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FAQs and Roadmap


  • Change PayPal email address with existing subscriptions

    If you have existing subscriptions with PayPal, you can still change your PayPal email address; however, you need to change both the email used in WooCommerce and the primary address with PayPal. Please also note, you can not change to the email address in WooCommerce to use the email address of a different PayPal account. […]

  • Change Subscription from Automatic to Manual Payments

    If a customer has created a subscription using a payment gateway with automatic recurring payment support, and the customer now wants to pay manually, the store manager can use this tutorial to switch their subscription to manual payments. The first part of this guide is written for store owners and outlines the administration interface available for this […]

  • PayPal Reference Transactions for Subscriptions FAQ

    Woo Subscriptions comes with built-in support for PayPal Reference Transactions with PayPal Payments when Vaulting is enabled. While previously Subscriptions defaulted to PayPal Standard, it is no longer the case. PayPal Standard will be hidden on newly installed Stores, and an alternative PayPal option should be used. Reference Transactions is an added functionality that allows […]

  • Subscriptions and the GDPR

    Woo Subscriptions supports the tools that enable store managers to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This support is built on the functionality included in WooCommerce and WordPress. Below is information on how these two handle customer data. Data Subscriptions Uses Subscriptions accesses and records data similar to WooCommerce. The data used by […]

  • Subscriptions FAQ

    WooSubscriptions is a premium extension, and this page has answers to commonly asked questions. We recommend reading the Subscriptions Guide for Store Managers if you haven’t already. For technical questions about integrating software with Subscriptions, refer to the Subscriptions Developer Docs. Topics Subscriptions Features What type of subscriptions can I sell with Woo Subscriptions? Woo Subscriptions can be […]

  • Subscriptions: How Can Customers Extend a Subscription’s Expiration Date?

    When creating a subscription product, you can set a length to the subscription, for example, 12 months, or 2 years. When a customer purchases a subscription with a defined length, it will renew until that number of recurring payments has been completed, and then be set to “expired.” Resubscribe to the Subscription after expiration After the subscription […]

  • Testing Subscription Renewal Payments

    Once you have WooCommerce Subscriptions active on your site, you may want to test subscription renewal. When using a payment gateway other than PayPal or WorldPay, you don’t have to wait 24 hours (the minimum billing period) for a renewal to be processed. However, if you are using PayPal or WorldPay, this process will not work […]

  • What’s New in WooCommerce Subscriptions v2.0

    WooCommerce Subscriptions version 2.0 has been in development for more than a year. This major new version reinvented the extension to take into account 3 years of feedback from store managers. As well as introducing new features, version 2.0 changes how subscription data is stored and accessed to make it possible to purchase different subscription products […]

  • What’s New in Subscriptions 3.1

    WooCommerce Subscriptions 3.1 contains a couple notable features – Updated REST API and Cart and Checkout Blocks integration. Version 3.1 is a “minor” release and is backwards compatible with sites running previous versions of WooCommerce Subscriptions. In order to ensure a smooth update process, please refer to the Subscriptions Upgrade Guide. Features WooCommerce Cart and […]

  • Why aren’t Subscriptions Cancelled or Suspended at PayPal?

    PayPal and WooCommerce Subscriptions both keep a record of your store’s subscriptions. As a result, the status of these subscriptions needs to be synchronised with PayPal. On occasion, store managers may find that when a customer or store manager suspends or cancels a subscription in the store the status change is not reflected at PayPal. Similarly, […]