New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

Request Quote Form

The Request Quote form allows to take quote requests without creating a WooCommerce order. The below sections explain the different features of the Request Quote form.

Enable the Request Quote Form

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  1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Quotes > Request Quote Page Settings.
  2. Select the Enable Request Quote Page checkbox.
  3. Save the settings.
  4. Check the front-end single product page.
  5. You should now see a Request Quote button and an Add to Cart button.
  6. NOTE: By default, this enables the Request Quote button for all the published products on the site.

Hide the Add to Cart button

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  1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Quotes > Request Quote Page Settings.
  2. Select the Enable Request Quote Page checkbox.
  3. Select Do not allow WooCommerce orders checkbox.
  4. Save the settings.
  5. Check the front-end single product page. You should now see only the Request Quote button.
  6. NOTE: If you wish to allow normal WooCommerce orders for products that are enabled for quotation, please uncheck Do not allow WooCommerce orders checkbox and save the settings.

Request Quote based on product categories

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  1. To enable the Request Quote form only for certain products based on categories enable the Request Quote form using the steps mentioned above.
  2. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > Category based quote settings
  3. Add all the product categories for which you wish to enable quotes in Product Categories to include and save them.
To exclude select product categories from quotations using the Request quote form
  1. To enable the Request Quote form only for certain products based on categories enable the Request Quote form using the steps mentioned above.
  2. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > General
  3. Select Enable Quotes checkbox and save the settings
  4. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > Category based quote settings
  5. Add all the product categories for which you wish to disable quotes in Product Categories to exclude and save them.

Request Quote for select products

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  1. To enable the Request Quote form only for certain products irrespective of product category enable the Request Quote form using the steps mentioned above.
  2. Go to the Edit Product page for the individual product for which you wish to enable quotation.
  3. Select Product Data meta box > Quotes > Enable Quotes checkbox and save the product settings.
Disable Request Quote form for select products
  1. To enable the Request Quote form only for certain products irrespective of product category enable the Request Quote form using the steps mentioned above.
  2. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > General
  3. Select Enable Quotes checkbox and save the settings
  4. Go to the Edit Product page for the individual product for which you wish to disable quotation.
  5. Uncheck/deselect Product Data meta box > Quotes > Enable Quotes checkbox and save the product settings.

Access the request in the admin dashboard

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  • Once users submit the Request Quote form on the front end, the quotation request can be accessed in the WordPress Dashboard > WooCommerce > Quotes > Quote Requests tab.
  • By default all the requests are assigned the status Pending. Any user with the ability to ‘manage_woocommerce’ i.e. users with the roles Administrator and Shop Manager can access the page.
  • Here the request can be edited as desired. The admin can change the product prices, quantity and user details such as name and email address can be modified.
  • Once all the prices are set up correctly, the admin can choose to send a quote email to the user. Emails can be sent using the Bulk Actions or the individual row actions.
  • After the price has been finalized, the request can be marked complete. Once marked complete, the plugin moves the request to the Quote Complete list.

Emails sent for the Request Quote form

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When a user submits the Request Quote form, an email is sent to the site admin as well as the customer. The plugin extends the WooCommerce emails class and hence all the emails can be found in WooCommerce > Settings > Emails

Email sent to the customer: New Request for Quote Sent

Email sent to the admin: New Request for Quote Received

Edit the email content

Since the plugin extends the WooCommerce emails class, the email content can be edited the same as any default WooCommerce emails. Basic knowledge of PHP, HTML and WooCommerce is needed.

  • Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails
  • Go to the manage page of the email whose content needs to be edited.
  • Scroll down to HTML Template section. Click on the Copy file to theme button.
  • Using FTP access to the site, go to the file path stated on the page.
  • Edit the email template as desired and save it. Feel free to reach out for any queries.

Send the email to specific email addresses

In order to send the New Request for Quote Received email to more email addresses apart from the site admin, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > New Request for Quote Received > Manage and modify the Recipients list as needed. You can add multiple comma separated email addresses.

Convert the request to a WooCommerce order

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Once a request is marked complete it can be found in WooCommerce > Quotes > Quote Requests > Quote Complete page. The request can be converted to a WooCommerce order using the Bulk Actions > Create WooCommerce Order or by using the row action Create WooCommerce Order.

Customize the Request Quote form

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The Request Quote form follows the basic structure of the WooCommerce Cart page to list the items in the quote list. Below the list it contains some input fields such as email, name and notes. The form can be submitted once the required fields are populated.

Use a different page other than the one provided by the plugin

If you wish to use a different page than the one provided by the plugin, you can do so by creating a new page in WordPress dashboard > Pages section. Add any specific logo, text, instructions and styling as desired. Add the shortcode [qwc_request_quote] to add the form on the page.

It is necessary to add the shortcode on the page. This ensures that the quote list is displayed along with the form fields and the page is considered for processing by the plugin.

Once the page is published, copy the Link that can be found in the ‘Page’ view of the right side block.

  1. Copy the highlighted text shown in the image above. Kindly refrain from using the copy icon as it copies the entire link and not only the text.
  2. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Quotes > Request Quote Page Settings
  3. Remove the ‘/’ at the start of the text and paste it in Enter the Request Quote page slug field.
  4. Save the settings.
Add fields to the form

The plugin includes some hooks and filters which can be used to modify or add new fields on the Request Quote form. Kindly get in touch with us for the details.

Request Quote form on the front end

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The plugin creates the Request Quote form on installation. The page is saved in draft mode and published only when the Request Quote Page Settings are enabled. When a product is added to the quote list, the plugin displays a link to take the user to the Request Quote form or simply redirects the user to the page based on the settings (WooCommerce > Settings > Quotes > Request Quote Page Settings > Add to Quote behavior).

By default the plugin does not add the page to any menu on the site. If you wish to ensure that the user can access the form anytime during their shopping journey on the site, we suggest adding the form to the top level menu on the site.