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Product Add-Ons

by  Woo
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Add a date picker to Product Add-ons wordpress plugin

My website is about selling tours, and a client can book various tours at the same time.
So i would find it very helpful to include a date picker calendar field to the plug in so that they can choose when to do the tour.




Current Status


Last updated: July 29, 2023


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  1. Anonymous says:

    A date picker is very important, I need it.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Please, please, please add this! It doesn’t even have to be a picker, it can just be a date field with appropriate validation. It would be very, very appreciated!

  3. Linda Speight says:

    YES, Please!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Please, add a date picker field!

    My client is selling tours, too. A datepicker field for custom tour date requests would be perfect!

    As only your Product Add-ons plugin is working seamlessly with the “Request a Quote for WooCommerce” extension, this would be a huge advantage!

  5. Bountiful Tree Service says:

    That’s awesome feature for better user experience. Regards, Team Roof Inspection in Clayton NC

  6. Bountiful Tree Service says:

    everybody want it. Go add it.


  7. Chris says:

    This was asked for SIX YEARS AGO!
    It went into review FOUR YEARS AGO!
    People are STILL asking for it!

    What does htis say, it saiys you don’t care about your custtomers, just the $$

  8. Eddie Mar says:

    I’ve been looking for that plugin too. I just hope someone can help or suggest a date picker that is responsive and doesn’t sacrifice page speed. Anyway, please visit and discover Canberra’s most trusted concrete contractors.

  9. Andy Deck says:

    Is there anyone out there who can recommend a reliable date picker or WordPress plugin for scheduling? I highly appreciate it if you can share. In the meantime, please visit and find out why such a company provides the best stamped concrete service in Bendigo, VIC.

  10. Josh Jensen says:

    I haven’t tried such a plugin yet and I was going through the comments, none of them suggested a plugin that has the functionalities you describe in the post. I just hope someone could say. Also, please visit and discover products that could help your cargo or transportation business.

  11. Najeeb Ahmad says:


    I was just looking for another idea but see this post and want to share a solution that may work to book events with a calendar, here is the demo

    Here is how-to video guide

  12. Aaron says:

    Please add this feature!! also when you add it make it so you can set a minimum and maximum date to choose from. ie. earliest date to select is current date +5 days and latest date is current date + 90 days

  13. Tunc Gunergun says:

    can’t believe this is not possible with this extension today !?!?!? please add a date picker, thanks!

  14. Mohammed Farghly says:

    A date picker is very important, I need it.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Need it. Please make it

  16. Anonymous says:

    Please needed very urgently

  17. Anonymous says:

    This has been open since 2018 and still not added as yet? surely it is not a major issue adding it

  18. Anonymous says:

    road to no-where?

  19. Anonymous says:

    I provide a service product and i would like to have an estimated date for project completion. A date picker would simplify this request.

  20. Falcon says:

    On our site we need to know the age of our guests, so we have a product add-on that asks them for their date of birth. It would be super helpful if this was a date picker calendar field. Thanks

  21. says:

    Yes, please add a date picker. Our website deals with Baby Births so we would need a Date Picker. Thank you

  22. Anonymous says:

    This is an important addition. Please add it ASAP.

  23. Sebastian says:

    It’s a shame the pluggin doesn’t have this feature, thats the sole reason I have to look for other option

  24. Adrian says:

    The datepicker is a feature of the Bookings plugin which is more expensive. If that feature will be added here, probably many users will skip the Bookings. I think that’s the main reason it was not added yet.

  25. Simon says:

    No idea how this hasn’t been added yet – 5 years ago it was suggested and 250 votes. Probably worth 250 purchases alone adding more features like to this plugin.