You can give discounts for products on your site only for members of specific membership plan.
Create a membership plan by following the steps in Creating a Membership Plan.
Go to “Discounts” section.
Click the “Add Rule” button to create a new rule for product restriction.
Give the title for the rule for your reference.
Product Type – To apply discount for individual products, select “Products” or to apply discount for products in selected categories, select “Categories”.
Select Products/Categories – Based on the selection in previous option, select the products/categories in this option. Leave the field empty to apply the discount for all the products in the site.
Discount Type – Select “Fixed discount” if you want to give a fixed amount discount for the products. Select “Percentage of product price” if you want to give a percentage discount based on price of the products.
Frontend Workflow
↑ Back to topWhen the user is a member of the membership plan, discount for the respective membership plan will be auto applied and will be displayed throughout the site. If the products are already on sale, then the discount will be applied on top of sale price.
Members and see the list of items they are getting discount under “Discount Offers” section in View Membership page.