WooCommerce has a lot of downloads

That’s a lot of people using WooCommerce! When humanizing a statistical figure of 500,000 we realise how massive our eCommerce plugin has grown in 16 months. It’s transformed our business, and according to all your feedback enabled businesses all around the world.

With that said we are celebrating this milestone in true Woo fashion.

50% off all WooCommerce extensions for 24 hours only

That’s right, if you act quick, you can make a significant saving on any WooCommerce extension to further enhance your WordPress powered shopfront. We’ve created the coupon code “WC500K” that will issue the discount on checkout. Don’t forget to enter it and don’t waste time. Go! Go! Go!

View our extensions

Update: This promotion has now ended and the coupon has expired

This coupon only applies to WooCommerce extensions available on our site, not third party extensions that link out from our catalog to other sites.

We love hearing from our community about your experience with our products and have created a special page dedicated to our 500,000 downloads accolade. Please leave a comment on that page with how WooCommerce has enabled an income stream of yours and/or enabled a business you thought otherwise impossible.

We’ll be issuing spot prizes to those who participate.

A special mention and congratulatory shout out to our small product team behind WooCommerce – Mike Jolley, Jay Koster and Coen Jacobs, along with our fantastic support team working at ground level making customers happy!

Visit the Woo Marketplace for all the tools you need.
Mark Forrester Avatar



  1. frano09
    January 28, 2013

    Great stuff, counting the days for the v2!

    A remark: i find myself checking which extensions are new. It would be great if you guys could show the ‘date added’ (which is visible on the extension detail page) on the categorie/list view.

    • wdh
      Woo staff
      January 28, 2013

      Thanks for the suggestion, we’ll definitely try to get that implemented 🙂

  2. jletesson
    January 28, 2013

    To bad, I spent 100$ on extension yesterday! I knew that I had to wait a little bit more…

    Congratulations anyway.

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      January 28, 2013

      Shoot us a message. 😉 – support[at]woocommerce.com

  3. Guillem Torras
    January 28, 2013

    Congrats! Does the coupon apply for Sensei? Thanks

    • uddhava
      January 28, 2013

      It says : 50% off on WooCommerce extentions.

      • Mark Forrester
        Woo staff
        January 28, 2013

        Correct. Sensei does not apply Guillem.

  4. John Saddington
    January 28, 2013

    congrats guys! that’s fantastic!

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      January 28, 2013

      Thanks John, nice to have you around lately. 😉

      Hopefully 8BIT is enjoying WooCommerce too!

  5. Bryan
    January 28, 2013

    Congratulations to WooCommerce team! The coupon arrives at the right time for you. 🙂

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      January 28, 2013

      And for you too! 😉

  6. Chris Lema
    January 28, 2013

    Great job guys! I gladly have and will continue to give you my money!

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      January 28, 2013

      That’s why we love you, Chris!

      Only kidding, you know we love you for many more reasons than that!

  7. gregoryfu
    January 28, 2013

    When precisely (date-time and zone or gmt) does the promo end? Thanks.

    • Mark Forrester
      Woo staff
      January 28, 2013

      Midnight 29th January (UTC Time)

  8. John Turner
    January 28, 2013

    Congrats guys! WooCommerce is a quality product. Onward and upward!

  9. Jake
    January 28, 2013

    time to load up on the last few extensions I need. BTW I just saw you updated fedex and a few other extensions- THX.

  10. allmyhoney
    January 28, 2013

    cannot check out or get support due to a temporary error message from wpengine – just a heads up incase you guys do not know this.

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      January 30, 2013

      Sorry about that there, hopefully not running into that still. Just let us know if otherwise!

  11. Rose - Simple Jewelry
    January 28, 2013

    Congrats! I’m using Woo to make a backup of my Etsy jewelry shop – and hopefully fly out of the Etsy nest for good 🙂

    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      January 30, 2013

      That’s awesome to hear, Rose!

      We’d love to hear about your experience with selling between both Etsy and WooCommerce. Keep us posted please! 🙂

  12. ehong33234
    January 29, 2013

    When does this coupon expire? 24 hours I know but what time? Thanks!

    • James Koster
      January 29, 2013

      Midnight 29th January (UTC Time)

      • Rob
        January 30, 2013

        It would have been more helpful to know this beforehand….. start/end date/time

        • Ryan Ray
          Woo staff
          January 30, 2013

          We’ll be sure to be much clearer on that the next time it’s needed. We will most always base these off of UTC time, just as an FYI. 🙂

  13. sgcloset
    January 29, 2013

    Hi I am going to buy more than 1 extension right now.
    But why after I entered my credit card information your system decline the transaction?
    Any other option for payment method? PAYPAL?


    • Ryan Ray
      Woo staff
      January 30, 2013

      If you’ve not yet, shoot us an email. – help[at]woocommerce.com

  14. afcastro
    January 29, 2013


    which themes are optimal for use with Sensei?


    • Magnus
      January 29, 2013

      Definition is the best fit styling wise.

      • afcastro
        January 29, 2013

        Ok… i guess i knew that… any other good marriages?

        • Ryan Ray
          Woo staff
          January 30, 2013

          I think Canvas will be getting some work to integrate better with Sensei, and we will be publishing docs on integrating it into any theme too!

  15. zlosh
    January 29, 2013

    Congrats! when the v2 will be released?

  16. Creatyz
    January 30, 2013

    Thanks for the 24-hour offer; it would be helpful if there was a start date and time for this ….. I just wanted to take advantage of this offer but noticed the promo code no longer works ….. ;(

  17. Ingrid Ekkers
    January 31, 2013

    I wanted to buy 5 extensions today and found out that I was 3 days late for the big bonus.
    Do you have a consolation prize for the unfortunate people 😉
    Ingrid (The Netherlands)

  18. luyendao
    February 3, 2013

    Loving WooThemes – had a bunch of extensions i was going to discuss with my business partner but the discount ran out, didn’t know it was only for 24 hours. Any discounts coming soon?

  19. roodude
    February 7, 2013

    Here’s one more vote for another 24 hours. I’ve got three or four extensions I’d like to test out, but it is tough to do at full price. C’mon guys! Tomorrow is National Girl Scout Cookie Day. Let’s have a sale! http://www.marshfieldnewsherald.com/article/20130207/MNH04/302070311/February-8-declared-National-Girl-Scout-Cookie-Day

  20. supton
    February 8, 2013

    Aww! Can’t believe I missed this great offer! Even more ironic since I just defected from Jigoshop 😉 Currently got $235 sat in the cart and trying to figure out which extensions I really really need and which can wait!

  21. jspmedia
    February 9, 2013

    any chinese new year coupon?

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