Turn Ideas into Products and Capture your Creative Spirit with the Woo Mobile App

We’re excited to announce a new feature for the WooCommerce Mobile App – but first, a little backstory before the big reveal.

Back in the day

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When we set out to rebuild the iOS and Android experiences back in 2017, our goal was to create a “Minimum Viable Lovable Product” (or MVLP if you’re a fan of acronyms). 

You may have heard of a “Minimum Viable Product” or MVP — it’s a common way to describe an early version of a product that has the potential to meet your target market’s needs. But as a team of passionate product definers, designers, and developers, we wanted a goal that underlined that these mobile apps are created for humans, by humans

What is love?

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Since relaunching version 1.0 of the WooCommerce Mobile App in 2019, we’ve read your reviews, and counted our stars — never resting too long before moving onto the next product milestones. We asked each other, “Do you love what you’ve put into the app, and do you think our customers feel that?”

We asked each other, “Do you love what you’ve put into the app, and do you think our customers feel that?”

The WooCommerce Mobile App enables store owners to manage orders, verify billing, and oversee multiple stores on the go. But beyond having a purely functional place in your life, we aspire for the Woo App to bring joy to people — whether it’s through that addictive “cha-ching” notification that comes with every sale or by giving you the tools to help to capture your creative spirit whenever (and wherever) it strikes. 

So when the time came to tackle your most-requested feature on the ideas board, we sent out the Bat-Signal to all of our developer elves (it’s a mixed metaphor, but a great one, don’t you think?) in order to make it happen in time for the holiday season.

Ta-daaa: Say hello to in-app product creation

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Fast-forward to today: For the first time, you can create simple, grouped, and external products directly in the Woo Mobile App. Have an idea? Turn it into a product as quickly as you can name it, photograph it, and price it. Publish with the tap of a button, or save it as a draft for later. 

Viewing and editing products on mobile has been possible for some time, but creating and publishing products in-app is a fundamentally different activity that hints at more of what the team has in store for future app development.

screenshots of adding products in the Woo mobile app

Sell anything, anywhere

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At WooCommerce, we pride ourselves on helping store owners sell anything, anywhere. Now that you can add products on the go, version 5.5 represents the most holistic Woo App experience to date on both iOS and Android.

mobile app features showing product creation, analytics, and more

For those who may be considering WooCommerce but haven’t yet made the leap, know that we’re committed to bringing you competitive features and experiences whether you choose to work from your desktop, phone, or tablet.

We know that you’re not just looking for your desktop on a smaller screen, but a streamlined version of your back-end where you can manage your products and store quickly and easily. 

Made with 💜

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Here’s what’s in store for 2021:

  • Deeper support for more extensions
  • In-person payments
  • More stats and trends
  • Widgets
  • Plus a few fun social elements up our sleeves

We hope you’ll love the latest version of the WooCommerce Mobile App. Go on — download it for your operating system via the links below, tap into your creativity — get it? — and bring your product ideas to life. 

Download the app today.

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  1. Aaryan Sharma
    December 12, 2020

    I would love it if it had a “connection” plugin instead of Jetpack. Great work regardless!

    • Luis
      December 12, 2020


      • Paul
        December 22, 2020


    • Merlin
      December 22, 2020

      I agree. They shut down my jetpack because my company sells 100% legal CBD products. Which they for some reason decided to ban even though its legal. Now I can’t even use this app!

      • Gareth
        Woo staff
        December 23, 2020

        Sorry to hear this, Merlin. While I’m not privy to the details surrounding your particular situation, I’d recommend reaching out to our support team via your WooCommerce.com account dashboard for clarification. Hope this helps.

  2. Maheswaran Mahalingam
    December 12, 2020

    I hope atleast this comes with multi city pricing

  3. Gaurav Jain
    December 12, 2020

    The next step for the woocommerce mobile team should be inclusion of barcode scanner in product and order search.

    • Gareth
      Woo staff
      December 23, 2020

      Nice idea, Gaurav! Why not add it to the ideas board? 😉

  4. KRoss
    December 22, 2020

    Too bad one needs to have jetpack installed… why tie these together…?

    • Gareth
      Woo staff
      December 23, 2020

      Hi Katherine – thanks for your comment.

      Jetpack enables a connection to your self-hosted site and provides a common authentication interface across disparate server configurations and architectures. We use Jetpack to connect your store with the tools needed to give you the best mobile experience, such as push notifications and stats. 🙂

  5. Kurt Schlatzer
    December 24, 2020

    It’s a shame it requires Jetpack, especially on sites that block xmlrpc.php for security reasons.

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