New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

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Phone Validator and Formatter for WooCommerce

Ensure valid and consistent phone numbers across your store. Validate and format them seamlessly during order creation, order edits, and profile updates. Goodbye messy data, hello consistency!

Phone Validator and Formatter ensures that every phone number entered in your WooCommerce store is valid, properly formatted, and consistent across all touchpoints. From checkout to profile updates, it eliminates data errors, enhances user experience, and simplifies business operations (shipping, accounting, etc.).

With its seamless integration and developer-friendly design, this plugin is essential for businesses that rely on accurate customer contact information.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Phone Validation: Validates phone numbers during checkout, account edits, and order processes, ensuring accurate customer data.
  • Customizable Country Code Restrictions: Restrict phone country codes to the billing/shipping country, a specific country, or leave unrestricted.
  • Flexible Phone Number Formatting: Standardize and save phone numbers in E.164 (e.g., +41 44 668 18 00), International (e.g., +41446681800, ideal for APIs and integrations), or National formats (e.g., 044 668 18 00) according to your needs.
  • Developer-Friendly: Includes filters, actions, and REST API endpoints for validation and formatting, enabling easy integration and customization.
  • Works both with Classic and Block themes.


  • Improved Data Quality: Accurate and standardized phone numbers reduce errors in communication and logistics.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Users benefit from smooth and intuitive phone validation during input.
  • Operational Efficiency: Phone data that is compatible with CRMs, SMS services, and shipping platforms integrate easily.
  • Customizable to Fit Your Business: Adapt validation and formatting rules to align with your operational needs.


Q: What happens if a customer doesn’t include a dial code in their phone number?
A: If a customer doesn’t provide a dial code with their phone number, the plugin assumes the phone number belongs to the same country as the one selected in the billing or shipping address. This mirrors typical behavior when entering phone numbers in real life, where users often omit the country code for local numbers.

Q: Where are phone numbers validated and formatted, and where are they only formatted on save?
Phone numbers are validated and formatted when the order is created at Checkout and when updated on the My Account page. Phone numbers are only formatted upon saving without additional validation for scenarios like order edits, manually created orders or user profile updates.

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