This weekend Woo represented at WordCamp Paris to meet the French community and share knowledges acquired during the last couple years around WooCommerce and the WordPress eCommerce niche. With 270 attendees on day 1 and 140 the next this WordCamp was a real success with 34 talks presented – some in French, some in English. A quick video made on my iPhone:
On Friday, everyone arrived pretty early to meet and discuss with other members of the growing French WordPress community (and to get some Woo t-shirts!). Covered topics were SEO, security, e-commerce, page builders, maintenance, node.js, BuddyPress, or community stuff (how to create a WordPress event).
I talked during an hour in front of crowded room about WooCommerce marketing to increase sales. My talk was divided into 3 parts: e-commerce/marketing stats, emotional design keys and WooCommerce. What I wanted to explain is how to apply emotional design to WooCommerce powered sites, and why it’s important to create emotions when someone is about to enter his credit card details. Below are my talk slides:
I have to admit that I was pretty satisfied when I asked who in the room was using WooCommerce: nearly all hands raised up in the air, while only two were using «another WordPress e-commerce platform». Overall the talks’ quality was awesome, speakers were really passionate about their topics and food was delicious (yes we had cupcakes!).
Props to the organizers who did an incredible job! To end, here are some photos from the day:
See you next year!
Credits: Manuel Schmalstieg, Thierry Pigot, more pictures
Hi Remi, would appreciate if you could provide an English version of your talk slide! 🙂
Hey Teng, I will try to make an English version as soon as I can 😉
Wow, how did you implement your banner and menu bar to have the photo in the background?
I’m using Canvas. Please please please tell me how to achieve this and I’ll spend some more money on another plugin or something! 🙂