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3. Set Up Products



  • Bulk Editing Products

    Much like WordPress’ other post types that let you assign categories, tags or post statuses en masse, WooCommerce products also have a bulk editing feature. This document covers the bulk editing options for WooCommerce products. Refer to Adding and Managing Products for individual product management. To access bulk editing features: An edit screen with the […]

  • Custom Fields on Products

    WooCommerce offers the capability to enhance your product listings with custom fields, a feature that allows you to display additional product details to customers. Custom fields are additional metadata of your products, which can be utilized in various ways within your theme or site to display extra information, tailor the shopping experience, or provide specific […]

  • Find Product Category IDs

    Some WooCommerce shortcodes ask for the category ID to display a list of categories. This document shows how you can locate the ID for your product categories. More info at Shortcodes included with WooCommerce. To find the product category ID: Finding other WooCommerce IDs

  • Fixing Blurry Product Images

    The majority of blurry product images incidents are caused by theme styling, meaning the design of the theme has image dimensions in pixels that may not play nicely with WooCommerce. Anytime a new theme is activated or image dimension settings are changed, old thumbnails need to be regenerated under WooCommerce > Settings > Status > Tools […]