New User Experience

As of WooCommerce Bookings 2.0.0, the extension now comes with a new and improved user onboarding experience. Users are provided with a few Bookable Product Templates to make it easier and more convenient to set up a booking. Once set up, they can be easily edited as per the user’s needs.

New user flow

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The new booking flow begins when the user activates the plugin and sees the new template page for creating a new Bookable product.

Get Started Options

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While on the Bookable Product Templates page, you will see several cards that represent templates to choose from as the base of your new Bookable product. Otherwise, you can also click the “Start from Scratch” button to create a new blank Bookable product.

New WooCommerce Bookings flow to start creating a new product from scratch or with a template.

Start from scratch

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If a user clicks “Start from scratch”, they will land on a screen to add a new product where no details will be pre-filled except the “Bookable product” pre-selected in the product type dropdown.

Template preview

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Clicking on one of the template cards will open a popup box showing the details of the template bookable product on the left side and the front-end preview on the right side to make it easy for users to understand the template and its usage easily and clearly before they use it.

Product Templates

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Users can see 6 template products and read their details with the front-end screenshots, outlined below.

1. Tutoring

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Scenario: Ideal for scheduling 30-minute tutoring sessions during part-time availability on weekday nights and weekend midday.

Booking Features Utilized:

  • Custom hour ranges to set specific availability for tutoring sessions.

2. Tourist Activity

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Scenario: Two options are available for tour providers.

  • Option A: Conduct daily tours with a maximum capacity of 25 people, lasting two hours each. Different pricing for adults and children with two pricing groups.
  • Option B: Offer daily two-hour tours for up to 25 people with varying ticket prices for adults and children using two pricing categories.

Booking Features Utilized:

  • Maximum capacity per tour (persons)
  • Varying ticket price based on age (cost)
  • Scheduling multiple events on certain days (resource availability).

3. Equipment Rental

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Scenario: Suitable for a party supply store renting out two types of tables and chairs.

Booking Features Utilized:

  • Multiple table types and black chairs as resources, and quantity (persons) to manage rentals.

4. Hair Salon

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Scenario: Two options for managing bookings in a hair salon or barber shop.

  • Option A: Appointments from 9 am to 8 pm, Monday through Friday, with each stylist or barber offering hour-long services with a variety of options.
  • Option B: Appointments are available from 9 am to 8 pm on weekdays, with hour-long slots per stylist or barber, and a range of services to choose from.

Booking Features Utilized:

  • Multiple stylists as resources, each with their own offerings and schedules, fitting into the salon’s working hours (global availability).

5. Boat Cruise

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Scenario: Designed for a cruise line to offer passengers the option to book rooms for a specific length of time or the entire 10-day itinerary. Prices and cabin occupancy sizes vary, and there are rate increases during holidays.

Booking Features Utilized:

  • Cabin Types as resources: Different types of cabins are available for booking (e.g., luxury suite, ocean-view room, standard cabin).
  • Cabin Inventory as resources availability: Managing the availability of each type of cabin for specific dates and durations.
  • Occupancy Rates as persons: Setting the maximum occupancy rates for each cabin type (e.g., 2 persons, 4 persons).
  • Discounts as costs: Applying discounts or rate increases based on specific dates or holiday periods.
Display of the Boat Cruise template.

6. Room Rental

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Scenario: This template is ideal for renting out individual rooms or an entire house, allowing the setup of check-in and check-out rental blocks.

Booking Features Utilized:

  • Different prices for weekends: The template enables setting different rental prices for weekends compared to weekdays. This allows hosts to apply weekend pricing adjustments based on higher demand or special rates for specific days of the week.
Display of the Room Rental template.

Existing Users

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For existing users, we will show a notification if they are interested to check out the new Bookings templates feature. They can dismiss the notice, or click the link that will redirect them to the same Bookings Template page.

Questions and Support

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Something missing from this documentation? Do you still have questions and need assistance?

  • Have a question before you buy this extension? Please fill out this pre-sales form – please include the name of this extension in your query.
  • Already purchased and need some assistance? Get in touch with a Happiness Engineer via the Support page and choose this extension name from the “I need help with” dropdown