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added by Latoya

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by  Woo
Accepting payments is easy with Square. Clear rates, fast deposits (1-2 business days). Sell online and in person, and sync all payments, items and inventory.

Gift Card Integration With Square Gateway

Square offers gift cards, and the Square extension would be a whole lot more valuable if it were compatible with them. I use Square to process both my credit cards and gift cards in-store, but I’m perfectly content to continue using Braintree to process credit online unless I have the option of also accepting gift cards online.


Current Status


Last updated: August 11, 2016


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  1. Anonymous says:

    Please add the ability to be able to accept Square gift cards in our WordPress woocommerce online stores!

    Is this actually being considered and if so what is the timeline for roll out?

  2. anonymous says:

    I can’t believe the square extension doesn’t work with the gift cards! Please make developing this a priority. We are going to start shopping other online store portals in the meantime.

  3. David says:

    This is the biggest issue I am having with Woocommerce. PLEASE allow the option to accept Square gift cards online.

  4. anonymous says:

    yes eagerly awaiting this feature

  5. Caleb Christopher says:

    Agreed! This would be exceedingly valuable! It is hard to find a gift card option that works in store and online. Especially when using square registers(which is a lot of people)

  6. Jack Starnes says:

    Agreed! This is something my clients are begging for!!

  7. Autumn DesLauries says:

    “That means you can use the same solution to take payments both online and in your retail store—making it easier to manage and keep track of all of your sales.”

    That means that the same payment methods in Square should work in WooCommerce. Please remedy this situation.