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Coming Soon Products for WooCommerce

Display upcoming products in your store and notify customers when the product is available for purchase through Email or WhatsApp.

Preview your upcoming products with a badge and countdown timer allowing you to attract customers. You can also enable the notify button to allow customers to get automatically notified via Email or WhatsApp when the product is available for purchase. 

Display the timer and badge on both or any one of the pages i.e. Shop and Product page. It also allows you to customize the coming soon badge according to your preference. 


  • Display Coming Soon Badge on Products
  • Enable Countdown timer for coming soon product
  • Hide price for upcoming product
  • Display badge and timer on both the Shop and Product Page
  • Allow customers to get notified about upcoming products
  • Notify customers via Email and WhatsApp
  • Customize Email and WhatsApp notifications.

Display Coming-Soon Badge

Add a coming soon badge on the upcoming products to effectively communicate with customers that a specific product is yet to be launched. WooCommerce product coming soon also enables you to personalize the coming soon badge as per your requirements. Set the font size, opacity, position, and color of the badge to seamlessly integrate with your store.

Display Coming-Soon Badge, indicating a product that will be available soon, with a simple badge design for highlighting upcoming items.

Display a Countdown Timer for Coming Soon Product

WooCommerce coming soon product plugin enables you to display a counter on your Shop or Product page to let customers know when products will be available. You can customize the color of the timer to match your brand appearance. Enable and set the time of the countdown timer for each product at the product level settings.

Display a Countdown Timer for Coming Soon Product, showing a timer, representing a countdown to the product's release date to build anticipation.

Enable Notify Me Form

Enable Notify Me form at the product level setting and allow customers to get notified about the product when the product is available for purchase. Personalize the notify me button text, colors, and form title according to your preference. 

Enable Notify Me Form allowing customers to sign up for notifications when a product becomes available

Notify Customers via Email

WooCommerce product coming soon allows you to notify your interested customers about the upcoming product via Email. It allows you to send customized email notifications to your customers. You can set the email subject and body to send personalized notifications.

Notify Customers via Email, used to send product availability updates directly to customers' inboxes.

Notify customers via WhatsApp

Enable WhatsApp notifications to notify your customers about the upcoming products they are interested in purchasing. You can enable WhatsApp notifications by configuring Facebook app ID, Access token, phone number ID, and WhatsApp business account ID. You can also customize the WhatsApp notifications and set the language.

Notify customers via WhatsApp, enabling direct notifications to customers through WhatsApp messaging.

Set Up Cron-Job Duration

WooCommerce coming soon product enables you to manually set the duration of the Cron job. This allows you to send notifications after a specific time interval. You will be able to limit the number of notifications you send to your customers in this way, so they do not feel overwhelmed.

Set Up Cron-Job Duration, representing the scheduling of automated tasks at specified intervals.

Keep Track of Notify Me Requests

Track notify me requests to better understand the demand and purchase of your product. It displays how many interested customers have purchased your product. You can also view the interested customer’s details.

"Keep Track of Notify Me Requests, used to monitor and manage customer requests for product availability notifications.

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