A Glimpse Into WooThemes Support: November

Welcome to the second installment of “A Glimpse Into WooThemes Support” – where we take you behind the scenes to show you what we’ve been working on, and what’s coming up next. This time we’re including thoughts on WooCommerce Conference and WooTrip, more detail to follow on those soon.


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WooCommerce Conference

Before we go on about the numbers and the articles, something you’ll no doubt see across our blog – for the first week in November our global team came together in San Francisco where we hosted our very own WooCommerce Conference!

WooCommerce Conference
WooCommerce Conference – November 3-4, 2014

Developers, users, and shop owners from around the world gathered in our beautiful little venue to talk about WooThemes, WooCommerce, site security, sales techniques, and anything e-commerce – we got to mingle with the users and meet some of our wonderful sponsors, who each had their very own tables to hand out awesome SWAG (the MailChimp hat is the envy of the internet).

WooConf Attendees

A lot of work has gone into preparation for this – a special shoutout to those on the WooTeam who really worked their butts off to make it happen, and of course the wonderful A2E Event Planners that did so well even we were blown away.

Love from the WooTeam, A2E!

The natural question comes up – who was manning the support queues? Why are you guys partying instead of fixing bugs?! We had that covered with our live Help Desk, where we answered your tickets and even worked face-to-face with customers to find the best solution to their problems.

Help Desk
Ninja Help Desk sponsored by Prospress & Skyverge

The feedback on the conference has been great so far, and we’re already excited about what’s next. Expect to hear news of even more WooConfs in the future!

Bloody Mary Bar
This isn’t even a stock photo – WooConf comes with Bloody Mary bars.


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Aside from the conference, our team had seven whole days together where we spent bonding, talking, sightseeing, planning, and even working on some top-secret Ninjathon projects. It’s hard to describe how much impact these WooTrips have on our team – as a distributed company, we see thumbnails instead of faces and read text instead of jokes. Improving communication within our team is one of our main goals as a company – the more we work together, the better we can help you… and boy do we look fierce.

Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go!

What’s New?

Alright! Now that we’ve gotten (some) embarrassing pictures out of the way, let’s take a look at some things that have changed since our last update.

WooCommerce 101 Video Series

One of the most exciting things we’re building out in support is the WooCommerce 101 Video Series – a step-by-step guide to help you install, set up, and manage your very own WooCommerce storefront. The later sections are still in production, but we’re honestly too excited to wait and share – check out the first few videos and let us know what you want to see in the future!


Want to keep up-to-date on the latest Woo guides, tutorials, videos, and tricks? Follow our @WooSupport Twitter to receive daily curated content written and discovered by our very own support team. We’ll also be featuring interesting discussions in our Community Forums, so be sure to swing by and share what you’ve created!

Knowledge Base Initiative

We’re blessed with some fantastic authors on our team that love to share their knowledge – from code snippets to full fledged tutorials, check out our ever-growing Knowledge Base for the perfect tweak to your site. To get you started, here are some hot-off-the-press tutorials you’re sure to love:

100 WooCommerce Tips and Tricks
Does my Payment Gateway support this feature?
Using Refunds in WooCommerce 2.2

What’s Next?

Let’s just say we had a very slick AV team on WooTrip who did some awesome videoing…

What Could It Mean?!
Mark Forrester (Left) and Magnus Jepson (Right) – WooThemes Co-Founders

Until next time!

Visit the Woo Marketplace for all the tools you need.
Danny Santoro Avatar



  1. Shaun
    November 23, 2014

    Your support has been getting noticably worse lately: longer response times and many tickets I have open you never solved. I notice you stopped posting your happiness reports. I can only assume this is because the numbers are not good!

    • Ryan
      Woo staff
      November 25, 2014

      Hi Shaun,

      I’m sorry to see our support has been getting worse for you. I believe in almost every measurable area our support team is actually improving. First response times, satisfaction scores, new knowledge-base posts, tutorials, etc… I know that doesn’t make you feel better, but we are getting better as a team!

      I was actually the one writing our previous happiness reports, we stopped posting those as there really wasn’t much input or reaction based around the post. Plus my job responsibilities have evolved. We’d much rather keep making in roads into the quality of our support and not have to post about it each month to convince our customers, rather you experience it first hand.

      I’m sorry again you’ve not felt that way, but I hope we can change your mind soon! 🙂

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