; I do appreciate the free year though.

    I’m not going to lie, since the last uproar and the continuous model changes, every time I see a Woo notice in my inbox my brain goes into instant mini panic/scramble mode. I was almost afraid to read this thread but was pleasantly surprised.

    I’d also like to know the same as @DeanClinton above… If we create a client’s site and they want auto-updates, will they be able to see the license key and copy it and use it wherever they want?

    Additionally, the Downloads section of our dashboard needs some serious work. Themes and plugins are all jumbled together; please separate these items for easier reading.

    février 17, 2014
  26. I don’t have an issue with this change, although, I really think Woo should consider making payment options available for smaller development firms.

    Also, I would really like to see a move to « all-inclusive » packages ala Adobe which include the paid plug-ins such as Groups for WooCommerce etc. It would be nice to have a monthly pay option for those items instead of the initial capital layout for them – this might stabilize Woo’s income stream too… just a thought.

    février 17, 2014
  27. This billing model definitely simplifies the process and saves money for existing theme members, glad you came up with this one!

    I appreciate the free year and the 50% discount for renewal in 2015.

    I’m sure it reduces transaction costs for Woo to have a single transaction for each subscriber for the year instead of a dozen!

    I really wish the community forums were used for support again instead of one on one tickets. It was nice to be able to browse through the forums by product and see what other people were having issues with and customizing.

    février 17, 2014
  28. I like the change in pricing 😀

    Continue the good work guys!
    février 18, 2014
  29. Thanks for this post. I’m planning to open my online shop next year it’s nice to hear a positive and upbeat success story like yours! If area designed, you can think about promoting vector style on These style are great in demands nowadays as web designers invariably buy these items online at inexpensive rates. Make sure that to make top great quality, flexible, useful vector style for your website and you will be developing a lot of money from fiverr, all autopilot!

    février 18, 2014
  30. The coupon code isn’t working on checkout at the moment, was giving trouble yesterday as well.

    février 18, 2014
    • Sorry! It seems the coupon code ran out, so I’ve extended it now.

      Magnus Jepson
      février 18, 2014
  31. thank you 🙂

    février 18, 2014
  32. I just installed WooCommerce for the first time and I don’t know why but it’s showing all the currency as pounds even though I have it in United States Dollars in the General Settings. Help anyone please?

    février 18, 2014
  33. Guys, forgive me, but I do not understand, do not!
    This month you do not debitaram my credit card? Right?

    Explain me better, please.

    will be annual? And how I will pay this year? You give me a coupon? What is the discount?
    And I need to put my lnk cupon access?
    What is the annual cost?
    DISCLAIMER: and if I do not want to continue with this experience next year?
    I’ll LOST the themes already installed?
    IF I do not want to renew the annual subscription next year?
    Many questions … I did not like any of this change, a regrettable change certainly lose many customers …

    février 18, 2014
    • Hi,

      We have stopped all current subscriptions, so you will not be billed again.

      You have received 1 year free access to the new All Themes Package.

      After 1 year, you will have an option to manually re-new this package for $199.50 (50% of $399).

      You can continue to use all the themes you have installed, even if the license has expired.

      All of these questions should have been answered in the post above and in our FAQ:

      Magnus Jepson
      février 18, 2014
  34. We’re closing these comments now, so please use our contact page if you need support.

    Magnus Jepson
    février 18, 2014

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