Peddling ahead of the curve


Today, we’re excited to share a design with you all which captured our attention from the first moment we laid eyes on it. Clean, crisp and generous with open space are 3 characteristics that come to mind when introducing this bright new entry into our catalog. Ladies and gentlemen… peddling onto stage today is Peddlar, our latest WordPress theme.

Meet Peddlar

When setting up any website, the objective should always be to showcase the content in the best way possible. With its generous amount of open space, Peddlar aims to do exactly this.

As Peddlar is primarily intended as a storefront theme, the homepage includes an area for showcasing the latest products in your catalog, as well as support for the WooCommerce Brands extension for showcasing the brands your company works with.

Designed by Gary Murray, Peddlar can be shaped and crafted as desired with a few small tweaks in a child theme, or using the in-built theme styling options.

With the store functionality powered by WooCommerce, the entire WooCommerce extensions library is also at your disposal to take your online store to the next level.

Peddlar theme overview

Full-width Featured Slider

Peddlar includes a full-width featured slider area, for showcasing just about any information you wish to offer your visitors. Powered by its own custom post type, you could place a call to action, a video or just really attractive photographs in this wide showcase area of your homepage.

Not just for online stores

While Peddlar is primarily a store front-focussed theme, the design can be used for anything from a standard business-style layout to your own personal branded nameplate website. With styling support for our Features and Testimonials plugins, as well as a “Blog” and a “Business” page template, your own design is just a few small tweaks away in the “Theme Options” section.


Create quick and simple alternate styles

Customising your copy of “Peddlar” to meet your desires is important to us. With this in mind, no expense has been spared to ensure ease of use and customisation of the theme with a few clicks and your custom eye-catching imagery. Alternate colour styles have also been included, to quickly provide a unique feel on your website. These alternate styles showcase it’s flexibility with each CSS file being only a few lines of extra styling.

Discount Coupon

Grab this theme with a 13% discount coupon, valid until 16th May, 2013. Just use PEDDLAR13 as your coupon code on checkout.

Visit the Woo Marketplace for all the tools you need.
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  1. Modkid
    May 9, 2013

    Looks pretty good! Really dig the openness and it is a great way to showcase your products. I might go for this one 🙂 as an upgrade from wootique.

  2. Phang Moh
    May 9, 2013

    Still waiting for the portfolio plugin…
    Other than that, it’s an awesome clean looking theme.

    • Toni
      May 9, 2013

      Yeah! The portfolio plugin would be a update 4 all wooenthusiasts…

      • Karen
        May 10, 2013

        I second this!

    • Matty Cohen
      Woo staff
      May 10, 2013

      A portfolio plugin is being worked on. No ETA as yet.

      Stay tuned to this blog for more info, as it develops. 🙂

      • nightrider
        May 15, 2013

        So is the spec set in stone? I have yet to see a WordPress-based portfolio system that meets the requirements of my clients, but some themes over in a forested area come extremely close. In fact, one of my clients bought a theme over there and dumped my Canvas-based design, largely because of the limitations of its portfolio system. So, I have some input if you’re interested.

      • Matt
        May 23, 2013


        I think a portfolio plugin is a must for all new themes.

      • sheila
        June 12, 2013

        Progress or ETA on the portfolio plug-in?

  3. samantha9
    May 9, 2013

    Very nice! What plugin/feature showcases the Brands below the testimonials on the homepage of the demo?

    +1 Portfolio plugin

    • samantha9
      May 9, 2013

      OK. Just saw the answer above 🙂

  4. Wendely Leal
    May 9, 2013

    I subscribed for Themes Club but I can’t access my account or reset my password. I can’t found a phone for contact and none of my contacts was answered.

    I’m effectively losing money due to lack of support.

    Sorry about the off-topic comment, I’m trying every contact possible.

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      May 9, 2013

      Hey Wendely,

      Sorry for the trouble here, have you emailed us here? – help[at]

      • Wendely Leal
        May 10, 2013

        Didn’t find this or the info@ e-mail. Since my comments aren’t comments and are off-topic, please delete them. Thanks.

  5. Davys
    May 10, 2013

    Looks very similiar to the other ones.. I am not impressed.
    Yet to see a WC theme that will blow my mind.

    • Matty Cohen
      Woo staff
      May 10, 2013

      Hi Davys.

      It looks pretty unique to me. 🙂

      In your opinion, which does it look similar to?

    • FireIFA
      May 13, 2013

      I am agree with you. Since months ago WooThemes doesn’t have anything new and fresh, all themes seems child themes of canvas.

  6. frano09
    May 10, 2013

    Nice theme, please provide more of these theme which give woocommerce a great boost! Great work

  7. wilw
    May 10, 2013

    A very nice and versatile theme, indeed. Great job.

    While reviewing the theme, I noticed that the Testimonials appear right below the slider and not just above the footer – unless you add the Testimonials widget to the Footer Full Width widget area.

    • srikat
      May 11, 2013

      “unless you add the Testimonials widget to the Footer Full Width widget area.”

      Yes. That’s how it is set up on the demo site.

      Also in Homepage Setup panel, disable Recent Products, Testimonials and Features. Add these in “Homepage” sidebar.

  8. Pete
    May 10, 2013

    Hi guys,

    Sorry to hijack the thread (like another user) – but I have also been experiencing issues getting into my account. The lost password doesn’t work now for at least 3 days. I have sent 3 or so separate customer support tickets and heard nothing. And now, today – your lost password functionality does not work.

    How do I get into my account that I have paid for?

    Thank you.

    • Coen Jacobs
      May 10, 2013

      As we suggested above, please contact our support team either through the Support Portal or by emailing directly to us via help[at]

      • Pete
        May 11, 2013

        Thank you for getting back in touch Coen. I have tried both options and heard nothing back. I am really at a loss right now as to what to do to access my account.

        • Pete
          May 14, 2013

          Hi Coen, still waiting to hear back from somebody on staff. Is there any possibility you could email somebody on your team about this. I have been waiting nearly a week now and still have no access.

  9. Conor
    May 10, 2013

    What twitter widget is that because Jetpacks new version is garbage? nice theme

    • Hugh Lashbrooke
      May 10, 2013

      The Twitter widget is using our own WooDojo plugin:

    • srikat
      May 11, 2013

      “WooDojo – Social Widgets” to be specific.

  10. Matthew Stapleford
    May 10, 2013

    Wow, this is really nice! I think this has got to be my favourite. Nice work Woo, looking forward to having a play with this 🙂

  11. Lee
    May 10, 2013

    The brands plugin shown in the list of extensions doesn’t look like it does the same as shown in this theme. Can you confirm that it is the same plugin? Looks really neat on here.

    • James Koster
      May 13, 2013

      Yup, same plugin. Post in support if you’re having problems.

  12. Katie
    May 10, 2013

    Any chance you’ll release a new FREE theme anytime soon? Crossing my fingers!

  13. allmyhoney
    May 10, 2013

    Looks great, looking forward to more sensei love to be honest 😉

    • James Koster
      May 13, 2013

      Jeff is working on something new and exciting for Sensei as we speak 🙂 #tease

      • allmyhoney
        May 13, 2013

        top stuff my friend 😉 glad to hear it. I can see this sensei plugin really growing in the coming years.

  14. Brin
    May 10, 2013

    Very nice looking!

  15. mac-d
    May 13, 2013

    Correct me if i’m wrong… but mega-menu is a must-have for e-commerce nowdays…
    Why you guys do not integrate it into the themes?

  16. Big-G
    May 13, 2013

    No Pinterest button? All sites need to integrate with the world’s fastest growing website out of the box if you want serious traffic.

  17. SteveO
    May 13, 2013

    The theme looks great but it’s a bit annoying on the homepage when the resizing slider makes everything else slide up and down.

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      May 14, 2013

      You can use the slide images all made with the same height to alleviate the problem. 🙂

  18. rgregory
    May 13, 2013

    I really like this new theme! Great, simple design.

    One thing I’m looking for in the ‘front page widgets’ is a widget that let’s my front page act like the store page.

    I’d love my store page to have the nice slider at the top and I think it would be easy. Why not a nice ‘front page widget’ that let’s you control the products displayed a little more than the typical ‘recent products’? Why not a more robust widget that has ‘recent products’ as an option? But also has category as an option? Or number of products displayed as an option?

  19. candeed
    May 15, 2013

    Very nice theme.. Flat, light and clean.. Quite trendy I guess..



  20. qmanrei
    May 16, 2013

    Do you know if DAP will work with this theme? I’m interested in using the theme for online courses with Drip content structure.

  21. Sara
    May 16, 2013

    My favorite WooTheme to date. More like this one please!

  22. Leokoo
    May 18, 2013

    Wow! it looks really good =)

  23. Techgarage
    May 18, 2013

    Appreciate the hard work =)

  24. stgoos
    May 20, 2013

    Nice and clean BUT it’s impossible to give the header section a full width background(-color) and to align the header image to the center…

  25. Lekisha Dreith
    May 23, 2013

    Nice theme, please provide more of these theme which give woocommerce a great boost! Very nice looking!

  26. Kelly.E
    June 8, 2013

    Many thanks for the amazing template.Great theme!

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