65 Low investment business ideas to consider in 2024

Written by Kathryn Marr on April 26, 2024 Blog, Sell Online.

Starting a business in 2024 doesn’t have to drain your savings. With the right idea and a strategic approach, you can launch a venture that’s both affordable and successful. 

The rise of digital tools and platforms has made it easier than ever to start a business with minimal upfront costs. Whether it’s leveraging the power of a WordPress site to establish your online presence or tapping into the ecommerce boom, the opportunities are there for the taking. 

Read on to review 65 different low investment business ideas that are perfect for entrepreneurs looking to make their mark without a hefty initial investment. Then, explore how you can go beyond the idea phase and bring these businesses to life.

We’ve broken up these into nine categories for easier browsing. Choose from one of the sections below to navigate or scroll through all of the ideas.

Service-based businesses

In many cases, you don’t need a product to start a business. If you have a skill that can be monetized, why not sell that? 

1. Consulting

Consulting is an inherently low investment because it primarily relies on your existing knowledge and skills. You don’t need a physical storefront or a large team to start. Often, all it takes is a computer, a strong internet connection, and a deep understanding of your chosen niche. And demand is on the rise. 

A few types of consulting you can do include:

  • Financial
  • Marketing and sales
  • Business and management
  • IT and technology
  • Personal 

Being a consultant means you’re a top-notch problem solver, a clear communicator, and someone who can adapt on the fly.

Style Girlfriend is a great example of a consulting website.

Style Girlfriend homepage

The target audience here is men looking to improve their fashion sense. Customers can book styling sessions with the fashion-expert team and get advice about what works for them, including a shopping guide, outfit suggestions, and one-on-one calls.

2. Content writing and creation

Starting a content writing and creation business is a standout low-investment idea mainly because it capitalizes on skills and expertise. With the constant need for fresh content across industries, skilled writers are always in demand, promising a steady stream of potential projects​​. 

And the numbers don’t lie. The content creation industry is expected to reach a market value of $23.2 billion by 2026. You can also operate from anywhere, choose your potential clients, and scale your business at your own pace. 

From pets to real estate, there are countless content marketing niches to explore, allowing you to leverage your specific knowledge or interests​​.

3. Personal assistant services

If you enjoy helping people, a potential low investment business model to consider is becoming a personal assistant. 

You can help people with personal tasks like picking up their dry cleaning and making appointments. This is a great choice for people who are well-organized and enjoy going out and about. 

The scope of work for personal assistants has expanded beyond traditional tasks, too. You can offer services like

  • Email management
  • Social media campaigns
  • Taking notes during meetings​
  • Scheduling appointments
  • Sending out thank you notes or gifts
  • Running errands

There’s a high level of job satisfaction as you’re directly solving your clients’ problems and helping them manage their lives more efficiently​​.

4. Tutoring

Starting a tutoring business, whether online or in-person, is another great idea for several reasons. 

The education sector, particularly tutoring, is known for its high ROI, making it an attractive choice. Often, people see a return on their initial investment within the first few months of being in business. 

Both tutors and students benefit from the flexibility that online tutoring offers. Tutors can work from anywhere, eliminating commute time and costs, and schedule sessions that fit their lifestyle. This flexibility extends to students as well, who can learn at their own pace and schedule sessions around their commitments. 

Online tutoring platforms can generate income through various models, including:

  • Commissions
  • Subscriptions
  • Listings
  • Premium services

You can conduct tutoring sessions over Zoom, Skype, or any other conference tool. Similarly, you could build out an online course through Sensei LMS and make recurring, passive revenue once everything’s all set up.

5. Event planning

Another option is to start an event planning business. It has a low startup cost and you can work from home. It offers rewarding work with high customer retention rates and even higher margins. 

The business allows for creativity, meeting new people, and helping others develop memorable events. However, it also comes with challenges like high stress, long hours, and the need for strong organizational skills and detail management.

But if you are organized and love the details, planning events can be rewarding and lucrative. 

Luxury Events homepage

Luxury Weddings by Keith Lee is a standout WordPress site that offers full-service wedding and event planning. 

6. Virtual bookkeeping

Starting a virtual bookkeeping business is a great option if you’re financially-minded and want to work from home and set your own rates. You can choose your clients and manage your schedule as you see fit.​​​​​

One of the key benefits of virtual bookkeeping is the minimal startup costs involved. Besides the basics like a computer and internet access, you’ll also need bookkeeping software like QuickBooks Online. This setup keeps the initial investment low while offering the potential for significant returns. 

A lot of small-to-medium sized businesses need bookkeeping services but not full-time, in-house staff. So virtual bookkeeping is in high demand. 

Just look at the website for MyBookkeeperService. They offer virtual and local services including monthly bookkeeping, a QuickBooks cleanup, and even training. 

My Bookeeper Services homepage

7. Language translation services

The translation services market, valued at $39.37 billion in 2020, is expected to grow to $46.22 billion by 2028, according to Verified Market Research. This growth is driven by the need for accurate multi-language translations, highlighting the potential for businesses in this sector to expand and connect globally.

This lucrative business type doesn’t ask for much upfront. So, if you’re already fluent in a couple of languages, you’re halfway there. Your main spend might be on getting a slick website up and running, spreading the word about what you do, and getting your hands on translation tools. 

8. Career coaching

If you know a lot about career management and moving up the corporate ladder, career coaching could be a good option for you. The online coaching industry as a whole is expected to reach $11.7 billion globally by 2032, according to Allied Market Research.

Pricing your services correctly is really important, so consider your costs, customer willingness to pay, and competitor’s pricing. Legal permits, licenses, and liability insurance are essential, too. 

Your website can be pretty simple to get started as a career coach. Jody Michael Associates offers career coaching, among other services, with a straightforward interface and an easy way to get in touch. 

9. Graphic design services

Graphic design services are a smart low-investment business choice because they rely on skills and creativity to produce significant returns. 

Good graphic design enhances brand perception, improves conversion rates, and sets businesses apart from competitors. And it continues to be in high demand. The global graphic design industry reached a $45 billion market size in 2023, according to IBISWorld.

10. Social media content creator or consultant

Starting a business as a social media content creator or consultant is another good option. If you have experience with building up a massive reach and influence on social platforms, you could tap into that and monetize these skills for others’ benefit. 

It’s a role that demands creativity and an understanding of what sparks engagement online. This career path offers the chance to work with a wide range of potential clients, helping them increase brand awareness, drive sales, and build a loyal following. 

Here are some tools you might want to become familiar with: 

11. Travel planner

Starting a travel planning business taps into a booming industry, with the hospitality market growing by 7.0% between 2022 and 2023, according to EHL Insights. It’s an exciting opportunity for those with a passion for travel and organization. And you only need your expertise and a solid online presence. 

The role often involves:

  • Crafting personalized itineraries
  • Scouting the best deals
  • Sourcing unique, stress-free experiences

This career offers great growth potential for those ready to use their travel knowledge and connections effectively.

Starstuff Travel homepage

Starstuff Travel is a travel planning agency run by experienced travelers who provide inside info on the locations they send customers. Their website features a prominent “Request a Quote” button and info on team members to build consumer trust.

12. Personal shopper

a personal shopper combines the excitement of shopping with the joy of assisting others. This low-cost business idea involves:

  • Understanding client needs, preferences, and budgets
  • Offering personalized shopping experiences, from updating wardrobes to finding the perfect gifts
  • Working independently or collaborating with retail stores

With an eye for fashion and trends, personal shoppers can create a loyal customer base and rewarding career. For those with a knack for customer service and selecting the ideal items, it opens up a path to a satisfying profession.

Ecommerce and online businesses

If starting your own online shop is more your thing, there are plenty of ecommerce businesses you can launch without much money. Let’s check out a few examples.

13. Dropshipping 

Jumping into dropshipping could be a smart move, especially with its market on a steep climb, projected to skyrocket to over $2 trillion by 2032. It’s a great opportunity for those looking to break into ecommerce without the hassle of managing inventory

Suppliers ship products directly to your customers, meaning less overhead for you. Then you can just focus on finding products your audience will love and marketing them effectively. 

14. Affiliate marketing

Thinking about jumping into affiliate marketing? You’re eyeing a market that’s on the up, with projected growth to $15.7 billion by 2024

Here’s what you’ll need to get started with affiliate marketing:

  • Sharp analytical skills. Spot and follow trends. You can use Google Trends and Keyword Planner as a start to figure out what products to sell.
  • Marketing savvy. You’ll need to be able to engage and captivate your audience. That means writing content that solves problems and recommends solutions: the products you’re an affiliate for.
  • Familiarity with digital tools. Use tech to streamline and enhance your strategy. Plugins like Pretty Links for affiliate URLs can improve your workflow considerably. 

You’ll also need to find a solid affiliate program to represent. A few popular options are Amazon Associates, Share-A-Sale, and Commission Junction.

CJ Network Integration plugin in the WordPress.org library

15. Print on demand

Exploring print on demand (POD)? If you’re a natural artist, but don’t want to worry about manufacturing, big upfront investments, or unsold inventory, this booming market could be for you. It’s set to reach over $39 billion by 2031.

To get started with this idea, you’ll need creativity and trend awareness. This means you’ll need to stay ahead of what people are searching for and offer designs that catch the eye. Tools like Canva and Adobe Express can help unleash your inner artist.

If you have a WordPress website, WooCommerce should be your launchpad. And key players in POD include, Printify, Printful, Teespring, ScalablePress, and Redbubble, offering various products from t-shirts to mugs, ready for your custom designs. Look for a service that offers WooCommerce integration to make your life easier.

Printify and WooCommerce integration

16. Online courses

This is another option that’s great for those who can deep dive into a subject and offer true expertise. 

If you’re building in WooCommerce, you can use a tool like Sensei LMS to build courses directly in the WordPress dashboard. 

You can cultivate your audience through social media, email campaigns, and SEO to ensure your courses reach eager learners.

The Sweet Setup offers productivity tips and workflow suggestions alongside online courses. 

The Sweet Setup homepage

17. Start and monetize a newsletter

Starting and monetizing a newsletter is a great way to take advantage of email marketing’s impressive ROI of $36 for every $1 spent. And you can bring in new subscribers through your website. 

To get started, you need to have a good understanding of your target audience. Then create content that offers real insights, updates, or entertainment (or whatever else your focus is). Your website will need an eye-catching signup form and you can use social media, SEO, and regular networking to expand your reach. 

WooCommerce offers a great way to create a paid newsletter

18. Write an ebook and sell it 

Crafting and selling an ebook is yet another way to turn your expertise or creative ideas into an income stream. There are many ways to go about this. You could write your book and sell it on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing to reach a wide audience or sell directly through your website. 

No matter which approach you take, focus on a niche topic where you really have something compelling to say. 

19. Create an online membership 

You could also start an online membership site. With this, you can build a community and earn recurring revenue at the same time. Often, people will offer exclusive content, courses, or community access as a part of a membership. 

Many publications opt for a membership model as well. Take Cosmos Magazine as an example. 

Cosmos homepage with various articles in a grid

This science magazine allows you to select your billing frequency: every four weeks or once per year. It also makes use of Gifting for Woo Subscriptions to let customers buy subscriptions for other people. 

Creative and artistic businesses

Have artistic skill? It’s something you could potentially monetize. Let’s look at some examples of creative business ideas to consider. 

20. Greeting card design

Greeting card design is a great way to start a new business without spending a lot of money. And the market was worth $19.25 billion back in 2022 and is expected to grow.

To get started, you’ll need:

  • Design skills. Sharpen your ability to create visually-appealing cards.
  • Market research. Understand consumer preferences and seasonal trends.
  • Digital tools. Familiarize yourself with design software like Adobe Illustrator.

This niche combines creativity with ecommerce, allowing you to connect with people on a personal level through your art. 

21. Photography

If you’re good with a camera, photography is a low investment business idea worth considering — especially if you already have a camera. 

It’s a field with endless creative potential and a variety of niches, from portrait to landscape photography.

To start, you should master camera and editing software like Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. Then, you can put together a portfolio showcasing your best work, even if it’s non-client work. You could also consider specializing to stand out, i.e. become a wedding photographer, a nature photographer, etc.

the Paris Photographer site with a hero image and text

Just look at what The Paris Photographer has done. This photographer exclusively provides photoshoots in Paris. Their website includes guides for how to get started, what type of shoot to select, and easy ways to get in touch.

You could sell photos directly on your site as well. The WooCommerce Photography extension simplifies this for WordPress users. 

22. Art and music classes

Starting art and music classes is more accessible now than ever. People are always on the lookout to learn something new or improve their skills, especially in creative fields. To succeed:

  • You’ll need to know your stuff, whether it’s painting or how to play an instrument.
  • Get comfortable with online tools like Zoom or YouTube for broader reach.
  • Keep your lessons engaging. To bring in new students and keep the ones you have, your lessons should be interactive and fun.
  • Remember to spread the word through social media and community forums.

It’s a great way to share your passion and help others grow their creative talents.

23. Custom illustration services

Another idea is to offer custom illustration services. You could create people’s portraits or illustrate cover art for books. 

Many businesses would use your services, too. After all, engaging visuals can enhance brand identity and marketing efforts, which means there’s definitely an audience out there for your services. 

Unique, brand-specific illustrations can set a company apart, making its offerings more memorable compared to competitors. Personalized illustrations, especially when used on websites and social media, create a strong first impression and can even help build a more emotional connection with your audience. 

Kevuru illustration website

Take Kevuru Games as an example. This company specializes in creating video game designs and game assets — including illustrations. And their website features a robust portfolio, service description, and contact form.  

24. Jewelry making

The jewelry industry is booming, expected to grow at a rate of 4.7% from 2024 to 2030. This craft blends creativity with the thrill of creating tangible, wearable art. 

To get started:

  • Dive into design and technique workshops or online courses.
  • Invest in quality tools and materials to craft your pieces.
  • Market your unique creations online and at local craft fairs.

With people’s growing appreciation for handmade and personalized jewelry, now’s a great time to shine. 

A wonderful example comes from Kaelin Design, who offers custom-made jewelry for sale on their website. 

Kaelin Design homepage with a green pendant

25. Interior decorating

If you have a flair for sprucing up your friends and family’s homes, interior decorating is on a significant upswing and might be worth pursuing. This industry is projected to expand significantly in the years to come. 

This growth is propelled by a renewed interest in personalized, functional living spaces. Plus, advances in technology — especially augmented reality — are changing the way people plan and visualize their spaces.  

This blending of tech and design is easily facilitated in WooCommerce, where you could use the extension CartMagician Pro to illustrate what different decor items or design ideas would look like in visitors’ own homes.

mockup of a curtain design

26. Calligraphy and lettering services

Calligraphy and lettering services are a relatively inexpensive venture to pursue as well. It’s a field where your creativity can truly shine.

From wedding invitations to custom artwork, your hand-lettered designs can turn profitable when used for personal and corporate events. Just remember, getting started may require an initial investment in quality pens, ink, and paper. And, of course, you’ll need to practice extensively to master your craft.

Other considerations include shipping, packaging, and postage costs, especially if you plan on selling these services online. 

27. Pottery making

Pottery making is finding new life, with the industry’s value projected to hit $15 billion by 2030. This continued growth reflects a deeper appreciation for handmade, unique items — as we’ve seen with some of the other online business ideas mentioned here today. 

Artisans are finding success selling through Etsy, local craft markets, and social media, connecting directly with those who value craftsmanship. Key considerations include market research, mastering shipping logistics for fragile items, and building a strong online presence. 

Ephraim Pottery offers handmade art pottery including tableware, ceramic tiles, and more. It’s built on WooCommerce and makes for a convenient way to shop. 

Ephraim Pottery site with beautiful American pottery

28. Video production 

The video production industry is witnessing significant growth, with estimates putting market valuation at $746.8 billion by 2030. This surge is driven by the increasing demand for digital media and streaming services. 

As video consumption habits evolve, especially towards mobile platforms, the industry continues to adapt, embracing industry trends like 8K resolution, virtual production, and immersive 360° video to create engaging content for audiences worldwide. 

29. Voiceover services

If you’ve ever wanted to dip your toes into the voiceover market, there’s likely room for you there as well. The industry is expected to reach $2.3 billion by 2026 — which is about a 9% growth rate given current projections. 

This surge is largely due to technological advancements, especially in smartphones and at-home recording equipment, creating new opportunities for voice-over work alongside skyrocketing demand for video content.

The industry is competitive but offers various opportunities across media platforms on top of traditional advertising work like: 

  • Audiobooks
  • Video games
  • YouTube videos 
  • Podcasts 

Debbie Grattan has a highly-professional website to promote her services. Her site features service descriptions, embedded audio clips, and demos. 

Debbie Grattan website with a red hero image

Tech and web services

Tech enthusiast? You might be able to monetize those skills, too. Here are some low investment business models in the tech and web services niches. 

30. WordPress support

Launching a WordPress support business is a savvy move for those looking to dive into a tech-oriented service without a hefty upfront investment. With WordPress powering 43.2% of websites, the demand for specialized support is sizable. 

This need spans across things like: 

  • Troubleshooting
  • Site optimization
  • Security enhancements
  • Custom development

These services cater to both newbies and professionals needing help to keep their sites in tip-top shape. And you can streamline your efforts by using Jetpack. Jetpack Manage makes it simpler to monitor client sites, perform bulk updates, and more. Plenty of agencies and freelancers are already making strong full-time incomes supporting the industry. 

To boost your marketability, consider earning certifications. For example, business owners on WooCommerce often wish to hire a WooExpert to get specialized advice and help with setting up and managing their online store.

Becoming a vetted WooExpert, though not for beginner-level developers, can be a boon for your business. 

WooExpert library

31. Social media consulting

Social media consulting in 2024 is another good idea for a new business. The industry is doing well, with the number of social media users globally having grown from 4.72 billion in early 2023 to 5.04 billion by early 2024. That’s a staggering 8% increase in just one year, so yes, there is still an audience for social media content and strategies. 

If you like to keep up with trends, algorithmic changes, and the types of posts that are most effective, you could readily help out those in need of guidance. 

32. App development

What makes app development such an attractive idea is the sheer diversity of niches waiting to be explored. You could be crafting the next big fitness tracker, a groundbreaking educational tool, or a game that goes viral overnight. 

The barrier to entry varies, but with platforms like Flutter and React Native, even solo developers can bring their ideas to life without heavy investment.

The startup costs hinge on the complexity of your app and whether you’re flying solo or have a team. Yet, the potential return on investment is compelling, especially if you nail a unique value proposition. The key? Staying attuned to user needs and market trends, ensuring your app not only solves a problem but does so in a way that’s intuitive and engaging.

TechAhead homepage with a blue and purple gradient

TechAhead is a full-service app development company, offering custom designs and digital transformation for hundreds of companies. 

33. Web design and development

Jumping into web design and development in 2024 is still a cost-effective (and smart) move. With the industry’s market size in the US reaching a whopping $45.0 billion —  a 6.56% increase from 2023 — it’s clear that the demand for sleek, user-friendly websites is growing. 

This growth reflects a deeper trend: businesses and individuals alike are recognizing the critical role a well-designed website plays in success online. Whether it’s for ecommerce, personal branding, or digital storytelling, a website is often the first impression you make.

34. Tech support services

The tech support industry is projected to balloon from $9.34 billion in 2024 to $13.53 billion by 2029. That’s a hefty growth rate of 7.69% over five years and makes it abundantly clear this is a service in high demand. 

You can get started with just a computer and a few software purchases. Nothing major — especially if your services will be virtual-only. 

35. Cybersecurity consulting

With spending on security and risk management expected to climb 14% in 2024, according to Gartner, stepping into cybersecurity consulting couldn’t be timelier. 

Everywhere you look, companies big and small are getting serious about defending their websites from hackers and data breaches. So, if you’re savvy with IT security, this is your call to action. As a consultant, you’ll be the go-to for crafting defenses against these threats. 

This is another example where leveraging the skills and knowledge you already have is what makes this an affordable business idea to pursue. 

Talion homepage

Talion offers cybersecurity detection and consulting services across manufacturing, education, and legal industries among others.

36. Website flipping

Another tech-related idea you can start without a ton of money is website flipping. This involves building a website according to current best practices, building a bit of traffic to it, then selling it shortly thereafter. 

It’s like house flipping but online, and it can turn into a full-fledged business. Ecommerce and affiliate sites offer your best bet for money a good amount when selling these sites. You can also purchase previously made sites, work on them until they’re profitable and sell them for an even greater amount. 

If you’ve got a knack for making websites better and know a thing or two about SEO, this could be a good option for you. Website marketplaces like Flippa make it easy to list and sell sites in this way. 

Flippa marketplace with a large search bar

Health and personal care

Another good category to potentially pursue is health and personal care. These businesses don’t cost much to start and rely on your knowledge about health and fitness.

37. Personal training

More folks than ever are looking to get fit with a bit of expert guidance. Which means, if you know a thing or two about fitness, it’s all the more reason to take this path. 

If any of the following sound appealing, this might be a good business model for you: 

  • Helping others hit their health goals
  • Offering personal training and creating custom workouts 
  • Meeting the specific fitness needs of those with mobility restrictions 
  • Exploring targeted fitness routines like kettlebell workouts or Pilates

Whether it’s one-on-one sessions or group classes, your expertise could help someone transform their life. 

two columns with an image and text

Just look at Sculpt Fitness, a personal training business that offers bootcamp classes and one-on-one training sessions. 

38. Nutritionist services

The demand for nutritionist services is on a steady climb. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects growth that’s faster than average, highlighting an increasing appetite for dietary advice. 

This growth spells good news if you want to guide others to healthier eating habits. This is especially the case if you’ve already received training for or gone to school for nutrition. Some things you’d be responsible for include: 

  • Crafting meal plans
  • Advising on dietary supplements
  • Providing nutritional counseling

To get started, you’d really just need a website with an attractive design, booking capabilities, and some decent content detailing the services you offer. You can facilitate this with the WooCommerce Bookings extension.

39. Yoga or fitness instructor

Yoga and fitness instruction is riding a high wave, with the yoga market alone expected to be valued at $250.7 billion by 2032. But this gig is not just about bending into a pretzel or lifting weights — it’s about leading people on a journey towards better health and mindfulness. 

If you have a passion for fitness or yoga, there’s definitely an opportunity for you here to make your move. From yoga studios craving authentic instructors to fitness centers looking for trainers who can bring fresh energy to workouts, the demand is there. 

You could start up your own fitness instruction website or course online, too. 

40. Dance instruction

If you have dance skills, you could definitely monetize them. There are tons of dance studios and schools out there, each catering to different dance forms and skill levels. Whether it’s classical ballet, hip-hop, salsa, or contemporary dance, instructors are in demand. 

If you’ve got rhythm in your soul and a knack for teaching, dance instruction offers a chance to start a business and express yourself artistically. 

You could set up a website easily and include a booking form to allow people to book private sessions. Or, you could set up a dedicated time and place for your classes and offer enrollment online. You could even offer an online course using Sensei Pro.

41. Holistic health consulting

With the global wellness market booming, now valued at a staggering $1.8 trillion, according to McKinsey & Company, holistic health consulting has never been more relevant. 

Starting a business in this space means you get to help people go on a comprehensive health journey, considering physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. If you’re passionate about promoting a balanced lifestyle and have a deep understanding of holistic health practices, this could be your chance to build something for yourself.

As with other consulting gigs, you can talk with people in person or virtually. Just make sure you have solid teleconferencing tools on deck to make things go smoothly.

42. Meal planner

Another great business idea you can pursue if you’re knowledgeable about nutrition is meal planning. This is a service you could leverage in many ways, including: 

  • Providing custom meal plans to customers 
  • Offering consulting services to meal kit companies 
  • Creating a membership website where you share new meal plans weekly 
  • Making an affiliate blog with meal plans provided as content

You can put this knowledge and skill set to work in many ways. Just look at what Cooksmarts has managed to do. Their website has a nice design and the subscription service includes a custom meal plan each week with a click-to-add grocery list. 

CookSmarts homepage with a bright image

Home and pet care

If caring for living spaces or pets is more your thing, a profitable business idea from this list ought to get you jumping out of your seat and into action.

43. House and pet sitting

House and pet sitting offer a flexible way to earn by taking care of others’ homes and furry friends while they’re away. 

It’s perfect for those who love animals and want to ensure they’re cared for in their own comfortable environment. With platforms like Rover or TrustedHousesitters, you can easily connect with pet owners in need. Or you can create your own website and book clients that way. 

Rover homepage with a visual filter

Whether it’s feeding, walking, or just providing company, this service is invaluable for travelers and those with busy schedules, which means it’s something that will always be in need.

44. Landscaping and lawn care

Landscaping and lawn care services cater to homeowners looking to enhance their outdoor spaces. This business is not just about mowing lawns, however. You can also create beautiful, functional outdoor areas for your clients. 

Many homeowners worry about their curb appeal, so services like garden design, hardscaping, and regular maintenance are in high demand. Starting this business requires some initial investment in equipment, but with the right marketing and quality service, it can grow quickly. It’s a seasonal opportunity with the potential for year-round income through snow removal or holiday decorating services, too. 

grid of landscape services next to text

Omni Landscape is a full-service landscaping business, including residential and commercial services and sprinkler installation.

45. Cleaning services

Or you could offer cleaning services. This industry is growing as well and is expected to reach $129.8 billion by 2032. 

This industry caters to both residential and commercial clients and includes many services from general house cleaning to specialized sanitation, making it a versatile and in-demand business option — especially if you know your way around stain removal and cleaning supplies. 

You could offer your services locally and set up a website to book appointments. You wouldn’t need much of a budget to get started — just basic cleaning tools and regular business license and insurance fees. 

46. Home repair and maintenance

Handy with tools and house repairs? You could offer these services within your community. This sector covers a wide range of services, including HVAC, plumbing, and electrical repairs, so you could easily niche down into the category of service that makes sense for your skillset and accreditations. 

But even if you lack a plumber’s license or something more complex like that, you could still offer home repair services. 

TaskRabbit homepage with a search bar

Websites like Taskrabbit make it so people can book your services to make minor home repairs, install appliances, or build IKEA furniture. 

Or, you can offer this sort of service on your own website, too. 

47. Professional organizing

If you’re an organized person — and like to organize, for that matter — professional organizing could be a good path to pursue. With this business, you’d be working with people looking to declutter and streamline their living or workspaces. 

Organizers not only help clear out the clutter, but also implement systems to keep things orderly for the long-term. It’s a service in demand by individuals and businesses alike, aiming for efficiency and peace of mind.

Simplified Spaces homepage

Simplified Spaces by Nancy is a great example of this business type. The business has a clean website, a clear CTA, prominent testimonials, and an up-to-date blog. 

48. Child care services

Child care services are essential for many families, offering a safe and nurturing environment for children while parents work or need respite. This industry is an essential one and often requires certification and licensing.

But getting started isn’t all that expensive and it’s a field with a heart, dedicated to supporting child development and easing the daily load on parents.

If your home can double as a daycare space or you’re fine with caring for children in other people’s homes, this could be a good fit for you. You can list services on a site like Care.com or set up your own daycare-style child care business. 

Education and skill development

If you’re a teacher looking for side income or you have another area of knowledge you’d like to share, either catering to the education industry or offering educational services can be a smart, low investment choice. 

49. Language tutoring

Language tutoring is in high demand these days. Many people are working online and the need for multilingual communication is on the rise. With the online tutoring market set for growth (it’s expecting a 15.1% increase by 2032) language enthusiasts have a golden opportunity. 

Whether you’re fluent in French, Mandarin, or Spanish, there’s someone out there eager to learn.

italki homepage with photos and flags

Platforms like iTalki make it easy to reach learners globally, turning your language skills into a lucrative gig.

50. Career coaching and resume writing

It’s competitive out there for job seekers right now, so many are investing in career coaching and resume writing services to put their best foot forward. If you know what hiring agents are looking for, you can put these skills to work. 

These services can help people polish their professional profiles, improve their resumes, and make the right impression on job interviews. If you have a knack for articulating experiences and skills in the most compelling way or can strategize a career move, this field might be a good, low-investment choice. 

Epoch Resumes homepage

Epoch Resumes offers resume writing services alongside interview prep, negotiation skills, and more. 

51. Financial coaching

Financial coaches play a critical role in helping people manage their money better, from budgeting to investing. And over time, this can help those people achieve financial stability and growth. 

It’s a solid business option for those with accounting or investing experience who’d like to branch out on their own. 

52. Art therapy 

The visual arts therapy market is expected to grow substantially, reaching $3.67 billion by 2030 — up from $1.38 billion in 2023. This growth is driven by the increasing recognition of art therapy’s benefits for mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It’s used for many conditions from stress to more severe health issues as well. 

It’s sometimes rolled into other therapies as a supplement practice — from PTSD to speech therapy and rehabilitation centers to dementia care centers. 

You could offer sessions online or in-person alike. You will need mental health credentialing to pursue this idea but it could serve as a great niche to consider. 

53. Life coaching

Those who’ve overcome great obstacles in their lives are often the best to guide others through their issues. As a life coach, you’d be tasked with helping people navigate the complexities of their lives, which can often span all aspects from work to relationships. 

Your efforts can help people: 

  • Improve their self-esteem 
  • Better manage their finances 
  • Make smart career choices 
  • Improve their relationships 
  • Build a better work-life balance

Alison Marie is a life coach who helps people transform their lives for the better. She offers more targeted coaching as well for dating, relationships, and careers.

Alison Marie homepage

54. Skill workshops

Skill workshops offer hands-on training in a variety of areas, from technical skills like coding and digital marketing to soft skills like leadership and communication. These workshops cater to individuals looking to upskill, change careers, or simply learn something new. 

The demand for such workshops is rising as well, as lifelong learning becomes a key component of professional growth. 

Handcrafted and artisan products

There’s always a demand for handcrafted items — especially when relying on a specific crafting skill. Businesses centered around crafts like soap making, knitting, and sewing continue to have appeal.

55. Soap and candle making

Soap and candle making is always in demand. These items make the perfect gift and are often extra popular during the holiday season. 

This crafty business taps into the growing market for artisanal and personalized home goods. It offers immense scope for customization in scents, shapes, and ingredients, appealing to eco-conscious consumers and those looking for unique home decor or personal care items.

Misty Mountain Soap Co product grid

Misty Mountain Soap Co. is a great example of a handmade soap company selling online. Their website is simple, cohesive, and offers clear branding. 

And Wild Mountain Wax is a candle company thriving on WordPress and WooCommerce, offering everything from individual candles to subscription boxes and wholesale packages.

56. Handmade clothing

You could also sell handmade clothing to offer unique, sustainable, and personalized fashion options.

There’s a lot of people out there looking for ethical clothing choices and who support slow fashion, so hand sewn items would have direct appeal. 

This business type requires skill in sewing and design, but if you have those skills already, you’d only be spending money on fabric, thread, and shipping costs to get started. You can sell across multiple marketplaces as well, including Etsy, Amazon, and on social media.

57. Upcycled art

Upcycled art transforms discarded materials into valuable art, echoing sustainability and creativity. This niche is part of the broader arts and crafts market, which is on a steady rise, as we’ve already discussed. And it appeals to eco-conscious customers as well. 

This is another business idea that will only work if you’re already into art and you already collect discarded items to turn into art. But if you do, it’s a great idea to pursue. 

Upcycled Vintage Art homepage

Upcycled Vintage Art features paintings that have been painted over or added to as a way of creating something new. 

58. Knitting and crocheting

Knitting and crocheting offer a cozy blend of tradition and modernity, resonating with both young enthusiasts and experienced crafters. This niche benefits from a resurgence in DIY culture, with platforms like Etsy providing a global marketplace for handmade goods. 

But you can sell your knitted or crocheted pieces on your own website as well. And you can specialize in sub-niches like just offering hats, scarves, or even fantasy-inspired pieces. 

59. Stationery design

Stationery design is another low investment business idea to consider. Lots of people love to collect stationary from letterheads to planners to fountain pens. This niche thrives on creativity and the joy of personal correspondence. 

And there are several ways to go about this. You could: 

  • Create your stationery designs and print them at home to ship to people. 
  • Create designs and use a print-on-demand service to deliver the items to customers. 
  • Offer digital downloads of your stationery designs. 

Unique and niche markets

Who says you have to play by the standard playbook? These business ideas don’t cost much to start and stray outside the expected. 

60. Sustainable living consulting

Sustainable living consulting focuses on helping individuals and businesses adopt practices that reduce their environmental impact. If you’re a consultant in this field, you’d offer strategies on: 

  • Energy efficiency
  • Waste reduction
  • Sustainable resource use 
  • Sourcing green living solutions

As awareness of environmental issues rises, the demand for expertise in sustainable living practices is expected to grow. So if you know a lot about this subject, becoming a consultant is a wise choice.

61. Themed tour guide

Do you know a lot about specific areas, venues, or events? You could serve as a themed tour guide. In doing so, you could provide specialized experiences based on unique themes like history, gastronomy, or pop culture. 

Tourists who want personalized and immersive experiences that go beyond traditional sightseeing gladly seek out these kinds of tours. So if you’re passionate about specific subjects, you can cater to this growing segment of travelers looking for more than just the mainstream attractions.

Secret Foods homepage

Secret Food Tours, for instance, offers guided tours of off-the-beaten path eateries. 

62. Custom gift baskets

People are always on the lookout for thoughtful and unique gifts for various occasions, and custom gift baskets fit the bill nicely. If you’re great at putting together gifts, assembling custom baskets for people is a straightforward idea. 

You can go about this a couple of ways. Either offer a set number of items that can be added to a gift basket for an escalating price point, or you can offer yourself as a sort of personal shopper, where your customer pays you to make selections within a certain budget.

63. Niche blogging

Another way to take advantage of your personal knowledge on a subject is to start a niche blog. Whether you know a lot about baking bread, archery, or your 401k, starting a niche blog is a good way to put what you know to work. 

To do this, you’d launch a website, write some content, make sure it’s search engine optimized, and monetize it through ads and affiliate marketing. Many people end up owning multiple niche blogs and building a site portfolio over time. 

The Good trade homepage with a photo grid

The Good Trade is a blog dedicated to sustainable fashion that appears to be monetized through affiliate marketing and advertising.

64. Podcasting

Who doesn’t have a podcast these days? Yes, the field is crowded, but don’t let that stop you from claiming a piece of the pie for yourself. According to DemandSage, the podcasting market should reach $38.36 billion by 2025.

You won’t need a lot to start — just a computer or smartphone for editing and a good microphone. And you can monetize your podcast in several ways. However, most do so through on-air advertisements, where the host reads an ad during the podcast. 

65. Energy efficiency audit services

Lastly, you could provide energy efficiency audit services to businesses or homeowners. Since reducing energy consumption and lowering utility costs have grown increasingly important to people, offering such services fulfill a growing demand. 

You’d provide a comprehensive assessment of energy use and recommendations for improvements to enhance efficiency. You’d be contributing to environmental conservation, offering significant savings and operational efficiency to your clients, and taking advantage of whatever prior knowledge you have in this space. Plus, you’d only need a few tools to begin like a flow meter or velometer.

How to start a business with WooCommerce 

Starting a business with WooCommerce is a fantastic way to enter the ecommerce space, by relying on one of the most powerful and flexible platforms available. 

Here’s what you need to do to get your business up and running with WooCommerce: 

  1. Select a domain name. Sort of like choosing a location for a retail store, your domain name is how people will find you. So you’ll want something that makes sense for your brand and is easy to remember. Finding the right domain name can improve your chances of success, so don’t rush the process.
  2. Choose your hosting. There are a number of great ecommerce hosting solutions. But you may want to opt for one that offers WooCommerce as part of a package, like Woo Express, which includes everything you need to get started, from managed hosting to essential WooCommerce extensions.
  3. Install WordPress and activate WooCommerce. Most hosting providers offer one-click WordPress installations, and some even have it pre-installed on your behalf. Once that’s set up, you can install WooCommerce directly from your WordPress dashboard. A setup wizard will guide you through the initial configuration, including payment, shipping, and tax settings.
  4. Select a theme. The appearance of your store is what sets it apart from your competitors, and WooCommerce is compatible with tons of themes. The Twenty Twenty-Four theme is an excellent starting point, though there are hundreds of free and premium themes available that focus on specific niches.
  5. Extend functionality with extensions. Enhance your store with extensions for email marketing, lead generation, SEO, and more. 
  6. Customize your store. Use the WooCommerce extensive documentation and resources to customize your store. From setting up products to optimizing your sales funnel with extensions, there’s a wealth of guidance available to make your store stand out and perform its best.

How to brainstorm even more business ideas 

Brainstorming business ideas is like putting together a puzzle. You’re looking for that perfect fit — a mix of what you’re passionate about, what you’re skilled at, and what people need. 

Here’s a distilled guide to lighting up that bulb over your head, metaphorically speaking:

  • Start with what gets you fired up. Combining what you love and what you’re good at can point you toward a sustainable idea. Then, keep an eye out for everyday hassles that lack solutions. These are golden opportunities waiting for your creative touch.
  • Stay on top of trends. It’s not just about what’s hot right now but spotting what will be big tomorrow. Use websites like Trend Hunter or podcasts that delve into future predictions to stay ahead.
  • Explore idea tools. Using brainstorming tools like MindMeister or Google’s Jamboard can be great for collaborative idea generation. These platforms can help you expand on initial thoughts and explore different angles with a team.
  • Engage in conversations with potential customers. Understanding their pain points directly can lead to breakthroughs. And while you’re at it, take a closer look at your potential competitors. What they’re missing can be exactly what you offer.
  • Don’t underestimate the power of throwing your ideas into the world. Talk about them with friends, family, or even strangers on forums. Feedback is a compass that can steer you in the right direction.

How to protect your business idea once you’ve selected it

So, you’ve got a business idea that’s just waiting to take off. Here’s how you keep it safe:

  • Copyrights. For creative works, copyright registration is typically handled by each country’s government body. In the U.S., works are processed through the U.S. Copyright Office
  • Trade secrets. Protecting trade secrets starts with internal practices, such as securing sensitive information with passwords and limiting access only to those who need to know. Legal contracts like NDAs (see below) reinforce this protection. 
  • Non-compete and Non-solicitation agreements. These agreements are typically drafted by a legal professional to ensure they meet state-specific legal standards. Rocket Lawyer provides templates and customization options for creating these documents, if you need a place to start.
  • Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). NDAs can be customized for your specific needs with the help of online legal services like NDA templates on LawDepot. For more complex situations, consider consulting with an attorney to ensure comprehensive protection.
  • Work-for-hire agreements. This contract can be drafted with the assistance of online legal document services or an attorney. It’s crucial that these agreements explicitly state that any creations by the contractor are owned by the company.
  • Secure communication. Use encrypted email services like ProtonMail and secure messaging apps like Signal for discussions related to your business idea.
  • Timestamp your ideas. Utilizing blockchain services like OriginStamp can provide a timestamp for your digital documents, proving when they were created.

Each of these steps involves careful consideration and, often, a bit of investment, either in time or money. However, protecting your business idea is a smart way to ensure its value remains yours as you develop and grow your business. 


What’s the cheapest business to start? 

The cheapest business to start, especially for those looking for low-cost, high-profit potential ventures, includes most service-based options like house cleaning, digital marketing or print on demand and dropshipping businesses. These options have minimal startup costs and offer flexibility and scalability. 

What are the best businesses to start with a low budget? 

For those on a tight budget looking to start a business, service-based ecommerce is the best option, as you’re bringing the skills you already have to the table and likely won’t need to buy supplies to carry out your work.

You could also look into affiliate marketing, which doesn’t require product development or purchasing inventory.

What types of small businesses are the most successful? 

The most profitable small business model to start in 2024 include a diverse range of options from cleaning services to dog walking to tutoring. Fitness and personal training, along with roles like social media experts and digital marketing offer the best chances at success as well. 

Why is WooCommerce the best option for my business? 

WooCommerce stands out as the best option for your business for several reasons. It’s free to use, built on WordPress, which offers tons of themes and plugins for customization, and has extensive support for multiple payment gateways.

Most importantly, you don’t want to build your business on someone else’s platform. Proprietary tools like Shopify, or even social media sites with commerce functionality, can choose to remove your account for any reason. Sometimes by complete mistake. Building your foundation on WooCommerce provides you with maximum control and ownership. If you’re like most business owners, this is invaluable.

What’s the best business to start with $1000 or less? 

Starting a business with $1,000 or less is entirely possible, with a range of options available from becoming a consultant to selling art to dropshipping products. Each offers a unique path to entrepreneurship with minimal upfront investment and using personal skills and digital platforms for success.

How can I get further funding for my business idea? 

Consider using personal savings or seeking investments from friends and family. You can also explore professional investors, apply for startup grants, or apply for a small business loan. Learn more about determining if your ecommerce business is ready for financing