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User Defined pricing - Name your price based on user roles for WooCommerce

Enable role-based pricing, add user roles, and set customer-specific pricing. Define different prices for different user roles, and set minimum & maximum price limits.

  • Enable role-based pricing: Set product prices based on user roles and custom pricing for individual users.
  • Add new user roles: Edit the default WooCommerce user roles or add new user roles and change the permissions abilities for user roles.
  • Set minimum and maximum price: Offer custom pricing by setting the minimum and maximum price limits for specific customers and user roles.
  • Restrict order quantity: Apply order quantity restrictions for different user roles or individual customers on the cart and product pages depending on the user’s price.
  • Enable price negotiations: Allow customers to enter a negotiated price to make a purchase.

Enable WooCommerce Role-Based Pricing to Offer Custom Prices

The WooCommerce Role-Based Pricing plugin enables you to set custom product prices based on user roles. Set different prices for different user roles with minimum and maximum price limits.

Edit default user roles or add new user roles with the WooCommerce custom price plugin. Moreover, you can edit the permissions for both default and newly added user roles.

This plugin helps you set custom user-defined prices for different user roles with minimum and maximum price limits.

Let customers decide the price with the WooCommerce name your price option

The WooCommerce price by user role plugin offers rule-based management that allows you to create rules to create custom product prices. Create separate rules and define custom prices for different user roles and guest users.

Apply minimum and maximum price limits and order quantity limits to manage product prices. You can offer discounts to customers based on their user role or markup by a percentage amount. Display different prices for different users to drive more sales.

The plugin allows you to create role-based pricing rules to offer discounts and variable prices to different users.


  • Allow customers to pay the price they are willing to pay
  • Set pricing for different user roles and individual customers
  • Add new rules for specific products or categories
  • Hide general and sale prices from the product or shop page
  • Set a price range with minimum and maximum values
  • Restrict product order quantities based on customer price
  • Display or hide the suggested, maximum, and minimum price on the product page
  • Redirect customers to the cart, checkout, or product page from the shop page
  • Manage rules easily from the back office
  • Use with Simple or Variable Products
This Plugin is fully compatible with HPOS (High-Performance Order Storage) and Multisite.

How does Role-Based Pricing Work?

Role-based pricing or custom price is to offer different prices for different users. The WooCommerce role-based pricing plugin enables store owners to set different prices for different user roles. To set different prices for different user roles, you can go to the product level settings and set prices for each user role. This makes your users feel important and builds trust between you and the customers.

How does Role-Based Pricing Work?

Setup Role-Based Pricing on Product Level

With the WooCommerce custom pricing plugin, you can update the price based on the user role on the product level. The product level settings enable you to set different prices for each user role. You can leave the price empty for user roles you want to display the original price.

Setup Role-Based Pricing on Product Level

Let Customers Name their Price

The WooCommerce price by user role plugin allows you to create custom pricing so that customers can enter the prices that suit them. Set minimum and maximum price limits for each user role or suggest your own price.

Let Customers Name their Price

Edit or Add User Roles

WooCommerce role-based price plugin allows you to edit or add new user roles. You can edit the default user roles and change the permissions for all default WooCommerce user roles. You can create new user roles, edit or delete them, and set different prices for all user roles. Besides adding user roles, you can manage permissions for each role. You can edit the following capabilities of any user role:

  • Posts capabilities
  • Pages capabilities
  • Plugins capabilities
  • Themes capabilities
  • Core capabilities
  • Users capabilities
  • Files capabilities
  • Network capabilities
  • Sites capabilities

Edit or Add User Roles

Edit or Add User Roles

Set minimum and maximums price limits

Set minimum and maximum price limits with the custom user-defined pricing for WooCommerce extension. Restrict customers to pay within your price limits to increase profitability. You can also display or hide the suggested, maximum, and minimum prices on the product page.

Set minimum and maximums price limits

Set minimum and maximums price limits

Restrict Customer Order Quantity

WooCommerce prices by user role allow you to restrict order quantity on product and cart pages based on the customer’s price. The admin can limit order quantities based on user roles or individual customers.

Restrict Customer Order Quantity

Restrict Customer Order Quantity

Hide General/Sale Price from Product & Shop Page

With the name your price WooCommerce plugin, the admin can hide the general and sale prices from the product and shop page. This allows customers to enter their prices within the limits you have defined.

Hide General/Sale Price from Shop Page

Hide General/Sale Price from Product Page

Customize field titles

The WooCommerce custom price plugin allows you to add personalized text to the field titles of your new pricing options as per your preferences. You can add text for minimum-maximum price fields, cart buttons, and suggested prices.

Customize field titles

Rule-Based Price Management

The WooCommerce custom price plugin offers rule-based management for targeted price management. Change prices for complete categories and selected products in bulk. You can create separate rules for different user roles and enable user-defined pricing for guest users.

Rule-Based Price Management

Set Custom Redirects

The role-based pricing for WooCommerce plugin enables you to set redirects to control where customers go after adding a product to their cart. Take them directly to the cart or checkout page, or back to the product page to keep shopping.

Set Custom Redirects


1. Can customers suggest their prices for products?

Yes, within set limits.

2. Is it possible to hide prices from certain users?

Absolutely, for selected users or roles.

3. How do I manage user roles and pricing rules?

Easily managed from your store’s backend.

4. Can I restrict product quantities based on price levels?

Yes, for efficient inventory management.


Our plugins are designed to be highly versatile and also compatible with the most commonly used themes, browsers, builders, and mobile views. We understand the importance of flexibility and integration when it comes to enhancing your website’s functionality. Our plugins can effortlessly integrate with the following:

Themes Compatibility

  • Store Front
  • Avada
  • Flatsome
  • Woodmart
  • WooCommerce default theme
  • Divi


  • Elementor
  • Bakery
  • Divi

Also Compatible with

  • Mobile Layouts
WooCommerce Role-Based Pricing - documentation


Looking for assistance? Check out the extensive documentation for a complete understanding of the WooCommerce Role-Based Pricing plugin.

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