WooVille #8: The who’s who of Woo

Over the past couple weeks we’ve been unearthing all the interesting characteristics of each of our team members, in anticipation for our company get together in a little over a week here in Cape Town, South Africa. All 25 of us having some fun, building relationships and discussing plans for the future.

Every day Mike Krapf has been posting a little interview he conducted with each team member on our internal team site (a WordPress installation running the P2 theme).

What is clearly evident is that our team is hugely diverse with lots of different backgrounds, spanning the globe in 7 different countries. We pride ourselves on this fact, and in celebration we’ve put together a fun edition to our WooVille comic series.

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  1. scottbasgaard
    October 15, 2012

    I’m not crashing. Just coming in low for the picture 😉

    • stuartduff
      Woo staff
      October 15, 2012

      Mayday Mayday lol

  2. Robert
    October 15, 2012

    Nice illustration and very united and creative team of WordPress themes developers 🙂 Hope to see more awesome works coming from you guys

  3. Charle
    October 16, 2012

    Hi there,

    Since your HQ is based in South Africa, I was expecting to see black people within your team, but so far, I couldn’t see anyone. Any reason?


    • Adii Pienaar
      October 16, 2012

      Nope, no reason.

      It’s also important to note that only 8 out of 25 of our staff is based in South Africa.

  4. blackopal
    October 16, 2012

    Great Illustration guys – always lovely to see a team bonding beyond just “work stuff”. To Ryan, we would welcome you to Australia and I can guarantee an authentic kangaroo experience – you just need to visit us on the opal fields!

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      October 16, 2012

      I’ve got that noted for my dream trip, Opal fields here I come! 😛

  5. Arsalan
    October 16, 2012

    Cool , Loving the energy 🙂 Nice illustration , showing the excitements during work as well

  6. Bruce
    October 17, 2012

    Tom should grab Felix Baumgartners old ballon and capsule – then he can head off to space now 🙂

  7. VM
    October 21, 2012

    I’d like to treat Mike Jolley for seafood if he’s coming to Singapore 😛
    He sounds like a nice guy when answering my tickets haha

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