The best Christmas present around – WPBundle

It’s been almost 6 months in development since the WPBundle guys – Liam and Spencer presented their exciting project on Kickstarter in July of this year. Although the initial funding was unsuccessful, there was huge interest on Twitter and within the WP community so we approached Liam to see if they’d be open to a collaboration. We believed we could help market their WordPress bundle to a much more targeted market on our site rather than on Kickstarter, where potential backers are not so WordPress savvy.

Today we can finally announce that all their hard work, late nights and caffeine fuelled brain storms has become a reality. WP Bundle is now available and offering some game changing, hugely unique WordPress themes that we are quite certain you would have not seen anywhere else before!

Here are some tasters of what Liam and Spencer have cooked up for you. What is important to note is that all the WPBundle themes are built on the solid and ever improving codebase that is our WooFramework. That means if you are familiar with our themes and experimenting with our code in WooTheme customizations you’ll have no problem at all with the WPBundle themes. You should also be able to chop and change bits of functionality between the themes if you are feeling up to the task in creating dream sites for your clients.

As was mentioned in WPBundle’s newsletter WooThemes users will be eligible for very attractive discounts on the $250 WPBundle:

  • WooThemes club subscription members can get the WPBundle for only $100
  • Any other WooThemes customers that have purchased theme packages in the past can get WPBundle for $150

To take advantage of these special offers login to your WooThemes account and on the “Add Products” page look for the WPBundle offer, purchase the themes directly from there and you’ll be in business in no time. To find out more about WPBundle go to their beautiful site –

Mark Forrester Avatar



  1. Credit must go to Liam and Spencer for putting their great work behind this bundle

    December 13, 2010
    • how do I buy this after login?

      Niloufer Tamboly
      December 14, 2010
      • If you have a WooThemes account, login and go to your Dashboard, and then go to “Add Products” and pick the WPBundle product.

        December 14, 2010
        • Purchased already… right in my dashboard..

          Thanks for the discount for existing WooThemes customers 😉

          December 14, 2010
        • Hi Magnus,
          I don’t see the WPBundle in “Add Products”, how do I buy?

          December 20, 2010
          • It should be there. Contact us via our contact page if you can’t find it with your account details.

            December 20, 2010
  2. Happy you guys are back up and running, even Wikileaks had better luck than you last week.
    Would love to see a post on how to manage a ddos attack (or maybe just the story of what happened) when you are back on your feet and got some sleep again.
    All the best for the bundle – like the look of the Knowledgebase. Seems too many themes focus on graphics and are not designed for text only info sites.

    December 13, 2010
    • We hope to blog about our week from hell when we finally get a free moment after the backlog of work that has built up.

      Knowledgebase is also one of my favourites.

      Mark Forrester
      December 13, 2010
      • I fucking loveeeeeee Nimble… Super beautiful design!!!!!

        December 14, 2010
  3. Stunning design work, attention to detail is amazing ~ will be buying Knowledgebase in the near future for sure!

    December 13, 2010
  4. Not sure why I need to pay extra for access to these themes. Troubles me that you are going in this direction, seems to be another way to make money off your loyal customers. I understand these guys are external, but so are many of your designers.

    December 13, 2010
    • It’s not really a direction they are heading. This is something we were initially developing completely separately. WooThemes saw it as an opportunity to help us out, and give something extra to their users.

      If WooThemes didn’t get involved we’d still have launched, you just wouldn’t have access to the special offer, and we wouldn’t have the awesome support that WooThemes can offer. I don’t see the problem, I think perhaps you’ve just misunderstood the situation, does this make it any clearer?

      Thanks 🙂

      Liam McKay
      December 13, 2010
      • @woo, glad to see that the DOS has at least diminished enough to help launch wpbundle. Woo!

        @Liam, I completely agree, you guys put together some excellent work and I’m very excited about the fact that as a club member I get a significant discount and will be grabbing these up ASAP.

        @Peter I’m not sure you fully understand the difference between commissioned work by WooThemes with a design, and a business collaboration, that truly benefits both parties equally.. and thus benefits Woo Members.

        Matt Edmunds
        December 13, 2010
    • @Peter – I can just chime in… For our other collaborations, it’s purely commissioned design work i.e. we pay for the design work and handle all development. In WPBundle’s situation, they handled all of the design & development work.

      Also as Liam has pointed out, this is a business partnership and not a theme collaboration, so the dynamics are completely different, which is why they’re not available to club subscribers.

      December 13, 2010
      • Hi Adii

        I understand all of the above, I also understand business and growth and there will come a time where your business will steady and directors will look at more and more ways to make money. I am all for making money and you guys currently make us money because you do great sites we can quickly deploy for clients who want something simple.

        I just hope you understand that like Google you are loved because you care about your customers and do not take advantage of them. Once you or they lose that trust, you (they) will find it very hard to recover.

        I suppose I just wanted to send a friendly missile across your bow – so that you never forget who contributes (many factors I know) to making your company a success.

        I know you havent yet forgotten, just want to make sure you dont 🙂

        December 13, 2010
        • First, @woo – great deal & offer, love it!

          Second, @Peter – would you have been as troubled if they had just positioned it as a coupon for X% off of the wpBundle? Because that’s what they’re really offering, and I, for one, always love coupons! 🙂

          Chris Lema
          December 13, 2010
  5. Can i buy the wpbundle with my existing woothemes account, but with use of the wpbundle coupon code for 100$?

    Why i should pay 150$ with a woothemes account if i can buy it for 100$. A duplicate registration is pointless.

    Pascal Kuster
    December 13, 2010
    • Drop us a mail and we’ll help you out. 🙂

      December 13, 2010
      • How can we email you?

        December 13, 2010
        • You can contact Woo by clicking “Contact Us”, or WPBundle by going to

          December 14, 2010
  6. These themes are gorgeous and well worth every penny. I can’t wait to start using these for my clients. Thanks WooThemes and Liam and Spencer.

    December 13, 2010
  7. I’m so ready to get this bundle, but I just have 1 question…

    Do these themes come with the beautiful shortcodes and sidebar manager?

    Israel Ali
    December 13, 2010
    • Each themes have their own short-codes, plus all of the standard WooThemes short-codes:

      Some themes don’t have/use the sidebar manager as it’s not needed in the design, others do have it. Depends which theme you look at/use. Thanks.

      Liam McKay
      December 13, 2010
  8. Does the discount for members at $100 expire anytime?

    December 13, 2010
    • I’ll have to double check, but as I understand it most of the offers expire January 31st 2011. It might be the same for Woo members, or it could be longer. I’ll try and find out.

      Liam McKay
      December 13, 2010
  9. great job guys!

    John Saddington
    December 13, 2010
  10. Most themes look awesome. I might consider purchasing but I’d like to have a test drive first. Could you guys make them available in the playground section?

    Btw, great that dos attacks to woothemes have ended and you guys are back =)

    Metin Ucar
    December 13, 2010
    • You can demo the themes direct at

      Liam McKay
      December 13, 2010
      • Hey Liam,

        I meant that I would like to see how the backend options are structured and play with them.

        Metin Ucar
        December 13, 2010
  11. Not that this is a bother…Don’t you think a Christmas ribbon around the “Christmas Bundle” featured image would be more appropriate? Usher in the holidays guys, bring some color there!

    Otherwise, great theme bundle. In fact, it’s just the beginning of what Liam and Spencer can put together. Knowledge base is an excellent theme of what WordPress CAN do.

    Ddos? This more of rise from the ashes! Keep it going guys!

    Reji Thomas
    December 13, 2010
    • Haha, thanks very much 😀

      Liam McKay
      December 13, 2010
  12. I’m not a hard core WP developer but help attorneys develop their own sites now and then. You guys are awesome. I find myself coming back every time to Woo for possible themes, and this bundle fits perfectly. Does it come with access to any PSD source files? I cannot seem to find that info.

    Gregory Luce
    December 13, 2010
  13. I’m probably being a stick in the mud – and they are beautiful themes, but I’m spoiled by bundles like the MacUpdate promo bundle – it is only $49 for 10 mac apps.

    $250 in my mind is waaaay too much for this IMHO. Even at $150 I doubt I’ll bite. (I’m not a club member)

    Maybe you’re targeting the folks that aren’t like me – folks that buy theme after theme from you guys as they build websites for folks. I’m just a lowly blogger who’s possibly looking for some new looks for his existing blogs and in this economy, the bundle is just too far out of my range.

    The lesson learned by the macUpdate folks (and I think many selling iPhone apps) is that the lower pricing ends up selling many more bundles and you make more money in the long run because you’ve gotten more people excited about it (and hopefully many more new customers). I’m wishing you’d picked a lower price to get me excited. At these prices I’m out I’m afraid.

    Beautiful work tho and I hope you have good luck.

    By the way – all of my current sites are using wooThemes and I love them. Thanks

    December 13, 2010
    • Ditto what he said. Too steep for me as a part time freelance designer. Don’t see enough here to warrant the $250 or even $100 if I’m being honest. Like the themes though, they just don’t fit the regular niche I usually find myself working with.

      Good luck with this though, still a loyal WooThemes subscriber.

      December 13, 2010
  14. These look great! Congrats.

    December 13, 2010
  15. Since joining, I have loved the functionality that WooThemes has delivered. Now this pairs that functionality with beautiful designs. Thank you!!!

    December 13, 2010
  16. I must admit I wasn’t really looking forward to these all that much but now that I see them I am much more excited. I also like that they are higher price point items with more exclusivity. As a developer I don’t like running into the same things over and over.

    December 13, 2010
  17. I wish Woo would concentrate on making WordPress themes rather than trying to build an affiliate empire. The hunger for money and empire smells bad.

    December 14, 2010
    • We are totally focused on making WP themes 🙂

      December 14, 2010
  18. Just picked up the bundle as I am all about having as many themes as I can get my hands on… and I noticed something that made me go huh?

    I downloaded the wp-bundle and in the zip file there is a plugin folder with the obox mobile plugin in it.. is there some relation here?

    I just bought that plugin for $50 a few weeks ago, care to enlighten me??

    Jesse Distad
    December 14, 2010
  19. Looks Good, but after thanksgiving and blackfriday buying not thinking to buy now.
    One question, after the time, will these will be sold as single themes.

    December 14, 2010
    • No, they will only be sold in a bundle 🙂

      December 14, 2010
  20. WP bundle says it comes with lifetime updates / upgrades.
    Does this includes Woo Framework updates as it is build on it ?

    Also any WOO Themes Christmas Promotions coming as missed Black Friday promotion.

    December 14, 2010
    • Yes it includes the WooFramework and updates to it 🙂

      We don’t have any planned yet, but might run a little promotion during Xmas 🙂

      December 14, 2010
  21. I’ll post this again as it was obviously ignored…

    Just picked up the bundle as I am all about having as many themes as I can get my hands on… and I noticed something that made me go huh?
    I downloaded the wp-bundle and in the zip file there is a plugin folder with the obox mobile plugin in it.. is there some relation here?
    I just bought that plugin for $50 a few weeks ago, care to enlighten me??

    December 14, 2010
    • I’m sure if you post in our support forum, the WPBundle crew will answer you on that 🙂

      December 14, 2010
      • fine :p I will post in the support forum and wait longer to get an answer lol.. I love answers to questions that are non-answers 🙂

        maybe I will make my first post in the forum a question, asking if I can ask a question 😀

        December 15, 2010
    • I saw it too and was like oh is this a little easter egg? It does say on the wpbundle site that it is included though! some of the details sections mention mobile design. Saw it comes with the 3 obox/woo designs and then 3 wpbundle mobile designs.

      I tried out the obox mobile on my main website and I cant seem to get it to work properly though. Hopefully it will be figured out because it should look nicer than WPtouch.

      Scott Webb
      December 14, 2010
  22. any plans to have more EE themes out soon? can you hint us on which? …

    December 15, 2010
  23. I’ve taken a look and that is indeed an amazing piece of work you have here. 🙂 I have a couple of questions though:

    Following what I read in a few comments, Is there actually an Obox-mobile license included in the bundle? With lifetime upgrades and everything? Just like the original one? Because that would be something extra to put a spotlight on. 🙂

    Since it’s not regular Woo work, what about the license of the bundle? GPL with all of its goodness? Restricted to sites I personally own or otherwise limited in installations? Something else?


    Guillaume Ceccarelli
    December 15, 2010
    • Thanks, truly appreciate it.

      There was a mix up regarding the Obox Mobile plugin. But we’ve now fixed it. If you re-download the main theme zip and check the bonus.html you will find details of how to register for a Obox Mobile licence, and as an apology we’ve included a coupon that let’s you get it for only $20 instead of $50.

      The oxbo mobile plugin can be used as many times as you like. & The rest of the Bundle is GPL and you can use the themes on multiple sites too. Thanks 🙂

      December 16, 2010
  24. Will you add language files to the themes anytime soon? Thanks.

    December 16, 2010
  25. Is this a limited time offer that will expire (meaning the discount to current Woo Dev Subs?)

    December 17, 2010
  26. Wow there all nice but I have to go with Diverse. you guys make the best themes ever. Im at home trying to keep my cool. Cant wait to see what my blog look like with which ever theme I choose.

    Dennis of Keep My Home
    December 19, 2010
  27. I like the designs as they are pretty, but I don’t see them as being particularly effective for what I develop for. (I just don’t have any projects in the past year that could use any of these, other than my own personal projects.) I think I am spoiled by how clear the WooThemes site is though … I found navigating through the WPBundle site to be really clumsy and more time-consuming than I wanted it to be. Perhaps that is something to consider – if I have difficulty navigating around when there is only one bundle to consider, what will happen when there is 2, 3, more?

    Nikole Gipps
    December 29, 2010
  28. If there would have been a demo of this bundle would be a better option!!

    January 1, 2011


  1. WPBundle Premium WordPress Themes | MALLWP
  2. wpBundle - 10-In-One WordPress Bundle
  3. WooThemes 10-In-One WordPress Bundle | Webmaster Resources Kit | Drupal | Joomla | Wordpress | Templates | Themes | Graphics | Scripts


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