Roughly 4 months after the release of Groovy Video and 9 months after the theme contest where we picked Izzudin Helmi as the contest winner with his Groovy Series we have finally done his beautiful designs justice and WordPresserized all three of them. Today Groovy Photo and Groovy Blog join Groovy Video in the 3 part, colourful trilogy.
All 3 of the themes come packaged with 18 alternate styles each and of course the WordPress goodness you’ve come to expect from WooThemes. The series is great if you run a network of different media sites yet want to keep the branding consistent across them.
Groovy Blog has a completely customizable home page with a neat category based tabber, an “about”, “twitter” and “gallery” module and of course the standard bells and whistles like the image resizer, advertising module, and widgetized sidebars.
Groovy Photo joins the Aperture theme as another photoblogging theme for our surprisingly huge community of photographers we seem to have. A neat, simple home page showcases your latest photos whilst the archives allows for a quick recap of all your latest photo and blog posts.
There is too much goodness to report to you in one blog post, so rather head on over to the theme listings and find out more there. And remember if you buy one developer theme package you get two other’s absolutely free, in other words you could pick up this bundle of goodness for the low price of $150!
They both look really nice – well done Woo!
WoW ! 17 color options!
All are nice themes. But I like Groovy Video more!!
These are some awesome themes, guys. The backgrounds on these themes add a lot to the design and are what I think make them so beautiful. Thanks for making two more!
Oh and I know you mentioned 17 colors to choose from (Woo!) but I think mentioning what those colors are would help potential buyers.
Have a look at the demos to see the styles available –
Ah, yes. Thanks!
Great! But that category header should have an auto scroll between categories otherwise the reader only ever sees one category when visiting.
Isn’t that an easy one?
Grate edition with bit dark background.
Looking forward to the documentation!
Sorry! Mark forgot to publish them They are available now!
Great work! These look really good.